
Aya's public fiddles

  • Modal using JS Bootstrap

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Palindrome Exercise

    -create a function that determines the string input as palindrome -use arrays and loops to check if the string is a palindrome (try reading .split and join function, DO NOT USE REVERSE FUNCTION in javascript) -use text box to for string input -use button to determine output -insert text "is a palindrome" below the text box if string is a palindrome else "not a palindrome" --> use ternary operator for this

  • Show-HIde Submenu (NO JS)

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Modal Sample

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Start Date - End Date

    jQuery 1.7.2, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Pop the Monster

    * Start game by pressing ENTER key. * Monster appears on every set millisecond. * When hit, monster turns to yellow and hit score is added by 1. * When missed *during click only*, monster turns to red and chances left will be subtracted by 1. * When the game is over, check if player has the top score.

  • Simple Colored Cell Game

    * At the start of the game, there is a blue-colored cell in the middle of the canvas. * On every left-click, the cell increases in size. * If an arrow key is pressed, the cell changes color and moves to that direction. * If the enter key is pressed, the game is reset.