Edit in JSFiddle

* Flickr Album
* http://ifiona2012.blogspot.com/
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* Email: [email protected]
function FlickrUtil() {
    "use strict";

(function() {
    "use strict";

    // Flickr rest service address
    FlickrUtil.prototype.DOMAIN = "http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/";

     * Cross-domain ajax request.
     * @param url             AJAX request URL.
     * @param successCallback AJAX success callback function.
    var ajax = function( url, successCallback ) {
            url : url,
            type : "GET",
            dataType : "jsonp",          // JSONP cross-domain request
            crossDomain : true,
            async : true,
            cache : true,
            jsonp : "jsoncallback",      // Callback function is called 'jsoncallback'.
            success : successCallback

     * Append query string to the GET URL.
     * @param params An object of parameters to serialize
     * @param url    URL appended to.
    var appendQuery = function( params, url ) {
        var // Serialize params object into a URL query string
            p = $.param(params),

        url = url || FlickrUtil.prototype.DOMAIN;
        s = url.indexOf('?') < 0 ? "?" : "&";
        return url + s + p;

     * Get a list of public photos for the given user.
     * @param userId          The NSID of the user who's photos to return.
     * @param apiKey          Flickr API application key. See http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html for more details.
     * @param perPage         Number of photos to return per page.
     * @param page            The page of results to return.
     * @param successCallback AJAX success callback function.
    FlickrUtil.prototype.getPublicPhotos = function( userId, apiKey, perPage, page, successCallback ) {
        var method = "flickr.people.getPublicPhotos",

        params = {
            // flickr API: 'flickr.people.getPublicPhotos'.
            method: method, 
            // The NSID of the user who's photos to return.
            user_id: userId, 
            // Flickr API application key.
            api_key : apiKey,
            // Return JSON formatted data.
            format : "json"

        if (perPage) {
            // Set parameter per_page if perPage is specified.
            params.per_page = perPage;
        if (page) {
            // Set parameter page if page is specified.
            params.page = page;

        // Append query parameters to the flickr domain.
        url = appendQuery(params);
        // JSONP GET request.
        ajax(url, successCallback);

     * Returns the available sizes for a photo.
     * @param photoId         The id of the photo to fetch size information for.
     * @param apiKey          Flickr API application key. See http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html for more details.
     * @param successCallback AJAX success callback function.
    FlickrUtil.prototype.getSizes = function( photoId, apiKey, successCallback ) {
        var method = "flickr.photos.getSizes",

        params = {
            // flickr API: flickr.photos.getSizes.
            method: method, 
            // The id of the photo to fetch size information for.
            photo_id: photoId, 
            // Flickr API application key.
            api_key : apiKey, 
            // Return JSON formatted data.
            format : "json"

        // Append query parameters to the flickr domain
        url = appendQuery(params);
        // JSONP GET request.
        ajax(url, successCallback);


function Photo( obj ) {
    "use strict";

    // An array of object  
    // {
    //  "id":       "XXX", 
    //  "owner":    "XXX", 
    //  "secret":   "XXX", 
    //  "server":   "XXX", 
    //  "farm":     XXX, 
    //  "title":    "XXX", 
    //  "ispublic": XXX, 
    //  "isfriend": 0, 
    //  "isfamily": 0 
    // }
    this.data = obj;
    // An array of object
    // {
    //  "label":  "Square/Large Square/Thumbnail/Small/Small 320/Medium/Medium 640/Medium 800/Large/Large 1600/Large 2048", 
    //  "width":  XXX, 
    //  "height": XXX, 
    //  "source": "http:XXX", 
    //  "url":    "http:XXX",  
    //  "media":  "photo", 
    // }
    this.sizes = null;

(function() {
    "use strict";

     * Get the ID of the photo.
    Photo.prototype.getId = function() {
        return this.data.id;

     * Get the title of the photo.
    Photo.prototype.getTitle = function() {
        return this.data.title;

     * Query the available sizes for the photo and set it to the photo.
     * @param apiKey   Flickr API application key. See http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html for more details.
     * @param callback After setting sizes for the photo, invoke callback function.
     * @param context  The given this value of invoking callback function.
    Photo.prototype.querySizes = function( apiKey, callback, context ) {
        var id = this.getId(),
            self = this;

        FlickrUtil.prototype.getSizes(id, apiKey, function(data) {
            if (data && data.sizes) {
                // Set available sizes for the photo.

                if (typeof callback === "function") {
                    // Invoke callback function with this value set to context.
                    callback.call(context, self);

     * Set available sizes for the photo.
     * @param sizes An array. of available sizes.
    Photo.prototype.setSizes = function( sizes ) {
        this.sizes = sizes;

     * Get size object of specified label.
     * @param label 'Square/Large Square/Thumbnail/Small/Small 320/Medium/Medium 640/Medium 800/Large/Large 1600/Large 2048'
    Photo.prototype.getSize = function( label ) {
        var size,
            i = 0;

        if (this.sizes) {
            // Loop through sizes array.
            for (; i < this.sizes.length; i++) {
                size = this.sizes[i];
                if (size.label === label) {
                    // Find size object of specified label.
                    return size;

        return null;

     * Return the URL source of 'Large Square' image.
    Photo.prototype.getThumbnail = function() {
        var size = this.getSize('Large Square');
        if (size) {
            // Return the URL source.
            return size.source;

        return "";

     * Return the URL source of 'Medium 800' image.
    Photo.prototype.getLarge = function() {
        var size = this.getSize('Medium 800');
        if (size) {
            // Return the URL source.
            return size.source;

        return "";


function Album( userId, apiKey, perPage ) {
    "use strict";

    // The NSID of the given user.
    this.userId = userId;
    // Flickr API application key.
    this.apiKey = apiKey;
    // Number of photos to return per page.
    this.perPage = perPage || 50;
    // The loaded photos.
    this.photos = [];
    // Current page of photos.
    this.page = 0;
    // Total pages of photos.
    this.pages = 0;
    // Total number of photos.
    this.total = 0;
    // Map of {id: index} to boost search efficiency. 
    this.indexes = {};

(function() {
    "use strict";

     * Get public photos of the given user.
     * @param context  The given this value of invoking callback function.
     * @param callback After loading photos, invoke callback function.
    Album.prototype.loadPhotos = function( context, callback ) {
        var self = this;

        FlickrUtil.prototype.getPublicPhotos(this.userId, this.apiKey, this.perPage, this.page + 1, function( data ) {
            var photoArray = null,
                start = self.photos.length,
                i = 0;

            if (data.photos) {
                // Set total number of photos.
                self.total = data.photos.total;
                // Set total pages of photos.
                self.pages = data.photos.pages;
                // Set the current page number.

                photoArray = data.photos.photo;
                if (photoArray) {
                    // Loop through photos.
                    for (; i < photoArray.length; i++) {
                        // Create Photo and append it to the album.

                if (typeof callback === "function") {
                    // Invoke callback function with this value set to context.
                    callback.call(context, self.photos, start);


     * Add photo to the album.
     * @param data An object of {"id": "XXX", "owner": "XXX", "secret": "XXX", "server": "XXX", "farm": XXX, "title": "XXX", "ispublic": XXX, "isfriend": 0, "isfamily": 0}
    Album.prototype.addPhoto = function( data ) {
        var // Create photo object.
            photo = new Photo(data),
            index = this.photos.length,
            // Get the id of the photo.
            id = photo.getId();

        // Generate map of {id: index}.
        this.generateIndexes(id, index);

        // Append photo to the album.
        this.photos[index] = photo;
        return photo;

     * Generate Indexes to boost search efficiency. 
     * @param id    The id of the photo.
     * @param index The index of the photo.
    Album.prototype.generateIndexes = function( id, index ) {
        this.indexes[id] = index;

     * Search photo by index.
     * @param index The index of the photo.
    Album.prototype.getPhoto = function( index ) {
        if (index >= 0 && 
            index < this.photos.length) {
            return this.photos[index];

        // Not found.
        return null;

     * Search the index of the photo.
     * @param photo The photo object to search for.
    Album.prototype.getIndex = function( photo ) {
        var id,
            i = 0;

        if (photo) {
            // The id of the photo.
            id = photo.getId();

            if (this.indexes.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
                // Search via indexes map.
                return this.indexes[id];
            } else {
                // Loop through photos.
                for (; i < this.photos.length; i++) {
                    if (id === this.photos[i].getId()) {
                        return i;

        // Not found.
        return -1;

     * Get the current size of the album.
    Album.prototype.size = function() {
        return this.photos.length;

     * Check whether the album is fully loaded.
    Album.prototype.isFull = function() {
        return this.page >= this.pages;


function Carousel( userId, apiKey, slideWindow, carousel ) {
    "use strict";

    // The NSID of the given user.
    this.userId = userId;
    // The flickr application key.
    this.apiKey = apiKey;
    // Create the photo album.
    this.album = new Album(userId, apiKey, slideWindow),

    // The carousel ul element.
    this.carousel = carousel;

    // The number of thumbnails per slide.
    this.perSlide = 3;
    // The current slide number.
    this.currentSlide = 1;
    // The index of selected photo.
    this.selectedIndex = -1;
    // The size of thumbnail images.
    this.size = 3;

(function() {
    "use strict";

     * Load photos and create thumbnail images.
    Carousel.prototype.load = function() {
        this.album.loadPhotos(this, this.insert);

     * Check whether two slides ahead are already loaded.
    Carousel.prototype.twoSlidesAheadExist = function() {
        var // The number of thumbnails of 2 slides.
            twoSlides = this.perSlide * 2,
            // The size of album.
            photos = album.size();

        // Whether the next 2 pages are already loaded.
        return (photos - this.size) < twoSlides;

     * Pre-load and create thumbnail images out of performance concern.
    Carousel.prototype.prefetch = function() {
        if (// Whether the album is fully loaded.
            !this.album.isFull() &&
            // Whether two slides ahead are already loaded.
            this.twoSlidesAheadExist()) {

            // Pre-load photos.

     * Create and insert thumbnail images into DOM.
     * @param photos The array of photos.
     * @param start  The start index to deal with.
    Carousel.prototype.insert = function( photos, start ) {
        var photo,
            i = start,
            carousel = this.carousel,

        // Loop through photos starting at start index.
        for (; i < photos.length; i++) {
            photo = photos[i];
            // The id of the photo.
            id = photo.getId();
            // The title of the photo.
            title = photo.getTitle();

            if (i < this.perSlide) {
                // The thumbnail images in the first slide are already created.
                // Simply set the properties of the image element.
                selector = carousel.find('li:nth-child(' + (i + 1) +')')
                // Set id of li to the id of the photo.
                selector.find('a').prop('id', id);
                // Set alt of img to the title of the photo.
                selector.find('img').prop('alt', title);
            } else {
                // Create thumbnail images and insert into DOM.
                $('<li class="ui-thumbnail ui-photo-gap"> \
                      <a id="' + id + '" href="#" class="ui-photo-border"> \
                          <img alt="' + title + '"> \
                      </a> \
                // Increment the size of thumbnails.

            // Retrieve sizes for the given photo.
            photo.querySizes(this.apiKey, this.update, this);

     * Update thumbnail image source.
    Carousel.prototype.update = function( photo ) {
        var id = photo.getId(),
            url = photo.getThumbnail(),

        $('#' + id).find('img').prop('src', url);

        if (this.selectedIndex < 0) {
            index = this.album.getIndex(photo);
            if (index === 0) {
                // Display first photo.

     * Navigate to next slide.
    Carousel.prototype.goNextSlide = function() {
        // Trigger slide event.
        $('body').trigger("slide", [-1, this.prevSlideEnabled(), this.nextSlideEnabled()]);

        // Prefetch photo data if needed.

