
prostoandrei's public fiddles

  • y2sczow7

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Line With Changing Color

    <h2>Alternating line color via data</h2> amCharts 4 brings a powerful concept - property fields, which allows binding any property of the Line series segment to values in data. Once a property, say a color, is overridden via data, the Line series remembers it and continues coloring subsequent segments in the same color. [amcharts2_button href="https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v4/concepts/data/#Property_fields"]More about property fields[/amcharts2_button]

  • Layered Column Chart

    In some scenarios, showing multiple column series side-by-side (clustered) is the best and most "standard" way to display multiple column series. However, when each series has equal and fairly limited number of items, layering series on top of each other presents a much more impactful visualization. To achieve that with amCharts 4, you just disable clustering on each series (<code>series.clustered = false</code>) and then make columns in one of them wider (or narrower) than the other (<code>series2.columns.template.width = am4core.percent(50)</code>).

  • Stacked Column Chart

    Stacked bar charts are useful to demonstrate how a larger data category is comprised of smaller categories, and what part each of the smaller categories plays in the total of a larger one.

  • Simple Column Chart

    If you take a close look at this chart, you will notice that grid lines are above the columns - equally dividing them into segments. This is an optional feature, of course. It allows you creating the charts close to the ones described by famous data visualization guru, <a href="http://www.edwardtufte.com/">Edward Tufte</a>, in his book "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information". <h2>From columns to bars - one simple step</h2> Click EDIT button on top of the chart, and add this text to the source (anywhere within curly brackets): <strong>"rotate":true,</strong>. Run the script and... The columns should became bars, category axis should be vertical now and value axis - horizontal! This is the only property you change to make this trick. All our Serial charts can be rotated in the same way.

  • Zoomable with overflow problem

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • uoe9q2so

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • 9nLks55y

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • 2way data binding

    2way data binding PlainJS

  • "Public&private" properties in JS

    Private&public поля в JS

  • Function of creating namespaces

    Создаем пространства имен с помощью функций.

  • "Object container" namespace patter

    Описывается создание пространства имен через объекты контейнеры.

  • Каррование

    Не забыть написаоть про карирование.

  • Objects with parametrs pattern

    Объекты с параметрами.

  • Memoricatoin pattern. Cache.

    Меморизация. Кеширование. Использование возможности функций иметь свойства.

  • Allocation of branches pattern

    Шаблон выделения ветвей на этапе инициализации.

  • Immediately invoked function (IIF)

    Немедленно вызываемые функции их использование

  • Immediately invoked objects

    Шаблон немедленной инициалищации объектов. Я пока хз,где его использовать.

  • selfDefFunction

    Самоопределяемые функции. Шаблон "отложенного определения". Позволяет единожды проинилизировать функции при вызове. При последующих вызовых переиницилизации не произойдет.

  • fucntion\Return

    Пример описывает возможность функций возвращать функции в качестве значений.