Edit in JSFiddle

 * @license Canvas JavaScript Library v0.1
 * some day:
 * canvasjs.net
 * for now, visit:
 * http://htmlcssjavascript.com
 * Copyright 2011, Rob Larsen
 * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
 * http://bobholtwebdev.com/license
 * Date: 2011.12.1

* @todo animations - https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Canvas_tutorial/Basic_animations
* @todo Manage current position better. We're fuzzy on what x,y actually means. It's easy enough to give options, we just need to come up with a default.
* For starters, ADD boundingBox property for shapes, which we can then expose as whatever current X,Y scheme we'd default to and then then whatever people want
* then set up a configruation piece. Set default position when the Canvas is created and then allow overrides at any point.
* Something like ctx.setOrigin ( args )

(function(window) {
    "use strict";
    var document = window.document;
    var Canvas = (function() {

        // Define a local copy of Canvas
        var Canvas = function( selector , params ) {
            return new Canvas.prototype._init( selector );

        Canvas.prototype = {

 * Creates a new Canvas object
 *  @name CanvasJS
 *  @function
 *  @constructor
 *  @param  {string} selector a string indicating the id of an HTML Canvas element or the name of the Canvas Element to be createed
 *  @param {object} params An object containing the following paramters
 *  @param  {string} params.fillStyle - default fill style. Defaults to "#000000";
 *  @param  {string} params.font - default font. Defaults to "10px sans-serif";
 *  @param  {string} params.globalAlpha - default alpha. Defaults to 1;
 *  @param  {string} params.globalCompositeOperation - Default global composition operation. Defaults to "source-over";
 *  @param  {string} params.lineCap - Default line cap. Defaults to "butt";
 *  @param  {string} params.lineJoin - Default line join. Defaults to "miter";
 *  @param  {string} params.lineWidth - Default line width. Defaults to 1;
 *  @param  {string} params.miterLimit - Default miter limit. Defaults to 10;
 *  @param  {string} params.shadowBlur - Default shadowBlur. Defaults to 0;
 *  @param  {string} params.shadowColor - Default shadowColor. Defaults to "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)";
 *  @param  {string} params.shadowOffsetX - Default shadodOffsetX. Defaults to 0;
 *  @param  {string} params.shadowOffsetY - Default shadowOffsetY. Defaults to 0;
 *  @param  {string} params.strokeStyle - Default strokeStyle. Defaults to "#000000";
 *  @param  {string} params.textAlign - Default textAlign. Defaults to "start";
 *  @param  {string} params.textBaseline - Default textBaseline. Defaults to "alphabetic";
            _init: function( selector, params ) {
                params = params || {};
                var container;
                if ( document.getElementById( selector ) ) {
                    container = document.getElementById( selector );
                } else {
                    container = document.createElement("canvas");
                    container.width = params.width || container.width;
                    container.height = params.height || container.height;
                    container.id= selector;

                if (container.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "canvas") {
                    var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
                    canvas.width = container.offsetHeight;
                    canvas.height = container.offsetWidth;
                    canvas.id = "bigc";
                    context = document.getElementById("bigc");
                    throw "The provided ID wasn't a canvas element. A canvas element with id 'bigc' created as a child of the supplied node.";
                var xCurrentPos = 0,
                    yCurrentPos = 0,
                    bbCurrent = null,
                    context = container.getContext('2d');
                /* Default properties
                *  These are all available to set at intialization

                context.fillStyle = params.fillStyle || context.fillStyle;
                context.font = params.font || context.font;
                context.globalAlpha = params.globalAlpha || context.globalAlpha;
                context.globalCompositeOperation = params.globalCompositeOperation || context.globalCompositeOperation;
                context.lineCap = params.lineCap || context.lineCap;
                context.lineJoin = params.lineJoin || context.lineJoin;
                context.lineWidth = params.lineWidth || context.lineWidth;
                context.miterLimit = params.miterLimit || context.miterLimit;
                context.shadowBlur = params.shadowBlur || context.shadowBlur;
                context.shadowColor = params.shadowColor || context.shadowColor;
                context.shadowOffsetX = params.shadodOffsetX || context.shadowOffsetX;
                context.shadowOffsetY = params.shadowOffsetY || context.shadowOffsetY;
                context.strokeStyle = params.strokeStyle || context.strokeStyle;
                context.textAlign = params.textAlign || context.textAlign;
                context.textBaseline = params.textBaseline || context.textBaseline;

 * Get or set the current x and y coordinates of the 'cursor'
 * @name currentPos
 * @function
 * @param {integer} x the x coordinate
 * @param {integer} y the new y coordinate
                var currentPos = function( x , y) {
                    if (x !== undefined &&
                        y !== undefined &&
                        typeof(x) === "number" &&
                        typeof(y) === "number") {

