
bcmoney's public fiddles

  • Futurebox3 (CSS inline modal/popup)

    I take no credit for this, save for my eye for the best lightest weight approach to achieving a modal/lightbox style inline (unblockable) popup. All the hardwork was done by TheCSSninja, and I am forever grateful to him! I've used this a lot in my little projects, especially to replace the bulkier (but "best of the rest" Greybox), in fact that reminds me I should send him some beer/coffee money donations. For a comparison grid for the other top common solutions that most people use to achieve the same effects, see: http://planetozh.com/projects/lightbox-clones/

  • ContentFlow (JS Coverflow)

    Implemenation of the CoverFlow-inspired ContentFlow JavaScript libary. Working example: http://bcmoney-mobiletv.com/widgets/contentflow/ Other popular libraries are: http://luwes.co/projects/js-cover-flow/ https://vanderlee.github.io/coverflow/ https://coverflowjs.github.io/coverflow/ http://simile-widgets.org/runway/ http://www.mb5u.com/jscode/html/Prototype/1041_protoflow/

  • DBpedia API - Music

    Use the DBpedia API to perform Music data lookups including Artist (info/pic) & Albums (songs/cover-art). Tutorial: http://www.onemusicapi.com/blog/2014/09/10/querying-wikipedia-album-artwork/ SPARQL: http://dbpedia.org/sparql

  • MusicBrainz v2

    Client-side code for querying the MusicBrainz API v2.0 (XML or JSON Web Service) using jQuery AJAX requests. For more info, see: * MusicBrainz dev resources: https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development * MusicBrainz Web Service: https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development/XML_Web_Service/Version_2 * MusicBrainz DB Schema: https://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_Database/Schema * MusicBrainz query formatting: http://forums.musicbrainz.org/viewtopic.php?pid=22929#p22929 Based on previous example from GitHub: https://github.com/duncanjbrown/Simple-MusicBrainz-API-Wrapper-JS For albums, get the value of "title" from the following: http://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/release-group/?query=artist:metallica%20AND%20type:album

  • InfoVis graphs (GoogleCharts fallback)

    Javascript InfoVis Toolkit (JIT) examples: http://philogb.github.io/jit/demos.html Also a few quick & dirty Google Charts API fallbacks: https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/barchart#coloring-bars

  • D3.js - Line Chart from object (X.vs.Y)

    Data Driven Documents javascript library (D3.js) This is an example of loading in-page/in-object data, based on converting the file-based TSV loading example basic Line Chart from: http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3883245 This type of chart is perfect for the changes in a single value over time.

  • Processing.JS - Charts/Graphs

    Processing.JS project ports the Processing statistical modeling and visualization platform to the web. Here are the simplest possible examples of a Pie Chart, Bar Chart and Line Graph: http://chrislarson.me/blog/processingjs-example-pie-chart.html http://processingjs.org/learning/basic/

  • OpenLayers 3.x - Store Locator

    Concept for a Store Locator using OpenLayers 3.x + OpenStreetMaps + GeoNames' nearbyPlaceNames API for reverse geocoding Lat/Lon to a location. The same map could also be used to locate winners (if so desired).

  • OpenLayers 3.x

    OpenLayers 3. (Popup example): http://doc.jsfiddle.net/use/echo.html

  • Cisco UCCX Chat Widget

    Basic Chat widget exported directly from UCCX backend.

  • Cookie handling

    CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update & Delete) of browser-based Cookies to persist data on the client-side beyond the life of the page.

  • JS Session/Countdown Timer

    Examples of countdown timers (i.e. could be used to track session time before auto-logout, or, promotions until a specific event such as a product-launch happens or big deal is available). Stylized counter based on the excellent example at: http://www.sitepoint.com/build-javascript-countdown-timer-no-dependencies/ Basic text example is original work which started from a problem where I needed a method to simply calculate the time between two dates and displays as a basic countdown clock (in HH:MM:SS format).

  • Interactive Chat button

    Example of an in-house Live/Web Chat callout button and graphic. Meant to be a sample implementation of a Basic Chat widget form as exported directly from UCCX Admin backend. CSS3 Callout and rounded corners developed based on example/tutorial "CSS3 speech bubble" code at: http://www.sitepoint.com/pure-css3-speech-bubbles/

  • User-Agent Mobile Device check

    Utilize the User-Agent string to determine with JavaScript if the device accessing the page/app is a Mobile Device or not (Desktop, TV, Projector or other large screen, etc)

  • Inactivity Timer

    An "Inactivty Timer" which allows you to keep track of when users are interacting with your page/app or just sitting idle.

  • Countup Timer/Stopwatch

    A "countup timer" also known as a stopwatch, starts counting when a particular event happens (in this case examples shown with trigger events being Page load and Button click).

  • Unit Testing JavaScript

    Example of how to unit test your JavaScript code with Qunit: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2012/06/introduction-to-javascript-unit-testing/

  • Digital Element

    NetAcuity Cloud solution by Digital Element

  • Neustar

    Neustar GeoIP Intelligence tool

  • MaxMind - GeoIP

    MaxMind's GeoIP2 Precision Services