Edit in JSFiddle

 * @author Larry Battle, http://bateru.com/news
 * @date May 12, 2012
var isNaN2 = (function (global) {
  var _isNaN = global.isNaN;
  return function (val) {
    return _isNaN("" + val) || (
    typeof val === "object" && !(val || "").hasOwnProperty('push'));

var isNumberic = (function (global) {
  var _isNaN = global.isNaN;
  return function (val) {
    return !_isNaN("" + val) && (
    typeof val !== "object" || (val || "").hasOwnProperty('push'));

var type = function (val) {
    return Object.prototype.toString.call(val);

var runAllTests = function () {
    test("test for non-numbers.", function () {
      var x = [
          undefined, null, [],
          {}, /regex/, true, false, 
          Math, this, NaN, "string", 0 / 0
      var i = x.length;
      while (i--) {
        equal(isNaN2(x[i]), true, "Type \'" + type(x[i]) + "\' with value, " + x[i] + ", should not be a number.");
    test("test for numbers.", function () {
      var x = ["-10", 16, 0xFF, "0xFF", 8e5, 3.1415, Math.PI, +10, 0144, 0, '0', 42, 1, 1 / 0, -1 / 0, Number(5)];
      var i = x.length;
      while (i--) {
        equal(isNumberic(x[i]), true, "Type \'" + type(x[i]) + "\' with value, " + x[i] + ", should not be a number.");

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