
pythk's public fiddles

  • 100% Stacked Column Chart

    100% stacked column or bar chart is a good way to display some categories of a whole changing over time. For example, a company may use 100% stacked column chart to display what product lines contributed to its revenue by calendar quarter. The downside is that in such a chart it is quite difficult to visually compare the changes over time (except for the first item/series).

  • Line chart with range slider

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • 100% stacked area chart

    <h2>Using calculated values for series</h2> In amCharts 4, Series can be drawn from a variety of auto-calculated values, not necessarily the absolute ones. In this case, we are setting <code>valueYShow</code> data field to <code>"totalPercent"</code> which is an auto-calculated value, producing a 100% stack chart. [amb href="https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v4/chart-types/xy-chart/#100_stacks"]More info about 100% stacks and "show" data fields[/amb] <h2>HTML tooltips</h2> When displaying a lot of rich information in a tooltip, sometimes SVG is not enough. In those cases, like in this demo, we can opt for an HTML-enabled tooltip, setting <code>tooltipHTML</code>. [amb href="https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v4/tutorials/tooltips-with-rich-html-content/"]More info about HTML tooltips[/amb]

  • Simple Treemap

    Simple Treemap displays hierarchical data in the shape of rectangles proportional in size to their value as part of the whole. Each rectangle, in turn, can be divided into sub-items according to the values of its children in the hierarchy.

  • Box plot chart

    Box plot chart (also know as boxplot, box-and-whisker plot, box-and-whisker diagram) is a way of displaying statistical data based on five numbers: minimum, first quartile (25th percent), median, third quartile (75th percent) and maximum.

  • 41u3onsk

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • 04k83bwu

    jQuery 1.7.2, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Area With Time Based Data

    <h2>Zooming via API</h2> Charts provide a strong API that can modify any aspect of the chart on the fly. You can use <code>zoom()</code> method to zoom the dateAxis. Or, if you want the it to be pre-zoomed intially, you can set <code>dateAxis.start</code> and <code>dateAxis.end</code> values. [amb href="https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v4/tutorials/pre-zooming-an-axis/"]More about pre-zooming the chart[/amb]

  • Historical population pyramid

    A population pyramid, also called an "age-sex-pyramid" or "mirror bar chart", is a graphical illustration that shows the distribution of various age groups in a population. By combining and linking the pyramid with a <a href="https://www.amcharts.com/demos/stacked-area/">stacked area chart</a> we are able to create a compact and interactive visualization covering a lot of historical date.

  • Range area chart

    Range Area Chart is a type of area chart where rather than starting on the axis, the area is represented by the space between two values. These charts are useful for displaying ranges of values, such as between minimum and maximum prices over a timespan, or projected values for the future when the projection is represented by a range instead of a specific value.

  • cng8wh3b

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Vertically stacked axes chart

    The chart above is a regular, single XY chart (although it might look like a multi-panel) chart with two value axes. We have a <a href="https://www.amcharts.com/demos/multiple-value-axes/">similar chart here</a>. The only real difference is that instead of arranging Y axes side by side we stack them one above another. So the result is quite the same as a multiple-panel chart with shared x-axis. And this is done by simply setting: <code>chart.leftAxesContainer.layout = "vertical"</code> We told you, amCharts 4 was awesome! For more gritty details about stacked, examples, and code visit <a href="https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v4/tutorials/stacked-axes/">this tutorial</a>.

  • Step Line Chart

    Step Line Chart (also known as Step Chart, Stepped Line Chart) is useful when you want to show changes happening at specific points. In contrast to Line Chart, which connects data points with the shortest possible line thus creating an appearance of values changing gradually, Step Line Chart highlights that values change discretely at specific points.

  • Drill-down to countries

    This demo shows how a country map can be loaded dynamically when needed. Click on any colored country: the map will zoom in on it then load and display the country map for it. amCharts 4 comes with maps for over 170 countries, with new maps being added constantly.

  • ah98swov

    jQuery 3.1.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Highcharts Demo

    author(s): Torstein Hønsi

  • Highcharts Demo

    author(s): Torstein Hønsi

  • Area range

    author(s): Torstein Hønsi

  • Area range and line

    author(s): Torstein Hønsi

  • ab59uj4g

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript