Edit in JSFiddle

      // create a map
      var data, // GeoJSON data of voting districts
          selection, // reference to current selection highlight
          map = $( "#map" ).geomap( {
            center: [ -71.0595678, 42.3604823 ],
            zoom: 8,
            click: function( e, geo ) {
              // remove any previous selection graphic
              if ( selection ) {
                map.geomap( "remove", selection );

              // find a voting district at the clicked location
              var district = map.geomap( "find", geo, 1 );

              if ( district.length > 0 ) {
                // make a copy of the feature for selection highlight
                selection = $.extend( true, { }, district[ 0 ] );

                // display some info about the voting district
                $( "[data-text='Name']" ).text( selection.properties.Name );
                var $descTable = $( selection.properties.Description );
                $descTable.find( "tr:eq(5)" ).remove( );
                $descTable.find( "tr:eq(4) td:first-child" ).text( "Hispanic Origin" );
                $( "[data-html='Description']" ).empty().append( $descTable ).show();

                // set the map's bbox to the bbox of the feature
                // but scale the bbox by 2x first to zoom out a little
                map.geomap( "option", "bbox", $.geo.scaleBy( $.geo.bbox( selection ), 2 ) );

                // append the selection highlight shape with a thick red border
                map.geomap( "append", selection, { opacity: 1, fillOpacity: 0, color: "red", strokeWidth: "4px" } );
          } );

      // set an initial shapeStyle for the demographic display, all white, no border
      map.geomap( "option", "shapeStyle", { strokeWidth: "0px", opacity: 1, color: "#fff" } );

      // jQuery UI for pretty sliders

      $( "#sliderBasemap" ).slider( {
        value: 100,
        slide: function ( e, ui ) {
          // when the basemap slider slides,
          // set the new opacity on the osm layer
          // you can target specific layers with jQuery selector syntax
          // the default service object has a css class of osm
          $( "#map .osm" ).geomap( "opacity", ui.value / 100 );
      } );

      $( ".slider" ).slider( {
        value: 100,
        change: function( e, ui ) {
          // when any demographic slider changes, get all the values
          var red = $( "#sliderR" ).slider( "option", "value" ),
              green = $( "#sliderG" ).slider( "option", "value" ),
              blue = $( "#sliderB" ).slider( "option", "value" ),
              alpha = $( "#sliderA" ).slider( "option", "value" );
          // set the shapeStyle to the new color and global opacity
          // since each individual shape only overrides fillOpacity,
          // this single call will modify all shapes without having to re-append them
          map.geomap( "option", "shapeStyle", {
            color: "rgb( " + Math.floor( 255 * red / 100 )  + ", " + Math.floor( 255 * green / 100 ) + ", " + Math.floor( 255 * blue / 100 ) + " )",
            opacity: alpha / 100
          } , false );
      } );

      // jQuery UI for pretty radio buttons
      $( "#demographic" ).buttonset( );

      $( "#demographic input" ).click( function( ) {
        // when a demographic radio button changes,
        // generate new demographic shapes from the existing data
        showData( data, $(this).val() );
      } );

      // download the voting district shapes and demographics
      $.ajax( {
        url: "http://data.jquerygeo.com/ma-voting-districts.geojson",
        dataType: "json",
        success: function( result ) {
          // save a copy
          data = result;
          // generate new demographic shapes based on whichever input is checked
          showData( data, $( "#demographic input:checked" ).val( ) );

          $( "#demographic img" ).remove();
        error: function( xhr ) {
          // uh oh
          alert( xhr.statusText );
      } );

      function showData( data, demoIndex ) {
        // clear any existing demographic shapes
        map.geomap( "empty" );

        if ( data && data.type == "FeatureCollection" ) {
          $.each( data.features, function( ) {
            // for each voting district, extract the requested demographic row, demoIndex
            // and compare it to the total population row, 0
            var infoTable = $( this.properties.Description ),
                pop = parseInt( infoTable.find( "tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)" ).text() ),
                demo = parseInt( infoTable.find( "tr:eq(" + demoIndex + ") td:eq(1)" ).text() ),
                pct = demo / pop;

                // append a shape for the voting district,
                // its fillOpacity is set to the demographic's relationship to total population
                // for performance, don't refresh while adding these, that ending false
                map.geomap( "append", this, { fillOpacity: 1 - pct } , false );
          } );

          if ( selection ) {
            // if there's an existing selection highlight shape,
            // append it with a thick red border
            map.geomap( "append", selection, { opacity: 1, fillOpacity: 0, color: "red", strokeWidth: "4px" }, false );

          // refresh the map after appending all the new shapes
          map.geomap( "refresh" );
    <div id="map">
    <div class="info">
      <div id="sliders">
          <legend>basemap transparency</legend>
          <div id="sliderBasemap"></div>
          <legend>demographic color</legend>
            <label>red</label> <div id="sliderR" class="slider"></div>
            <label>green</label> <div id="sliderG" class="slider"></div>
            <label>blue</label> <div id="sliderB" class="slider"></div>
            <label>transparency</label> <div id="sliderA" class="slider"></div>
      <h1>Voting Districts by %</h1>
      <div id="demographic">
        <input type="radio" id="optWhite" name="demographic" value="1" checked /><label for="optWhite">White</label>
        <input type="radio" id="optBlack" name="demographic" value="2" /><label for="optBlack">Black</label>
        <input type="radio" id="optAsian" name="demographic" value="3" /><label for="optAsian">Asian</label>
        <input type="radio" id="optHispanic" name="demographic" value="4" /><label for="optHispanic">Hispanic</label>
      <h2 data-text="Name"></h2>
      <div data-html="Description" style="display: none;">
  font:13px/1.231 Calibri,Arial,sans-serif; *font-size:small;

  background: #fff;
  border-radius: 8px;
  box-shadow: -4px 4px #444;
  opacity: .8;
  padding: 8px;
  width: 95%;

      background: #fff;
      position: fixed;
      left: 0;
      top: 0;
      right: 0;
      bottom: 0;

      margin-top: 32px;
      margin: 8px;

    h1, #demographic { display: inline-block; }

    td:first-child { font-weight: bold }

External resources loaded into this fiddle: