Edit in JSFiddle

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Jscex.config.codeGenerator = function (code) { return "false || " + code; }
<![endif]--><div style="border-bottom: #222 15px solid; border-left: #222 15px solid; background-color: #111; color: #ccc; border-top: #222 15px solid; border-right: #222 15px solid"><canvas id="myCanvas4" width="700" height="500">Your browser does not support the canvas element. </canvas></div>
        var canvas;
        var stage;

        var txt;
        var shape;
        var count = 0;

        function init() {
            canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas4");
            stage = new Stage(canvas);

            // Create a new Text object, and position it on stage:
            txt = new Text("text on the canvas... 0!", "16px Arial", "#FFF");
            txt.textBaseline = "top"; // draw text relative to the top of the em box.
            txt.x = 10;
            txt.y = 10;
            // txt.rotation = 20;
            //txt.outline = true;
            txt2 = new Text("text on the canvas... 0!", "16px Arial", "#FFF");
            txt2.textBaseline = "top"; // draw text relative to the top of the em box.
            txt2.x = 10;
            txt2.y = 30;
            txt3 = new Text("text on the canvas... 0!", "16px Arial", "#FFF");
            txt3.textBaseline = "top"; // draw text relative to the top of the em box.
            txt3.x = 10;
            txt3.y = 50;
            txt4 = new Text("text on the canvas... 0!", "16px Arial", "#FFF");
            txt4.textBaseline = "top"; // draw text relative to the top of the em box.
            txt4.x = 10;
            txt4.y = 70;
            // this shape will be the background for the text:
            shape = new Shape();
            shape.x = txt.x;
            shape.y = txt.y;
            shape.rotation = txt.rotation;
            stage.addChildAt(shape, 0);
            txt.text = "text on the canvas... " + count + "!";
            shape.graphics.clear().drawRect(-10, -10, txt.getMeasuredWidth() + 20, 36 + 20);


      var Matrix4 = function (n11, n12, n13, n14, n21, n22, n23, n24, n31, n32, n33, n34, n41, n42, n43, n44) {


        n11 || 1, n12 || 0, n13 || 0, n14 || 0,
        n21 || 0, n22 || 1, n23 || 0, n24 || 0,
        n31 || 0, n32 || 0, n33 || 1, n34 || 0,
        n41 || 0, n42 || 0, n43 || 0, n44 || 1


      Matrix4.prototype = {

          constructor: Matrix4,

          set: function (n11, n12, n13, n14, n21, n22, n23, n24, n31, n32, n33, n34, n41, n42, n43, n44) {

              this.n11 = n11; this.n12 = n12; this.n13 = n13; this.n14 = n14;
              this.n21 = n21; this.n22 = n22; this.n23 = n23; this.n24 = n24;
              this.n31 = n31; this.n32 = n32; this.n33 = n33; this.n34 = n34;
              this.n41 = n41; this.n42 = n42; this.n43 = n43; this.n44 = n44;

              return this;


          restore: function () {


            1, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 1, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 1, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 1


              return this;

          multiplyVector4: function (v) {

              var vx = v.x, vy = v.y, vz = v.z, vw = v.w;

              v.x = this.n11 * vx + this.n21 * vy + this.n31 * vz + this.n41 * vw;
              v.y = this.n12 * vx + this.n22 * vy + this.n32 * vz + this.n42 * vw;
              v.z = this.n13 * vx + this.n23 * vy + this.n33 * vz + this.n43 * vw;
              v.w = this.n14 * vx + this.n24 * vy + this.n34 * vz + this.n44 * vw;

              return v;

          copy: function (m) {


            m.n11, m.n12, m.n13, m.n14,
            m.n21, m.n22, m.n23, m.n24,
            m.n31, m.n32, m.n33, m.n34,
            m.n41, m.n42, m.n43, m.n44


              return this;



    <script type="text/javascript">
        var cxt4 = canvas.getContext("2d");
        cxt4.lineWidth = 3;
        var Points4 = new Array();
        var startX4 = 250;
        var startY4 = 250;
        var distance3 = 500;
        var eyePosition4 = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 700 };
        function init4() {
            Points4[0] = { x: 100, y: 100, z: 100 ,w:1};
            Points4[1] = { x: 100, y: 100, z: -100, w: 1 };
            Points4[2] = { x: -100, y: 100, z: -100, w: 1 };
            Points4[3] = { x: -100, y: 100, z: 100, w: 1 };
            Points4[4] = { x: 100, y: -100, z: 100, w: 1 };
            Points4[5] = { x: 100, y: -100, z: -100, w: 1 };
            Points4[6] = { x: -100, y: -100, z: -100, w: 1 };
            Points4[7] = { x: -100, y: -100, z: 100, w: 1 };
        var m4 = new Matrix4();
        var angle = 0;
        var currentAngle4 = 0;
        function transform() {
            angle = degToRad(currentAngle4) 
            for (var i = 0; i < Points4.length; i++) {
           Points4[i]=  m4.multiplyVector4(Points4[i]);
        function changedistance4() {
            for (var i = 0; i < Points4.length; i++) {
                Points4[i].x = Points4[i].x * distance3 / Math.abs(eyePosition4.z - Points4[i].z);
                Points4[i].y = Points4[i].y * distance3 / Math.abs(eyePosition4.z - Points4[i].z);

        var drawCube4 = function () {
            // if (currentAngle4 > 360) currentAngle4 = 0;
            txt.text =  m4.n11 + "_" + m4.n12 + "_" + m4.n13 + "_" + m4.n14;
            txt2.text = m4.n21 + "_" + m4.n22 + "_" + m4.n23 + "_" + m4.n24;
            txt3.text =  m4.n31 + "_" + m4.n32 + "_" + m4.n33 + "_" + m4.n34;
            txt4.text =  m4.n41 + "_" + m4.n42 + "_" + m4.n43 + "_" + m4.n44;
            shape.graphics.clear().drawRect(-10, -10, txt.getMeasuredWidth() + 20, 36 + 20);

            cxt4.clearRect(100, 100, 1200, 1200);
            cxt4.strokeStyle = randomColor();
            cxt4.moveTo(startX4 + Points4[0].x, startY4 - Points4[0].y);
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            cxt4.lineTo(startX4 + Points4[3].x, startY4 - Points4[3].y);
            cxt4.lineTo(startX4 + Points4[0].x, startY4 - Points4[0].y);
            cxt4.moveTo(startX4 + Points4[4].x, startY4 - Points4[4].y);
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            cxt4.lineTo(startX4 + Points4[4].x, startY4 - Points4[4].y);
            cxt4.moveTo(startX4 + Points4[1].x, startY4 - Points4[1].y);
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            cxt4.moveTo(startX4 + Points4[0].x, startY4 - Points4[0].y);
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            cxt4.moveTo(startX4 + Points4[2].x, startY4 - Points4[2].y);
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            cxt4.moveTo(startX4 + Points4[3].x, startY4 - Points4[3].y);
            cxt4.lineTo(startX4 + Points4[7].x, startY4 - Points4[7].y);
        var rotate4Async = eval(Jscex.compile("async", function () {
            while (Points4[0].z<300) {
                currentAngle4 += 5;
        function degToRad(a) {
            return (a / (360 / (2 * Math.PI)));
        function rotate4(angle) {
            for (var i = 0; i < Points4.length; i++) {
                var tempX = Points4[i].x;
                var tempZ = Points4[i].z;
                Points4[i].x = Points4[i].x * Math.cos(angle) - Points4[i].z * Math.sin(angle);
                Points4[i].z = Points4[i].z * Math.cos(angle) + tempX * Math.sin(angle);
            for (var i = 0; i < Points4.length; i++) {
                var tempY = Points4[i].y;
                Points4[i].y = Points4[i].z * Math.sin(angle) - Points4[i].y * Math.cos(angle);
                Points4[i].z = tempY * Math.sin(angle) + Points4[i].z * Math.cos(angle);
        function randomColor() {
            var arrHex = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]; var strHex = "#";
            var index;
            for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                index = Math.round(Math.random() * 15);
                strHex += arrHex[index];
            return strHex;

    <div id="show">
    <input type="button" onclick="rotate4Async().start();" value="开始变换" style="width: 135px" />