
Phillip's public fiddles

  • CSS animations

    Since v 3.12.0 all elements of the chart can have class names set - all you need to do is setting <a href="http://docs.amcharts.com/3/javascriptcharts/AmSerialChart#addClassNames"><code>addClassNames</code></a> property of a chart to <code>true</code>. This feature allows you to control the look of a chart using CSS and even more - use CSS animation to highlight specific areas in your chart. Note, CSS animations are not available on all browsers - even modern IE doesn't support them. Be careful - CSS animations use a lot of CPU resources.

  • Intra-day Data

    Our Stock chart can accept data as date strings, date objects or time stamps. Your data can be at any interval you need - this particular chart displays data which changes each minute. However if you zoom-out the chart, the data will be grouped into 10 minute intervals. You are free to format time strings on the axis and in the category tool-tip in any way you want. The beginning of a period change can be marked as bold and use a different date/time format. <h2>Prefixes for big or small numbers</h2> Our Stock (and also other charts) can replace zeroes of big numbers to letters, like 1000 = 1K or 5.000.000 = 5M. This is especially comfortable when dealing with really big or small numbers. You can control the letters using <code>prefixesOfBigNumbers</code> and <code>prefixesOfSmallNumbers</code> properties of <a href="http://docs.amcharts.com/3/javascriptstockchart/StockPanel">Stock Panel</a> or <a href="http://docs.amcharts.com/3/javascriptstockchart/PanelsSettings">Panels Settings</a>.

  • CSS animations

    Since v 3.12.0 all elements of the chart can have class names set - all you need to do is setting <a href="http://docs.amcharts.com/3/javascriptcharts/AmSerialChart#addClassNames"><code>addClassNames</code></a> property of a chart to <code>true</code>. This feature allows you to control the look of a chart using CSS and even more - use CSS animation to highlight specific areas in your chart. Note, CSS animations are not available on all browsers - even modern IE doesn't support them. Be careful - CSS animations use a lot of CPU resources.

  • CSS animations

    Since v 3.12.0 all elements of the chart can have class names set - all you need to do is setting <a href="http://docs.amcharts.com/3/javascriptcharts/AmSerialChart#addClassNames"><code>addClassNames</code></a> property of a chart to <code>true</code>. This feature allows you to control the look of a chart using CSS and even more - use CSS animation to highlight specific areas in your chart. Note, CSS animations are not available on all browsers - even modern IE doesn't support them. Be careful - CSS animations use a lot of CPU resources.

  • CSS animations

    Since v 3.12.0 all elements of the chart can have class names set - all you need to do is setting <a href="http://docs.amcharts.com/3/javascriptcharts/AmSerialChart#addClassNames"><code>addClassNames</code></a> property of a chart to <code>true</code>. This feature allows you to control the look of a chart using CSS and even more - use CSS animation to highlight specific areas in your chart. Note, CSS animations are not available on all browsers - even modern IE doesn't support them. Be careful - CSS animations use a lot of CPU resources.

  • CSS animations

    Since v 3.12.0 all elements of the chart can have class names set - all you need to do is setting <a href="http://docs.amcharts.com/3/javascriptcharts/AmSerialChart#addClassNames"><code>addClassNames</code></a> property of a chart to <code>true</code>. This feature allows you to control the look of a chart using CSS and even more - use CSS animation to highlight specific areas in your chart. Note, CSS animations are not available on all browsers - even modern IE doesn't support them. Be careful - CSS animations use a lot of CPU resources.

  • CSS animations

    Since v 3.12.0 all elements of the chart can have class names set - all you need to do is setting <a href="http://docs.amcharts.com/3/javascriptcharts/AmSerialChart#addClassNames"><code>addClassNames</code></a> property of a chart to <code>true</code>. This feature allows you to control the look of a chart using CSS and even more - use CSS animation to highlight specific areas in your chart. Note, CSS animations are not available on all browsers - even modern IE doesn't support them. Be careful - CSS animations use a lot of CPU resources.

  • CSS animations

    Since v 3.12.0 all elements of the chart can have class names set - all you need to do is setting <a href="http://docs.amcharts.com/3/javascriptcharts/AmSerialChart#addClassNames"><code>addClassNames</code></a> property of a chart to <code>true</code>. This feature allows you to control the look of a chart using CSS and even more - use CSS animation to highlight specific areas in your chart. Note, CSS animations are not available on all browsers - even modern IE doesn't support them. Be careful - CSS animations use a lot of CPU resources.

  • CSS animations

    Since v 3.12.0 all elements of the chart can have class names set - all you need to do is setting <a href="http://docs.amcharts.com/3/javascriptcharts/AmSerialChart#addClassNames"><code>addClassNames</code></a> property of a chart to <code>true</code>. This feature allows you to control the look of a chart using CSS and even more - use CSS animation to highlight specific areas in your chart. Note, CSS animations are not available on all browsers - even modern IE doesn't support them. Be careful - CSS animations use a lot of CPU resources.

  • Date Based Data

    Our serial chart can accept data as date strings, date objects or time stamps. Dates on category axis are placed at logical intervals using any <a href="/tutorials/formatting-dates/">date format</a> you want. Period beginning can be marked as bold and use a different date format. Your data can be yearly, monthly, daily, hourly, up to milliseconds - the chart will handle any time span. The chart can be zoomed-in or panned, Chart scrollbar can shows a rough graph of all your data and you can use it both to scroll or to zoom the chart to desired position. <h2>Hidden bullets</h2> If you zoom-in the chart to a smaller time span, you will notice that the bullets are displayed. When zooming-out at some point bullets are hidden. This is done to avoid a messy look. You can configure this using <strong>hideBulletsCount</strong> property of the graph. <h2>Chart Scrollbar with a graph inside</h2> In the bottom (it can also be on the top) of the chart you have a chart scrollbar which can be used to zoom-in or zoom-out the chart. This scrollbar can be just a simple one or have a graph inside it to show a rough view of how data changed over the whole period of the data available. <h2>Zoomable Value Axis</h2> Besides category axis, value axis can also be zoomable - both using vertical scrollbar and cursor. In this demo value-zooming with cursor is not enabled, as we recommend using it for one direction zooming only.

  • Stacked Column Chart

    Our Serial chart can stack any graphs of the same kind - columns, bars, lines, step lines. They can be stacked in a regular way or 100%, when values are recalculated to percent values. <h2>Themes - a real help for developer</h2> View the source of the chart by clicking EDIT button. You will notice, that not a single color is defined in it. Now, if you click themes buttons on top of the chart, you will see that the chart is changing colors, opacities and evem patterns. All the config of the chart is stored in the theme file which is applied when you click a button. This feature allows you to apply a theme for all your charts on a web site, and you will be sure that they will meet the same design. We offer several themes for your to choose, and you can easily modify and adjust them for your needs. And of course, you can still set any property as an exception in the chart config file.

  • CSS animations

    Since v 3.12.0 all elements of the chart can have class names set - all you need to do is setting <a href="http://docs.amcharts.com/3/javascriptcharts/AmSerialChart#addClassNames"><code>addClassNames</code></a> property of a chart to <code>true</code>. This feature allows you to control the look of a chart using CSS and even more - use CSS animation to highlight specific areas in your chart. Note, CSS animations are not available on all browsers - even modern IE doesn't support them. Be careful - CSS animations use a lot of CPU resources.

  • zr7xv0jf

    jQuery 1.7.2, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • CanvasJS HTML5 JavaScript Charts

    CanvasJS helps you create chart in the most simple and efficient way possible

  • DateTIme over axisY workaround - CanvasJS JavaScript Charts

    DateTIme over axisY workaround - CanvasJS JavaScript Charts

  • CanvasJS HTML5 JavaScript Charts

    CanvasJS helps you create chart in the most simple and efficient way possible

  • Value

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • jQuery addClass example

    Change class name on click in jQuery

  • Controls Example

    An example of controlling a Google Chart post draw.

  • s7unyqr9

    Repeater field https://github.com/Rhyzz/repeatable-fields