
bcmoney's public fiddles

  • JIRA issue collector

    Gather player Feedback post DARWIN go-live using Atlassian's JIRA issue collector API.

  • Proline Stadium

    Proline Stadium - the current static layout .vs. Beta responsive layout

  • Skype API

    Click-to-Call (working) and Status (deprecated)

  • 0ytym94w

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • JSFiddle - Echo JSON

    Adapted from the jQuery-dependent version: http://jsfiddle.net/SpYk3/rcUea/ Used to be alot easier to test external APIs, Web Services, SOAP/REST, XML, JSON, even JSONp it was all good as JSFiddle introduced full CORS supported. They've since locked it down so not only do you have to use HTTPS (SSL) for all External Resources included, but you also need to request to an internal "mock API" with the request body being a sample of the known API response format that you want to get back. This "echo" service will just spit back out whatever you feed it, so it can be useful for testing, but its annoying... more details: http://doc.jsfiddle.net/use/echo.html

  • Autosuggest for Term search

    AJAX autosuggest popup for looking up terms/acronyms (NOTE changed JSON results format from "value" to "term" for retrieval, also changed GET to POST request): http://www.brandspankingnew.net/specials/ajax_autosuggest/ajax_autosuggest_autocomplete.html jQuery UI Autocomplete customized version of: https://jqueryui.com/autocomplete/ HTML5 autocomplete example: https://www.webcodegeeks.com/html5/html5-autocomplete-example/

  • CSS3 Pie Chart

    CSS3 Pie Chart with no other dependencies: http://atomicnoggin.ca/blog/2010/02/20/pure-css3-pie-charts/ Similar to the following (but that one doesn't work in IE only CSS3-compatible browsers): https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/07/css3-design-contest-results/

  • Embedded PDF

    Attempt to embed a full PDF inline for display on DARWIN Dashboard. Note that Sharepoint itself has an X-FRAME-OPTIONS which prevents iframing or embedding any Sharepoint content.

  • CSV table display

    For displaying the latest News, Risks, Issues, Events (from Excel) CSV parsing function shamelessly lifted from: http://www.greywyvern.com/?post=258

  • JS regex replace HTML with Text

    JavaScript function and example utility for replacing an HTML text string with a plain text string, simply stripping any HTML tags. It uses Regular Expressions for the stripping of the HTML tags which could be somewhat error-prone, but should fit most cases, in particular JIRA-SpiraTest synchronization problem text.

  • CSS Bar Chart (vertical)

    CSS Bar Chart option: http://wojodesign.com/css-stacked-bar-graphs/

  • Burndown Chart

    Two dependencies: - jQuery lib (already have it on our's) - HighCharts.js (NOTE: requires a small commercial license when used in Production)

  • Gauge Chart Example

    An example of a Gauge Chart using three options: https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/gauge http://bernii.github.io/gauge.js/ http://justgage.com/

  • DARWIN Dashboard

    Prototype for building a dashboard for the DARWIN program. Uses jQuery + Bootstrap framework: http://api.jquery.com/ http://getbootstrap.com/components/ http://getbootstrap.com/examples/dashboard/ http://getbootstrap.com/examples/grid/ https://css-tricks.com/box-sizing/ https://github.com/Serhioromano/bootstrap-calendar

  • Line Chart (SVG)

    How to make charts with SVG: https://css-tricks.com/how-to-make-charts-with-svg/

  • Ember.JS

    JS lib #19

  • React.JS latest

    Latest version of React.JS

  • Ionic.JS

    Angular 1.x + slick UI features

  • Angular.JS 2x

    JS lib #16