Edit in JSFiddle

<span title='student'>sandeep kumar patel</span>

<span title='top-fruit'>Apple</span>

<span title='fruit'>Bananana</span>

<span title='fruit'>Mango</span>

<span title='seasonal fruit market item'>Orange</span>

<span title='flower'>Rose</span>

<span title='flower'>Lotus</span>

<span title='domestic-animal'>cow</span>

/*Finds all span elementss with a title attribute.*/
$("span[title]").css("background", "grey");
/*Finds all span elements with a title attribute that is fruit.*/
$("span[title|='top']").css("color", "red");
/*Finds all span elements with a title attribute value containing the a given substring*/
$("span[title*='lo']").css("color", "orange");
/*Finds all span elements with a title attribute value beginning exactly with a given string.*/
$("span[title^='market']").css("border-bottom", "5px solid green");
/*Finds all span elements with a title attribute value containing a given word, delimited by spaces.*/
$("span[title~='fruit']").css("font-size", "30px");
/*Finds all span elements with a title attribute ending exactly with a given string.*/
$("span[title$='animal']").css("background", "yellow");
/*Finds all span elements without a title attribute having value*/
$("span[title!='fruit']").css("border-bottom","2px solid blue");