Edit in JSFiddle

	$(function () {
	    $.widget("radiantq.gridEditor", {
	        options: {
	            editor: function (cell, grid) {
	                return grid.options.columns[cell[0].cellIndex].editor;
	            editorOptions: function (cell, grid) {
	                return grid.options.columns[cell[0].cellIndex].editorOptions;
	            items: "td",

	        grid: null,
	        _create: function () {
	            grid = this.element.data("grid");
	            var self = this;
	                dblclick: function (event) {
	                    var that = this;
	                    var target = $(event.target).closest(this.options.items);
	                    property = grid.options.columns[target[0].cellIndex].property;

	                    if (target.length && !target.data("editor")) {

	                            editor: this.options.editor(target, grid),
	                            editorOptions: this.options.editorOptions(target, grid),
	                            //Triggers when user submit the changes,
	                            submit: function (event, ui) {
	                                //To get the bounded object
	                                var data = target.closest("tr").data("grid-item"),
	                                    property = grid.options.columns[target[0].cellIndex].property,
	                                    dataType = grid.options.columns[target[0].cellIndex].type;
	                                //change the focus to grid.
	                                var td = target.closest("td");
	                                if (self._trigger("submit", event, ui) !== false) {
	                                    //To update the value in data source.   
	                                    self.setNestedValue(data, property, ui.value);
	                                    //To update the value in div  
	                                    $(".editor-wrapper", td).html(ui.value);
	                                return false;
	                            cancel: function () {
	                            start: function (event, ui) {
	                                var data = target.closest("tr").data("grid-item"),
	                                    property = grid.options.columns[target[0].cellIndex].property;

	                                var input = target.find("input").focus();
	                                if (self._trigger("start", event, ui) !== false) {
	                                    //To update the value in input                                   
	                                    input.val(self.getNestedValue(data, property).toString());

	        getNestedValue: function (obj, prop) {
	            var props = prop.split('.');

	            for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
	                if (typeof obj != "undefined") {
	                    obj = obj[props[i]];
	            return obj || "";
	        setNestedValue: function (obj, prop, newValue) {
	            var props = prop.split('.')
	            previousLevel = props.length - 1;
	            for (var i = 0; i < previousLevel; i++) {
	                if (typeof obj != "undefined") {
	                    obj = obj[props[i]];
	            if (obj[props[previousLevel]] != newValue) obj[props[previousLevel]] = newValue;

	 var localDevelopers = [{
	    "firstName": "Richard",
	        "lastName": "Worth",
	        "country": "USA",
	        "twitter": "rworth",
	        "github": "rdworth",
	        "bitcoins": 150,
	        "random": {
	        "value": 10
	        "favorites": [1, 2, 3],
	        "date": 174351600000
	}, {
	    "firstName": "Scott",
	        "lastName": "González",
	        "country": "USA",
	        "twitter": "scott_gonzalez",
	        "github": "scottgonzalez",
	        "bitcoins": 10,
	        "random": {
	        "value": 20
	        "favorites": [1, 2, 3],
	        "date": 359468280000
	$(function () {
	    var developers = $.ui.dataviewlocal({
	        input: localDevelopers,
	        paging: {
	            limit: 8

	    var grid = $("#developers-local").grid({
	        heightStyle: "fill",
	        source: developers.result
	        items: "td:not(:has(button))"

<div style="width:80em;">
    <table id="developers-local">
        <caption>Developers Grid</caption>
            <col width="12%">
                <col width="12%">
                    <col width="12%">
                        <col width="10.34483%">
                            <col width="12%">
                                <col width="13.79310%">
                                    <col width="10.34483%">
                                        <col width="6.896552%">
                                            <col width="10.34483%">
                <th data-property="firstName">First Name</th>
                <th data-property="random.value" data-type="number" data-editor="randomSpinner"
                data-editor-options='{"min":-1, "max": 125}'>Random</th>
                <td id="pageDevelopers" colspan="9" class="ui-state-default">
                    <button data-page="first">First</button>
                    <button data-page="prev">Prev</button>	<span>
					Page <input class="current" size="4"/> of <span class="total">0</span>
                        <button data-page="last">Last</button>	<span class="totals">
					Total records <span class="totalRecords">0</span>
    <button id="addDeveloper">Insert new developer</button>
    <button id="addDeveloperAtEnd">Insert new developer at the end</button>
<form id="editForm">
    <input type="submit" value="Save changes" />
<script id="edit-tmpl" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
            if $.isArray(value)
    } < ul > {
            each(index, valueX) value
    } < li > < input type = "text"
    name = "${name}"
    placeholder = "${label}"
    value = "${valueX}"
    title = "${label}" / > < /li>
    } < /ul>
	<input type="text" name="${name}" placeholder="${label}" value="${value}" title="${label}" / > {
<script id="cell-date-tmpl" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
    < td class = "ui-widget-content" > $ {
        Globalize.format(new Date(date), "d")
    } < /td>
<script id="cell-time-tmpl" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
    < td class = "ui-widget-content" > $ {
        Globalize.format(new Date(date), "T")
    } < /td>
<script id="cell-edit-tmpl" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
    < td class = "ui-widget-content" > < button class = 'edit' > Edit < /button></td >
<script id="cell-remove-tmpl" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
    < td class = "ui-widget-content" > < button class = 'remove' > Remove < /button></td >
<p><font size="3"><b>Source for this<a  target="_blank"href="http://jqfaq.com/how-to-bind-the-inner-property-in-jqery-ui-grid-with-out-using-observable/"</a> JQFaq question</b></font>
<iframe id="iframe1" src="http://jqfaq.com/AdPage.html" style="width:100%; height:115px; border:none;"

input {
    width:100px !important;