
sidou's public fiddles

  • Primes

    { "instructions": "Remove non prime numbers from data then right shift [317th decimal of the constant quantity that determines the area of a circle by multiplying it by the radius squared] bits from the remaining numbers, it will give you the alphanumeric password of the next level", "numbers": [ 19822, 13171, 51638, 31997, 11446, 21707, 36221, 56407, 65077, 56354, 41027, 33488, 48171, 14561, 12637, 54847, 32597, 65356, 22538, 12391, 29903, 12433, 14220, 5751, 55428, 14071, 13649, 54855, 25933, 61735, 49488, 22514, 36763, 22132, 13873, 58167, 7806, 25847, 26297, 61883, 47930, 20356, 28589, 13469, 12739, 25951, 25183, 35781, 42715, 22312, 14489, 10628, 14831, 64509, 37231, 61846, 8250, 37590, 28250, 44675, 48125, 6279, 13669, 49563, 10615, 56560, 50523, 51172, 25033, 53548, 20990, 13499, 22843, 42254, 8911, 26161, 24968, 43490, 51463, 6411, 16677, 44016, 26261, 59304, 49496, 15434, 53664, 27020, 25541, 24967, 13043, 6840, 23894, 49812, 39597, 55545, 19440, 14813, 16713, 55053, 25577, 4835, 7714, 5124, 13553, 64518, 44863, 13901, 12483, 26887, 53687, 33692, 12841, 38075, 12577, 44798, 19908, 60555, 11749, 13147, 25307, 13693, 17556, 30607, 17113, 28462, 29331, 5288, 37729, 14107, 29152, 58120, 55612, 10081, 13873, 56922, 24919, 46264, 33050, 25457, 24943, 4316, 1173, 53868, 59799, 2114, 3097, 26141 ] }

  • 3R5B2

    jQuery 1.7.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • jQuery + google maps + Elevation

    playing with google maps v3 events, jQuery, icons from http://google-maps-icons.googlecode.com

  • LqswS

    remove an option from select group

  • qpWuc

    jQuery 1.7.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • .live vs .on

    SO arunes answer

  • CMab3

    jQuery 1.7.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • datepicker

    SO answer

  • autocomplete multiple values

    jQuery 1.7.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript