
FutureWebDev's public fiddles

  • Highlight Searched Text

    This isn't a complete solution. But wanted to get it on here as a reference. Updated 05/27/2012: Clears previously searched highlighted words. Only highlights whole words.

  • Toggle Element Class in 2 lines of JavaScript

    Uses HTML5's implementation of the classList property. HTML5 assigns the classList property to each element of the document. Implemented in all major browser version except IE. A shim can be found at: https://github.com/eligrey/classList.js

  • JavaScript & CSS FadeOut Comparison

    A side by side comparison of two javascript functions. One uses a complex function: onClick="setTimeout(fadeOut(this, 2000), 500)" The other uses a simple function: onClick="fadeOutCss(this)" that sets opacity values on CSS3 Transitions Property.