     * Navigate to previous slide.
    Carousel.prototype.goPrevSlide = function() {
        // Trigger slide event.
        $('body').trigger("slide", [+1, this.prevSlideEnabled(), this.nextSlideEnabled()]);

     * Check whether there is next slide.
    Carousel.prototype.nextSlideEnabled = function() {
        var slides = this.currentSlide * this.perSlide;

        return slides < this.album.total;

     * Check whether there is previous slide.
    Carousel.prototype.prevSlideEnabled = function() {
        return this.currentSlide > 1;

     * Select photo of given index.
     * @param index The index of the photo.
    Carousel.prototype.selectIndex = function( index ) {
        var photo = this.album.getPhoto(index),
            slides = this.currentSlide * this.perSlide,

        // Display photo.
        if (photo) {
            // Get the URL of the large photo.
            url = photo.getLarge();
            // Get the id of the photo.
            id = photo.getId();
            // Get title of the photo.
            title = photo.getTitle();
            if (url && url != "") {
                // Update selected index.
                this.selectedIndex = index;
                // Trigger switch photo event.
                $('body').trigger("switch", [id, url, title, this.prevPhotoEnabled(), this.nextPhotoEnabled()]);

                if (index >= slides &&
                    this.nextSlideEnabled()) {
                    // Navigate to next slide
                } else if (index < (slides - this.perSlide) &&
                           this.prevSlideEnabled()) {
                    // Navigate to previous slide

     * Select specified photo.
     * @param id The id of the photo.
    Carousel.prototype.selectPhoto = function( id ) {
        var index = this.album.indexes[id],
            photo = this.album.getPhoto(index),

        // Display photo.
        if (photo) {
            // Get the URL of the large photo.
            url = photo.getLarge();
            // Get the id of the photo.
            id = photo.getId();
            // Get title of the photo.
            title = photo.getTitle();
            if (url && url != "") {
                // Update selected index.
                this.selectedIndex = index;
                // Trigger switch photo event.
                $('body').trigger("switch", [id, url, title, this.prevPhotoEnabled(), this.nextPhotoEnabled()]);

     * Navigate to next photo.
    Carousel.prototype.goNextPhoto = function() {
        this.selectIndex(this.selectedIndex + 1);

     * Navigate to previous photo.
    Carousel.prototype.goPrevPhoto = function() {
        this.selectIndex(this.selectedIndex - 1);

     * Check whether there is next photo.
    Carousel.prototype.nextPhotoEnabled = function() {
        return this.selectedIndex < this.album.total - 1;

     * Check whether there is previous photo.
    Carousel.prototype.prevPhotoEnabled = function() {
        return this.selectedIndex > 0;


$(function() {
    "use strict";

    var userId = "82394319@N04",
        apiKey = "d39392ef30a5c208d20d47e86583d3f4",
        slideWindow = 15,
        offsetLeft = 0,
        carousel = new Carousel(userId, apiKey, slideWindow, $('#carousel')),
        slideNextBtn = $('#slideNextBtn'),
        slidePrevBtn = $('#slidePrevBtn'),
        photoNextBtn = $('#photoNextBtn'),
        photoPrevBtn = $('#photoPrevBtn'),
        selectedThumbnail = null;

    $('body').on('slide', function( event, direction, prevSlideEnabled, nextSlideEnabled ) {
        //get the width of the li items
        var item_width = ($('#carousel li').outerWidth() + 70) * 3;
        //calculae the new left indent of the unordered list
        var left_indent = offsetLeft + direction * item_width;
        //make the sliding effect using jquery's anumate function '
        $('#carousel:not(:animated)').animate({'left' : left_indent}, 500, function(){    
            //and get the left indent to the value left_indent
            $('#carousel').css({'left' : left_indent});
            offsetLeft = left_indent;

            if (// Allow slide right.
                nextSlideEnabled &&
                // Slide right button is disabled.
                slideNextBtn.hasClass('ui-disabled')) {
                // Enable slide right button.
            } else if (// Disallow slide right.
                       !nextSlideEnabled &&
                       // Slide right button is enabled.
                       !slideNextBtn.hasClass('ui-disabled')) {
                // Disable slide right button.

            if (// Allow slide left.
                prevSlideEnabled &&
                // Slide left button is disabled.
                slidePrevBtn.hasClass('ui-disabled')) {

                // Enable slide left button.
            } else if (// Disallow slide left.
                       !prevSlideEnabled &&
                       // Slide left button is enabled.
                       !slidePrevBtn.hasClass('ui-disabled')) {

                // Disable slide left button.

