
jodriscoll's public fiddles

  • Ask Yourself for Health

    Combination of jQuery libraries Cycle & Carousel [Lite] to create a similar look and feel as http://www.massgeneral.org/ask. The plan was to create a mobile friendly HTML rendition of the 100% Flash version linked above.

  • Exit disclaimer agreement

    Our goal was to create a simple "disclaimer" notifying the user that they were leaving our domain and the information received after the notice was in no way promoted or affiliated directly with Mass General. In the end, I used a jQuery API called "leaveNotice" and manipulated it to work within the request set forth. We initially planned to have this work as a simple redirect notice, but after further deliberation, we decide this would work the same way as a disclaimer and require the user to continue at their own choice instead of being redirected based on a timer.

  • Filterable DIVs with SEO capabilities

    We wanted to combine multiple lists of individuals in a single page. We also wanted the capabilities of using the Back and directly linking to a specific filter within that page. I used the jQuery Library "BBQ" for this functionality and modified it slightly to pass the hashTag to the address bar as well as notify the user of the currently selected section. This can currently be viewed at: http://www.massgeneral.org/emergencymedicine/doctors/default-new.aspx

  • CSS2/3 Container Buttons

    We are slowly easing our way away from image based buttons and working towards container based/button(html5) based implementations allowing web authors to implement buttons on the website without having to use image editing software. This will require nearly no effort and will allow site wide changes with a single edit (CSS).

  • Marathon Tiles with Pull Up Content

    We wanted to create a photo-like thumbnail system with content associated with it. Instead of the standard image with text underneath it, we decided to implement a simple jQuery UI that hides a container with associated content and it visible when a user interacts with the image.

  • Filterable Drop List

    UI built to convert a simple select list into a CSS2/3 generated drop menu with a full conversion happening during the initial load of the page. We were not able to style a standard select menu, so I implemented the use of the jQuery/JavaScript library "jQuery UI". We also wanted the ability to set the functionality for each of the select menu items within the base code as well for more flexibility. This did create an excessive amount of code and can be consolidated into a separate JS file, however, we wanted it to be readily accessible to the web author without gaining access to additional files.