
Bubba's public fiddles

  • Haven Today Json Transformation

    jQuery 3.4.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Bubba's Engineering Challenge

    For this challenge, we will build a Functional Reactive System ("FRP"), which allows us to declare reactive values ("re-values") that are dependent only on other re-values and/or on mutable values ("mu-values", imagine these being values stored in a database). Sort of like a generalized spreadsheet. This system should allow us to recompute re-values in an efficient manner when mu-values change. We start with the most naive implementation possible -- one in which re-values are always recomputed on every access. The code is structured in a way to measure a certain "cost" of computation based on the number of times a re-value is computed. The initial cost is 95 and your goal is to bring it down while preserving correctness. How low can it go?