    $('body').on('switch', function( event, id, url, title, prevPhotoEnabled, nextPhotoEnabled ) {
        var thumbnail;

        // Display photo.
        $('#photo').prop('src', url);
        // Display title.
        // Highlight thumbnail.
        thumbnail = $('#' + id);
        if (selectedThumbnail) {
            // Remove highlight of previous selected thumbnail.
        selectedThumbnail = thumbnail;
        if (// Allow switch right.
            nextPhotoEnabled &&
            // Switch right button is disabled.
            photoNextBtn.hasClass('ui-disabled')) {
            // Enable switch right button.
        } else if (// Disallow switch right.
                   !nextPhotoEnabled &&
                   // Switch right button is enabled.
                   !photoNextBtn.hasClass('ui-disabled')) {
            // Disable switch right button.

        if (// Allow switch left.
            prevPhotoEnabled &&
            // Switch left button is disabled.
            photoPrevBtn.hasClass('ui-disabled')) {

            // Enable switch left button.
        } else if (// Disallow switch left.
                   !prevPhotoEnabled &&
                   // Switch left button is enabled.
                   !photoPrevBtn.hasClass('ui-disabled')) {

            // Disable switch left button.

    //when user clicks the image for sliding right        
    slideNextBtn.on('click', function() {

        return false;

    //when user clicks the image for sliding right        
    slidePrevBtn.on('click', function() {

        return false;

    photoPrevBtn.on('click', function() {

        return false;

    photoNextBtn.on('click', function() {

        return false;

    $('#carousel').on('click', function(event) {
        var elem,

        // Prevent default behavior.

        elem = event.srcElement;
        if (elem instanceof HTMLImageElement) {
            elem = elem.parentElement;

        if (elem instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) {
            id = elem.id;
        return false;



<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Flickr Album</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">

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    <div class="ui-header-bar"></div>
    <div class="ui-logo"></div>

<section class="ui-body">
    <div class="ui-photo-gallery ui-photo-border">
        <img id="photo" title="Tree" alt="Tree" src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-Hm1SRQlDoOg/UFBY4O4fDJI/AAAAAAAAAvg/hepttL9t4vA/s800/photo-holder.png">
        <p id="photoTitle" class="ui-photo-title">Tree</p>

        <a id="photoPrevBtn" href="#" title="Prev" class="ui-photo-prev-btn">
            <span class="ui-photo-prev-inner"></span>

        <a id="photoNextBtn" href="#" title="Next" class="ui-photo-next-btn">
            <span class="ui-photo-next-inner"></span>

    <div class="ui-slide-strip">
        <a id="slidePrevBtn" href="#" title="Prev" class="ui-slide-prev-btn ui-disabled">
            <span class="ui-slide-prev-inner"></span>

        <div class="ui-carousel-container">
            <ul id="carousel" class="ui-carousel">
                <li class="ui-thumbnail">
                    <a href="#" class="ui-photo-border">
                        <img alt="thumb1" src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-2hMHqHSBEJo/UFBY5AZOBaI/AAAAAAAAAvo/g9KvHectYg8/s150/thumbnail-holder.png">
                <li class="ui-thumbnail ui-photo-gap">
                    <a href="#" class="ui-photo-border">
                        <img alt="thumb2" src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-2hMHqHSBEJo/UFBY5AZOBaI/AAAAAAAAAvo/g9KvHectYg8/s150/thumbnail-holder.png">
                <li class="ui-thumbnail ui-photo-gap">
                    <a href="#" class="ui-photo-border">
                        <img alt="thumb3" src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-2hMHqHSBEJo/UFBY5AZOBaI/AAAAAAAAAvo/g9KvHectYg8/s150/thumbnail-holder.png">

        <a id="slideNextBtn" href="#" title="Next" class="ui-slide-next-btn">
            <span class="ui-slide-next-inner"></span>

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.ui-slide-next-inner {
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    -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform .15s linear;
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