
x9xjdzz9's public fiddles

  • MapBox Max Zoom Bug

    MaxBox does not show the vector layer when the map zoom level is greater than the max zoom level of the vector tile set.

  • queryRenderedFeatures Bug

    This example shows how queryRenderedFeatures will not return text features that are hidden due to overlapping. Clicking on the # symbol should return all features at that location, but it only returns the first.

  • queryRenderedFeatures Bug

    This example shows how queryRenderedFeatures will not return text features that are hidden due to overlapping. Clicking on the # symbol should return all features at that location, but it only returns the first.

  • OL3 No Overlap With Outline Bug

    This shows a bug in OL3 v3.19.1 where the incorrect style is applied to a feature. The first polygon should be red. If you set overlaps to true or you remove the stroke on the style, the correct style is applied to both polygons.