
wrexroad's public fiddles

  • Lydtpehf

    Enyo 2.4.0, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Enyo Dynamic Tabular Data

    An Enyo 2 Control that will regenerate an HTML Table each time data are loaded. Header rows are generated either based on the provided "map" array or (failing that) based on the first object in the data array. Header lines may be turned off with the "noHeader" property of DataTable. The "map" property is an array of object which will each have a "field" and a "header" property. The "field" is the internal name of each column of the table, the "header" is the name which will show on the header row. The order of the array will determine the ordering of the table columns. The "data" property is an array of objects. Each object should have properties named for each column defined in the "map" property. If no "map" was defined, the properties of the first object in the data array will be used to fill the "map" array. Both "data" and "map" may either be set in the kind definition, or by using their setters. Using either setMap() or setData() will immediately call for the table to be regenerated.

  • jtDCY

    Enyo 2.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • 7KuYw

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • yFJjR

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Vv9kV

    KineticJS 4.0.5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript