
Susanna's public fiddles

  • Caesars Cipher

    One of the simplest and most widely known ciphers is a Caesar cipher, also known as a shift cipher. In a shift cipher the meanings of the letters are shifted by some set amount. A common modern use is the ROT13 cipher, where the values of the letters are shifted by 13 places. Thus 'A' ↔ 'N', 'B' ↔ 'O' and so on. Write a function which takes a ROT13 encoded string as input and returns a decoded string. All letters will be uppercase. Do not transform any non-alphabetic character (i.e. spaces, punctuation), but do pass them on.

  • Where do I belong

    Return the lowest index at which a value (second argument) should be inserted into an array (first argument) once it has been sorted.

  • Seek and Destroy

    Remove all elements from the initial array that are of the same value as these arguments. Filter through Boolean values.

  • Mutating Words

    Return true if the string in the first element of the array contains all of the letters of the string in the second element of the array.

  • Chunky Monkey

    Splitting arrays into specific sized chunks using a while loop to go to the array. In the loop, I slice the array and use the count as the starting point, ending slice with count + the size. This then pushes out into the number of arrays.

  • Truncating a String

    If num <= string, then return the amt of string. Inner else num > string, then slice the string - 3 characters then + "...". Else if the num = str, return the str by itself.

  • Contact Cards

    A Javascript code that loops through contacts returning the specific contact's name and phone number.

  • Nav

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Counter

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Counter

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Counter

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Counter

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • mjty0d9g

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • njyumus3

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript