
jorge alberto 's public fiddles

  • Org Chart Example

    An example of a Google Org Chart.

  • Organigrama

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Google Maps with Datatables

    Mootools 1.4.5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Bootstrap Button Dropdown Input Controls

    jQuery Compat (edge), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Multiple Data Sets

    Stock chart is a great tool which will save your time. It is designed to work mostly with financial data, but can be used for other purposes as well. Our Stock chart supports multiple data sets and has a ready to use data set selector (at the left, although you can adjust position to your needs). Data sets might be compared one to another. You can compare absolute values or percent values, as this is quite an often practice when dealing with prices of securities or stocks. <h2>Data grouping into longer periods</h2> If you roll-over the chart so that chart cursor would appear, you will notice that each data point represents one day. This is quite expected, as we provided daily data for this chart. Now, zoom-out to "year" view by clicking on the 1 year button at the bottom and roll over the chart again – now, data points jump at 7 days (one week) interval. Again, zoom-out to the max so that all the data is visible. One data point represents one month now! Did we had to provide data for the different periods? No, the chart did all the grouping itself. We recommend reading <a href="https://www.amcharts.com/kbase/understanding-data-grouping-of-stock-chart/">Understanding data grouping tutorial</a> to get more information about this great feature.

  • Multiple Data Sets

    Stock chart is a great tool which will save your time. It is designed to work mostly with financial data, but can be used for other purposes as well. Our Stock chart supports multiple data sets and has a ready to use data set selector (at the left, although you can adjust position to your needs). Data sets might be compared one to another. You can compare absolute values or percent values, as this is quite an often practice when dealing with prices of securities or stocks. <h2>Data grouping into longer periods</h2> If you roll-over the chart so that chart cursor would appear, you will notice that each data point represents one day. This is quite expected, as we provided daily data for this chart. Now, zoom-out to "year" view by clicking on the 1 year button at the bottom and roll over the chart again – now, data points jump at 7 days (one week) interval. Again, zoom-out to the max so that all the data is visible. One data point represents one month now! Did we had to provide data for the different periods? No, the chart did all the grouping itself. We recommend reading <a href="https://www.amcharts.com/kbase/understanding-data-grouping-of-stock-chart/">Understanding data grouping tutorial</a> to get more information about this great feature.

  • Contador de horas

    Contador de horas, criado por Acauã Montiel

  • Contador de horas

    Contador de horas, criado por Acauã Montiel

  • 9kkcn4k9

    jQuery 2.1.0, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • 3uar6yx2

    jQuery 2.1.0, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • 4g6ao6oq

    jQuery 1.8.3, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Google Map To Image

    jQuery 1.9.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • simple google maps viewer

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Upload Image and Display On Screen

    jQuery 1.10.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Draggable with Droppable Clone

    Drag an element from one place to another creating a true clone of the item, so it can exist in both places at once.

  • Create website screenshot!

    With filepicker.

  • o3ds850q

    jQuery 1.7.2, HTML, CSS, JavaScript