
djwelsh's public fiddles

  • Poker Hand Detector

    v0.1 Counts how many of each color, suit and face value.

  • Roguelike Map Creator

    jQuery 1.9.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • orbitwiki

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Chaser

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • MatterJS Test

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Billiards

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Billiards

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Billiards (scrolling; incomplete)

    Balls ricochet around the table, which is larger than the viewport, requiring scrolling

  • Collision Detection

    jQuery 1.9.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Missile-Firing Ship

    v1 Ship fires straight shots which damage asteroids. v2 Ship fires missiles which veer towards nearest target. v3 Ship fires missiles which lock onto a specific target.

  • Colliding Orbitals

    jQuery 1.9.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Particle Displacement

    Inspired by the idea of Allomancy. I wondered what would happen if a ship had to fly through a dense asteroid or debris field. Obviously the traditional scifi solution is a shield, but that's a tad boring. Why not instead have an allomancer on board who can simply Push the metals in the asteroids away from the ship? Then, just for the cool factor, I made it so the asteroids return to their original positions.

  • Particle Displacement

    Inspired by the idea of Allomancy. I wondered what would happen if a ship had to fly through a dense asteroid or debris field. Obviously the traditional scifi solution is a shield, but that's a tad boring. Why not instead have an allomancer on board who can simply Push the metals in the asteroids away from the ship? Then, just for the cool factor, I made it so the asteroids return to their original positions.

  • Ship Flying Through Space

    v5 -revision 21 hides objects that are not onscreen in both minimaps and on the full map. revision 22 will introduce a massive universe with hundreds of dummy objects to test performance. -revision 16 is stable for square minimaps New minimap system -revision 15 seems to do everything we want it to. -revision 14 correctly only draws items to hidden canvas if they would appear there anyway. Change value of largestObjectSize to 0 to show objects disappearing when their centerpoint leaves the minimap. -revision 12 seems to work perfectly at any zoom level. -revision 11 is stable, has pan, and works with zoom = 1.0 -revision 8 is stable and has no pan.

  • Ship Flying Through Space

    v4 Lock minimap to particular object v3 Scaling of the minimap and cropping of unnecessary data v2 Minimap using the same data as the larger map. v1 Ship follows mouse around canvas. Boundary of universe is slightly smaller than canvas so we can see that the ship is prevented from leaving the universe.

  • Ship Flying Through Space

    v3 Scaling of the minimap and cropping of unnecessary data v2 Minimap using the same data as the larger map. v1 Ship follows mouse around canvas. Boundary of universe is slightly smaller than canvas so we can see that the ship is prevented from leaving the universe.

  • Ship Flying Through Space

    v2 Minimap using the same data as the larger map. v1 Ship follows mouse around canvas. Boundary of universe is slightly smaller than canvas so we can see that the ship is prevented from leaving the universe.

  • Ship Flying Through Space

    v1 Ship follows mouse around canvas. Boundary of universe is slightly smaller than canvas so we can see that the ship is prevented from leaving the universe.

  • Planet Lighting

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • L7zz497n

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript