Edit in JSFiddle

<script type="text/mustache" id="app-template">
    <panel title="Fruit">Oranges, Apples, Pears</panel>
    <panel title="Vegetable">Carrot, Lettuce, Rutabega</panel>
    <panel title="Grains">Bread, Pasta, Rice</panel>
<!-- CanJS needs a place to put your application -->
<div id="my-app"></div>
var TabsViewModel = can.Map.extend({
    panels: [],
    active: null,
    addPanel: function( panel ){
        var panels = this.attr("panels");
        panel.attr("visible", false);
        //activate panel if it is the first one
        if ( panels.attr("length") === 1 ){
            this.activate( panel );
    removePanel: function( panel ){
        var panels = this.attr("panels");
        var index = panels.indexOf(panel);
        panels.splice(index, 1);
        //activate a new panel if panel being removed was the active panel
        if( this.attr("active") === panel ){
            panels.attr("length") ? this.activate(panels[0]) : this.attr("active", null)
    activate: function( panel ){
        var active = this.attr("active")
        if( active !== panel ){
            active && active.attr("visible", false);
            this.attr("active", panel.attr("visible", true));

    tag: "tabs",
    scope: TabsViewModel,
    template: "<ul>\
    {{#each panels}}\
    <li can-click='activate'>{{title}}</li>\
    <content />"

	tag: "panel",
	template: "{{#if visible}}<content />{{/if}}",
	scope: {
		title: "@"
	events: {
		inserted: function() {
			this.element.parent().scope().addPanel( this.scope )
		removed: function() {
			this.element.parent().scope().addPanel( this.scope )

var frag = can.view("app-template", {});