Edit in JSFiddle

//  Dungeon Mapper

// Random Plus!
function randPlus(low, high) {
    return Math.floor((Math.random() * (high - low)) + low);

// Main Dungeon object
var Dungeon = {
    map: null,
    map_size: null,
    rooms: [],
    stats: null,
    tree: [],
    stack: [],
    gid: 1,
    minRoomSize: 5,
    minSizeFactor: 0.3,

    clear: function () {
        this.map_size = null;
        this.map = [];
        this.rooms = [];
        this.corridors = [];
        this.stats = {};
        this.drooms = [];
        this.tree = {};
        this.stack = [];
        this.gid = 1;

    generate: function (size) {
        this.map_size = size;

        // init the map array to null
        for (var x = 0; x < this.map_size; x++) {
            this.map[x] = [];
            for (var y = 0; y < this.map_size; y++) {
                this.map[x][y] = 0;

        // First generate a BSP tree of the dungeon (Kinda looks like fractals)
        // Algo - http://doryen.eptalys.net/articles/bsp-dungeon-generation/
        var X = 1;
        var Y = 1;
        var W = this.map_size - 2;
        var H = this.map_size - 2;

        // Root Node
        var rootBox = {};
        rootBox.x = X;
        rootBox.y = Y;
        rootBox.w = W;
        rootBox.h = H;

        this.tree[this.gid] = rootBox;

        // Build Tree

        // Next, build rooms in the leaf nodes of the tree
        for (var nodeID in this.tree) {
            var node = this.tree[nodeID];
            if (node.hasOwnProperty("L")) {

            var room = {};
            room.w = randPlus(this.minRoomSize, node.w);
            room.h = randPlus(this.minRoomSize, node.h);
            room.x = node.x + Math.floor((node.w - room.w) / 2);
            room.y = node.y + Math.floor((node.h - room.h) / 2);

            room.center = {};
            room.center.x = Math.floor(room.x + room.w / 2);
            room.center.y = Math.floor(room.y + room.h / 2);

            room.id = nodeID;
            this.tree[nodeID].hasRoom = nodeID;

        // Assign the rooms to the Map
        for (var i = 0; i < this.rooms.length; i++) {
            var r = this.rooms[i];
            console.log("Room: ", [r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h]);
            for (var x = r.x; x < (r.x + r.w); x++) {
                for (var y = r.y; y < (r.y + r.h); y++) {
                    this.map[x][y] = 1;

        // Build Corridors

        // Collect the stats
        this.stats.algo = 'bsp';
        this.stats.rooms = this.rooms.length;
        this.stats.minRoomSize = this.minRoomSize;
        this.stats.splitFactor = this.minSizeFactor;

    // Recursively build the tree
    buildTree: function (root) {
        var X = this.tree[root].x;
        var Y = this.tree[root].y;
        var W = this.tree[root].w;
        var H = this.tree[root].h;
        this.tree[root].center = {};
        this.tree[root].center.x = Math.floor(X + W / 2);
        this.tree[root].center.y = Math.floor(Y + H / 2);

        var ok = 0;
        // Select a split - Horizontal((0) or Vertical(1)
        // This allows you to have a valid splitType oppurtunity
        var splitType = 1;
        if (this.minSizeFactor * W < this.minRoomSize) {
            // no space for splitting vertically, try Horizontal
            splitType = 0;
        } else if (this.minSizeFactor * H < this.minRoomSize) {
            // no space for splitting vertically, try Vertical
            splitType = 1;
        } else {
            // random - Both H and V are valid splits
            if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
                splitType = 0;

        // generate 2 boxes (child nodes)
        // Ensure minimum size - else quit producing new boxes
        if (splitType) {
            roomSize = this.minSizeFactor * W;
            if (roomSize >= this.minRoomSize) {
                var w1 = randPlus(roomSize, (W - roomSize));
                var w2 = W - w1;

                var box1 = {};
                box1.x = X;
                box1.y = Y;
                box1.w = w1;
                box1.h = H;
                box1.alignment = 'V';

                var box2 = {};
                box2.x = X + w1;
                box2.y = Y;
                box2.w = w2;
                box2.h = H;
                box2.alignment = 'V';


        } else {
            roomSize = this.minSizeFactor * H;
            if (roomSize >= this.minRoomSize) {
                var h1 = randPlus(roomSize, (H - roomSize));
                var h2 = H - h1;

                var box1 = {};
                box1.x = X;
                box1.y = Y;
                box1.w = W;
                box1.h = h1;
                box1.alignment = 'H';

                var box2 = {};
                box2.x = X;
                box2.y = Y + h1;
                box2.w = W;
                box2.h = h2;
                box2.alignment = 'H';


        if (ok) {
            this.tree[this.gid] = box1;
            this.tree[root].L = this.gid;

            this.tree[this.gid] = box2;
            this.tree[root].R = this.gid;

            this.stack.push([this.tree[root].L, this.tree[root].R]);


    // Join rooms using corridors
    joinRooms: function () {
        var join;
        while (join = this.stack.pop()) {
            var a = join[0];
            var b = join[1];
            // console.log("join: "+[a,b]+" split: "+this.tree[a].alignment);
            // console.log(this.tree[a].center);
            // console.log(this.tree[b].center);
            var x = Math.min(this.tree[a].center.x, this.tree[b].center.x);
            var y = Math.min(this.tree[a].center.y, this.tree[b].center.y);
            var size = randPlus(1, this.minRoomSize);
            var w = size;
            var h = size;
            // Vertical corridor
            if (this.tree[a].alignment == 'H') {
                x -= Math.floor(size / 2) + 1;
                h = Math.abs(this.tree[a].center.y - this.tree[b].center.y);
            } else {
                // Horizontal corridor
                y -= Math.floor(size / 2) + 1;
                w = Math.abs(this.tree[a].center.x - this.tree[b].center.x);

            // Ensure Legal bounds
            x = x < 0 ? 0 : x;
            y = y < 0 ? 0 : y;

            console.log("Corridor: " + [x, y, w, h]);
            for (var i = x; i < x + w; i++) {
                for (var j = y; j < y + h; j++) {
                    if (this.map[i][j] == 0) this.map[i][j] = 2;

    print: function () {
        for (var x = 0; x < this.map_size; x++) {
            var row = x;

            if (x < 10) {
                row += '  ';
            } else {
                row += ' ';

            for (var y = 0; y < this.map_size; y++) {
                row += this.map[x][y] + ' ';

    getMap: function () {
        return this.map;

    getRooms: function () {
        return this.rooms;

    getTree: function () {
        return this.tree;

    getStats: function () {
        return this.stats;

// Phaser Game Engine

var MAP_SIZE = 32;
// Dungeon.print();
var map = Dungeon.getMap();
var rooms = Dungeon.getRooms();
var stats;
var gmap;
var layer0;
var marker;
var state_toggleBox = 0;

var game = new Phaser.Game(640, 384, Phaser.AUTO, 'phaserCanvas', {
    preload: preload,
    create: create,
    update: update,
    render: render

var tileLibrary = [];

function preload() {
    game.load.crossOrigin = true;
    game.load.image('wall', 'http://i.imgur.com/BKyejcY.png');
    game.load.image('floor', 'http://i.imgur.com/ZJiMggh.png');
    game.load.image('corridor', 'http://i.imgur.com/ZXhfWKR.png');
    game.load.spritesheet('button', 'http://i.imgur.com/Ay6IfKz.png', 80, 20);
    tileLibrary[0] = 'wall';
    tileLibrary[1] = 'floor';

function create() {
    var startX = 200;
    var startY = 32;

    //  Creates a blank tilemap
    gmap = game.add.tilemap();

    //  Add a Tileset image to the map
    gmap.addTilesetImage('wall', 'wall', 12, 12, null, null, 0);
    gmap.addTilesetImage('floor', 'floor', 12, 12, null, null, 1);
    gmap.addTilesetImage('corridor', 'corridor', 12, 12, null, null, 2);

    //  Creates a new blank layer and sets the map dimensions.
    layer0 = gmap.create('layer0', MAP_SIZE, MAP_SIZE, 12, 12);

    stats = Dungeon.getStats();
    for (var i = 0; i < MAP_SIZE; i++) {
        for (var j = 0; j < MAP_SIZE; j++) {
            gmap.putTile(map[i][j], i, j, layer0);

    game.add.button(400, 256, 'button', genMap, this, 0, 1, 2);
    game.add.button(400, 300, 'button', toggleBox, this, 0, 1, 2);
    marker = game.add.graphics();

function update() {


function render() {
    game.debug.text("gen", 400 + 16, 256 + 12, '#F00');
    game.debug.text("box: " + state_toggleBox, 400 + 5, 300 + 14, '#000');

    var i = 0;
    for (var key in stats) {
        game.debug.text(key + ": " + stats[key], 400, 48 + (i * 16));

    for (var i = 0; i < rooms.length; i++) {
        var r = rooms[i];
        game.debug.text(r.w + "x" + r.h, r.center.x * 12, r.center.y * 12);

function genMap() {
    // Dungeon.print();
    map = Dungeon.getMap();
    stats = Dungeon.getStats();
    rooms = Dungeon.getRooms();

    for (var i = 0; i < MAP_SIZE; i++) {
        for (var j = 0; j < MAP_SIZE; j++) {
            gmap.putTile(map[i][j], i, j, layer0);


function toggleBox() {
    state_toggleBox = state_toggleBox ? 0 : 1;

function drawBox() {
    if (state_toggleBox) {
        marker.lineStyle(4, 0x000000, 1);

        tree = Dungeon.getTree();
        for (var node in tree) {
            var t = tree[node];
            marker.drawRect(t.x * 12, t.y * 12, t.w * 12, t.h * 12);
    } else {
<div id="phaserCanvas"></div>