
Donal's public fiddles

  • 32. Trailing String

    You are given two strings 'A' and 'B'. Print out a 1 if string 'B' occurs at the end of string 'A'. Else a zero. Input sample: The first argument is a file, containing two strings, comma delimited, one per line. Ignore all empty lines in the input file.e.g. Hello World,World Hello CodeEval,CodeEval San Francisco,San Jose Output sample: Print out 1 if the second string occurs at the end of the first string. Else zero. Do NOT print out empty lines between your output. e.g. 110

  • 32. Trailing String

    You are given two strings 'A' and 'B'. Print out a 1 if string 'B' occurs at the end of string 'A'. Else a zero. Input sample: The first argument is a file, containing two strings, comma delimited, one per line. Ignore all empty lines in the input file.e.g. Hello World,World Hello CodeEval,CodeEval San Francisco,San Jose Output sample: Print out 1 if the second string occurs at the end of the first string. Else zero. Do NOT print out empty lines between your output. e.g. 110

  • 29. Unique Elements

    You are given a sorted list of numbers with duplicates. Print out the sorted list with duplicates removed.

  • Odd Numbers

    Print the odd numbers from 1 to 99

  • String Permutations

    Write a program to print out all the permutations of a string in alphabetical order.

  • Week 3 Exercise 1

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript