
Fabien's public fiddles

  • Qps5K

    jQuery 1.6, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • 5gRQB

    jQuery 1.6, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Another jQuery text animation

    jQuery animate() based animation on a form input button. On Click on the button, we hide this button, display a message ("ok") for 3000 ms and hide this message to show again the button. The message can be an Ajax response.

  • Simple Colorbox close process

    This try to show how to have a link into a colorbox to close this box when the content of this is in an inline mode. So, we have a link to open a colorbox. The content of this colorbox is not displayed on the page, but we do not open an iframe/popup. The colorbox content html code is just below the link. When click "Click me!" we got the overlay which can be closed on click on the 'CLOSE' link (evenif by the way it's not an anchor). I hope code is easyier to understand than my explainations... ;-)

  • Simple jQuery Text Animation

    Simple jQuery Animation with .animate: to show and hide a text for a little moment.