Edit in JSFiddle

<!-- From Picasa -->
<img alt="Thumbnail 1" src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_yGa4b5VGx6w/THSCxHYp-JI/AAAAAAAAAII/2JDo41KaOog/s100/tree_forest_rural_243183_l.jpg" />
<img alt="Thumbnail 2" src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-YnCv8Rv_5zg/UZxRoAJ0_BI/AAAAAAAAHco/eC2lojuGZ6I/s100/autumn-winter-20102.jpg" />
<img alt="Thumbnail 3" src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wRHHclIdpXE/TaFlY16l_qI/AAAAAAAAALE/0BhXZd5-qhA/s100/cherry-blossom_viewing.jpg" />
<img alt="Thumbnail 4" src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-mNhRTmkZ284/T1tMrR1TNPI/AAAAAAAACTk/a6PapXX4T6Q/s100/LavenderFlowers.jpg" />
<img alt="Thumbnail 5" src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-KSS-yEGfXWk/UKtJg_s-pmI/AAAAAAAAFek/PHT8k7ReQd8/s72-c/dew-in-the-grass.jpg" />
<!-- Too Large + Not from Picasa -->
<img alt="Thumbnail 6" title="Too Large!" src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_yGa4b5VGx6w/TGC7MX8ImeI/AAAAAAAAAHA/1rzaqOvFHNw/s300/1_sakura2.jpg" />
<img alt="Thumbnail 7" title="Not from Picasa" src="http://lorempixel.com/150/100/food">
/*! JavaScript Image Trail Tooltip by Taufik Nurrohman <http://gplus.to/tovic> */
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    // Just like `DOMContentLoaded` event, but only to
    // wait for the existence of the `<body>` element
    // to insert the tooltip markup in the proper area
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    // Function to show the tooltip
    // `width`  => the tooltip width
    // `height` => the tooltip height
    // `file`   => the URL of the image to show
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    // Function to hide the tooltip
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// Apply the functions automatically by checking the matching of Picasa URL
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