
airyland's public fiddles

  • Entypo CSS

    An improved stylesheet to include with Entypo. It has a class for aria fallback (if required) and a class to access each individual icon. The naming of each icon isn't perfect, that is one part that could certainly be improved. I have adjust the font-size and position of each icon to match the demo, it can easily be adjusted in the .icon:before rule. I've also encoded the font in base-64 to "bulletproof" it. Losing a text font is a visual style issue, losing an icon font is a major usability issue. I believe it necessary to base-64 all icon fonts to fix this problem. Most icon fonts don't come with this sort of stylesheet, which makes the font difficult to use. Each user has to find out or decide on their own implementation of the icons. If an icon font is being delivered for web use it should include a sample of the best way to use the font. This is what I have attempted to do. Please do with this as you see fit. I made it because I am very particular about typography online, especially icon font implementation. I hope this stylesheet will prove useful to both you and your users.

  • Entypo CSS

    An improved stylesheet to include with Entypo. It has a class for aria fallback (if required) and a class to access each individual icon. The naming of each icon isn't perfect, that is one part that could certainly be improved. I have adjust the font-size and position of each icon to match the demo, it can easily be adjusted in the .icon:before rule. I've also encoded the font in base-64 to "bulletproof" it. Losing a text font is a visual style issue, losing an icon font is a major usability issue. I believe it necessary to base-64 all icon fonts to fix this problem. Most icon fonts don't come with this sort of stylesheet, which makes the font difficult to use. Each user has to find out or decide on their own implementation of the icons. If an icon font is being delivered for web use it should include a sample of the best way to use the font. This is what I have attempted to do. Please do with this as you see fit. I made it because I am very particular about typography online, especially icon font implementation. I hope this stylesheet will prove useful to both you and your users.

  • Entypo CSS

    An improved stylesheet to include with Entypo. It has a class for aria fallback (if required) and a class to access each individual icon. The naming of each icon isn't perfect, that is one part that could certainly be improved. I have adjust the font-size and position of each icon to match the demo, it can easily be adjusted in the .icon:before rule. I've also encoded the font in base-64 to "bulletproof" it. Losing a text font is a visual style issue, losing an icon font is a major usability issue. I believe it necessary to base-64 all icon fonts to fix this problem. Most icon fonts don't come with this sort of stylesheet, which makes the font difficult to use. Each user has to find out or decide on their own implementation of the icons. If an icon font is being delivered for web use it should include a sample of the best way to use the font. This is what I have attempted to do. Please do with this as you see fit. I made it because I am very particular about typography online, especially icon font implementation. I hope this stylesheet will prove useful to both you and your users.

  • form

    Mootools 1.4.5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • CSS sprite sheet animation

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • eLq6g

    Mootools 1.4.5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript


    Mootools 1.4.5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • byz4f

    jQuery 1.8.3, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • ZbnxK

    Mootools 1.4.5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • cRnwm

    Mootools 1.4.5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • WtPVp

    jQuery 1.8.3, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • XXzEA

    Mootools 1.4.5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • E8PBN

    Mootools 1.4.5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • bcJS5

    Mootools 1.4.5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • UUPHq

    jQuery 1.8.3, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • FjSE4

    jQuery 1.7.2, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • 3xEJn

    Mootools 1.4.5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • PWUyB

    Mootools 1.4.5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • MBxZZ

    Mootools 1.4.5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • jnKgg

    Mootools 1.4.5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript