
vieraj's public fiddles

  • 1fzpcg7e

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • s2z4ntce

    jQuery 3.1.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Lxmhtn1g

    Simple CSS to center DIVS in a container.

  • zqhywebm

    Prevents widowed words in paragraphs and head tags. Also solves issues with lines ending with single & double quotation marks. Safegaurd built in to capture both ” (Right Double Quotation Mark) and " (Quotation mark) and add space between if missing.

  • 8y6n1e5j

    Prevents widowed words in paragraphs and head tags. Also solves issues with lines ending with single & double quotation marks. Safegaurd built in to capture both ” (Right Double Quotation Mark) and " (Quotation mark) and add space between if missing.