
IngoVals's public fiddles

  • Lazy load factory singleton

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • deffered resolve issues

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Updating array used by ng-options, refresh selected object

    In angular the use of Track by to track selection by value instead of by reference is a nice feature if needed. But lets say I switch the array behind and the selected object id matches a new Id I want the select to change as well How do I force it to reevaluate?

  • Async Service

    In several places in my AngularJS app I need to fetch some basic value from a webservice. That is a somewhat legacy call and takes a few seconds to make. Any changes to this data is saved as soon as they are made and no other call to this is needed in the session. I was thinking the best way was to make the call at app start, and do it in the background, later when a user would move to a dependent state it should already be resolved. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not and two questions about this come to mind. 1) Where should I initialize the service so that it happens right of the bat, but doesn't hold back the resolving of the MainCtrl etc. 2) If a dependent state is called before the the service is fully initialized (for example refresh in a dependent state) I would need to wait for the resolve, could I grab the promise somehow at that state, even if the service already started initializing (perhaps storing the promise object somewhere)?

  • AngularJS ui-router

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Angular: Empty Fiddle


  • Attached SupraFooter

    SupraFooter that attaches to stickyfooter

  • Attached SupraFooter

    SupraFooter that attaches to stickyfooter

  • zAfjy

    No-Library (pure JS), HTML, CSS, JavaScript