Edit in JSFiddle

// Sketchfab Viewer API: Annotation hit also picks mesh
const version = '1.10.1';
const uid = '7c821f28776448d1a69ba852ac373903';
const iframe = document.getElementById('api-frame');
const client = new window.Sketchfab(version, iframe);
let api;

const error = err => console.error('Sketchfab API error:', err);

var titleMessageElement;
var audioSample1;
var audioPlaying1;

function toggleAudio1() {

  if (!audioSample1) return;
  audioSample1.loop = false;
  if (audioPlaying1) audioSample1.pause();
  else audioSample1.play().then(function() {
    window.console.log("// Automatic playback started!");
    titleMessageElement.textContent  = "// Automatic playback started!";
  }).catch(function(error) {
    // Automatic playback failed.
    // Show a UI element to let the user manually start playback.
    window.console.log("// Automatic playback couldn't start!");
    titleMessageElement.textContent  = "// Automatic playback couldn't start! need user interaction";

function skfbStart() {
  const success = apiClient => {
    api = apiClient;
    api.addEventListener('viewerready', () => {					

  client.init(uid, {
    annotation: 0, // Usage: Setting to [1 – 100] will automatically load that annotation when the viewer starts.
    annotations_visible: 1, // Usage: Setting to 0 will hide annotations by default.
    autospin: 0, // Usage: Setting to any other number will cause the model to automatically spin around the z-axis after loading.
    autostart: 1, // Usage: Setting to 1 will make the model load immediately once the page is ready, rather than waiting for a user to click the Play button.
    cardboard: 0, // Usage: Start the viewer in stereoscopic VR Mode built for Google Cardboard and similar devices.
    camera: 1, // Usage: Setting to 0 will skip the initial animation that occurs when a model is loaded, and immediately show the model in its default position.
    preload: 1, // Usage: Setting to 1 will force all resources (textures) to download before the scene is displayed.
    ui_stop: 0, // Usage: Setting to 0 will hide the "Disable Viewer" button in the top right so that users cannot stop the 3D render once it is started.
    transparent: 0, // Usage: Setting to 1 will make the model's background transparent
    ui_animations: 0, // Usage: Setting to 0 will hide the animation menu and timeline.
    ui_annotations: 0, // Usage: Setting to 0 will hide the Annotation menu.
    ui_controls: 1, // Usage: Setting to 0 will hide all the viewer controls at the bottom of the viewer (Help, Settings, Inspector, VR, Fullscreen, Annotations, and Animations).
    ui_fullscreen: 1, // Usage: Setting to 0 will hide the Fullscreen button.
    ui_general_controls: 1, // Usage: Setting to 0 will hide main control buttons in the bottom right of the viewer (Help, Settings, Inspector, VR, Fullscreen).
    ui_help: 1, // Usage: Setting to 0 will hide the Help button.
    ui_hint: 1, // Usage: Setting to 0 will always hide the viewer hint animation ("click & hold to rotate"). Setting to 1 will show the hint the first time per browser session (using a cookie). Setting to 2 will always show the hint.
    ui_infos: 0, // Usage: Setting to 0 will hide the model info bar at the top of the viewer.
    ui_inspector: 0, // Usage: Setting to 0 will hide the inspector button.
    ui_settings: 0, // Usage: Setting to 0 will hide the Settings button.
    ui_vr: 0, // Usage: Setting to 0 will hide the View in VR button.
    ui_ar: 0, // Usage: Setting to 0 will hide the View in AR button.
    ui_watermark_link: 0, // Usage: Setting to 0 remove the link from the Sketchfab logo watermark.
    ui_color: '00a8c0', // Usage: Setting to a hexidecimal color code (without the #) or a HTML color name will change the color of the viewer loading bar.
    ui_watermark: 0, // Usage: Setting to 0 remove the Sketchfab logo watermark.

    success: success,
    error: error,
    version: version


document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
	document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
  console.log("user interactions");
  document.getElementById("clicker").style.display = "none";
     // sound can be paused by user, browser, only way to know is to listen 
    // to the events

    audioSample1 = document.getElementById('audio1');
    audioSample1.addEventListener("playing", function(event) {
      audioPlaying1 = true;
    audioSample1.addEventListener("pause", function(event) {
      audioPlaying1 = false;

  titleMessageElement= document.getElementById('title');

<!-- Learn about this code on sketchfab: https://sketchfab.com/developers/viewer -->

<div class="container">
  <div id="clicker">click me</div>
  <div class="iframe-container">
    <iframe src="" id="api-frame"></iframe>
    <p id="title" style="color: red"></p>
    <p>Sound plays on load, if not, <a href="https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2018/11/web-audio-autoplay"> it means it needs a "user click/touch permission"</a></p>

<audio controls id="audio1" loop=false preload width="960" height="540">
  <source src="https://sketchfab.com/blogs/community/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/sample-1.m4a" id="srcMP3" type="audio/mp3">
  <div>Your Browser will not support this audio</div>
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.iframe-container > iframe {
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.controls > * {
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  outline: none;
  transition: background 0.2s;
  color: white;
  background-color: #1caad9;
  height: 25px;
  font-size: 12px;

button.disabled {
  background-color: #cccccc;

External resources loaded into this fiddle: