
tjmcdevitt's public fiddles

  • 3cz1vfng

    jQuery 1.9.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • bootstrap 4

    jQuery 3.4.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • bootstrap 4

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • jQuery Validation

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • jQuery-validate Example

    jQuery 2.0.2, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • jQuery toggleClass example

    Toggle class name on click in jQuery

  • Alerts

    AngularJS 1.1.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • L6qog1de

    jQuery 3.4.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Custom sorting algorithm

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • nwofd47m

    jQuery 1.8.3, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • jQuery.on() sample

    http://api.jquery.com/on/ "Delegated events have the advantage that they can process events from descendant elements that are added to the document at a later time. By picking an element that is guaranteed to be present at the time the delegated event handler is attached, you can use delegated events to avoid the need to frequently attach and remove event handlers. This element could be the container element of a view in a Model-View-Controller design, for example, or document if the event handler wants to monitor all bubbling events in the document. The document element is available in the head of the document before loading any other HTML, so it is safe to attach events there without waiting for the document to be ready. In addition to their ability to handle events on descendant elements not yet created, another advantage of delegated events is their potential for much lower overhead when many elements must be monitored. On a data table with 1,000 rows in its tbody, this example attaches a handler to 1,000 elements: $( "#dataTable tbody tr" ).on( "click", function() { alert( $( this ).text() ); }); A delegated-events approach attaches an event handler to only one element, the tbody, and the event only needs to bubble up one level (from the clicked tr to tbody): $( "#dataTable tbody" ).on( "click", "tr", function() { alert( $( this ).text() ); }); Attaching many delegated event handlers near the top of the document tree can degrade performance. Each time the event occurs, jQuery must compare all selectors of all attached events of that type to every element in the path from the event target up to the top of the document. For best performance, attach delegated events at a document location as close as possible to the target elements. Avoid excessive use of document or document.body for delegated events on large documents. jQuery can process simple selectors of the form tag#id.class very quickly when they are used to filter delegated events. So, "#myForm", "a.external", and "button" are all fast selectors. Delegated events that use more complex selectors, particularly hierarchical ones, can be several times slower--although they are still fast enough for most applications. Hierarchical selectors can often be avoided simply by attaching the handler to a more appropriate point in the document. For example, instead of $( "body" ).on( "click", "#commentForm .addNew", addComment ) use $( "#commentForm" ).on( "click", ".addNew", addComment ).

  • pqda6v1y

    jQuery 2.2.4, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • 435hojek

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • mdkx9h0w

    jQuery 1.8.3, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • 3nLt8sr7

    jQuery 1.9.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • thjcws1u

    jQuery 1.9.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • 07ufo5xr

    jQuery 1.7.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • 7ranLvw8

    jQuery 1.8.3, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • addMethod validate example