                        xCurrentPos = x;
                        yCurrentPos = y;
                        return {
                            x: xCurrentPos,
                            y: yCurrentPos
                    else {
                        return {
                            x: xCurrentPos,
                            y: yCurrentPos
/** @ignore */
                    _valOrDefault = function(x, current){
                        if( x !== undefined &&
                            typeof(x) === "number"){
                            return x;
                        else {
                            return current;
 * Adds an arc with the given control points and radius to the current subpath, connected to the previous point by a straight line.
 * @name arc
 * @function
 * @param {integer} params.x the x coordinate
 * @param {integer} params.y the y coordinate
 * @param {integer} params.radius the radius of the arc
 * @param {integer} params.start the starting angle
 * @param {integer} params.end the ending angle
 * @param {Boolean} [params.counter] Omitted or set to false this argument will arc counter/anti clockwise

                    arc = function(params) {
                        params = params || {};
                        var x = _valOrDefault(params.x, xCurrentPos),
                            y = _valOrDefault(params.y, yCurrentPos),
                            radius = params.radius || 0,
                            start = params.start || 0,
                            end = params.end || Math.PI * 2,
                            counter = params.counter || false;

                        context.arc(x, y, radius, start, end, counter);
                        return this;
 * Adds points to the subpath such that the arc described by the circumference of the circle described by the arguments, starting at the given start angle and ending at the given end angle, going in the given direction (defaulting to clockwise), is added to the path, connected to the previous point by a straight line.
 * @name arcTo
 * @function
 * @param {integer} x1 the starting x coordinate
 * @param {integer} y1 the starting y coordinate
 * @param {integer} x2 the ending x coordinate
 * @param {integer} y2 the ending y coordinate
 * @param {integer} params.x the x coordinate
 * @param {integer} params.y the y coordinate
                    arcTo = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius) {
                        context.arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius);
                        return this;
 * Resets the current path.
 * @name beginPath
 * @function
                    beginPath = function() {
                        return this;
 * Adds the given point to the current subpath, connected to the previous one by a cubic B�zier curve with the given control points.
 * @name bezierCurveTo
 * @function
 * @param {integer} cp1x the starting control point x coordinate
 * @param {integer} cp1y the starting control point x coordinate
 * @param {integer} cp2y the ending control point x coordinate
 * @param {integer} cp2y the ending control point x coordinate
 * @param {integer} x the ending x coordinate
 * @param {integer} y the ending y coordinate
                    bezierCurveTo = function(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) {
                        context.bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y);
                        return this;
 * Called without parameters, it returns the current bounding box of the last drawn shape- specifically an object containing the top left, top, top right, right, bottom right, bottom, bottom left and left coordinates.
 * it's also called internally to set the property whenever an applicable shape is drawn.
 * @name boundingBox
 * @function

                    boundingBox = function(params){
                        var h,w,leftx,topy;
                        if(params === undefined){
                            return bbCurrent;
                        else if(params.x1 !== undefined &&
                                params.y1 !== undefined &&
                                params.x2 !== undefined &&
                                params.y2 !== undefined){

                            h  = Math.abs(params.y2 - params.y1);
                            w  = Math.abs(params.x2 - params.x1);
                            leftx =  (params.y1 < params.y2) ? params.y1 : params.y2;
                            topy = (params.x1 < params.x2) ? params.x1 : params.x2;
                        else if(params.x !== undefined &&
                                params.y !== undefined &&
                                params.w !== undefined &&
                                params.h !== undefined){
                            h  = params.h;
                            w  = params.w;
                            leftx = params.x;
                            topy = params.y;
                        else if(params.cx !== undefined &&
                                params.cy !== undefined &&
                                params.r  !== undefined){
                            h = w = 2 * params.r;
                            leftx = params.cx - params.r;
                            topy = params.cy - params.r;
                        else if(params.x !== undefined &&
                                params.y !== undefined){
                            var current = currentPos();
                            boundingBox({x1:params.x, y1:params.y, x2: current.x, y2: current.y});
                        else {
                            return bbCurrent;

                        var tl = {x: leftx,         y: topy},
                            t  = {x: leftx + w / 2, y: topy},
                            tr = {x: leftx + w,     y: topy},
                            r  = {x: leftx + w,     y: topy + h / 2},
                            br = {x: leftx + w,     y: topy + h},
                            b  = {x: leftx + w / 2, y: topy + h},
                            bl = {x: leftx,         y: topy + h},
                            l  = {x: leftx,         y: topy + h / 2};

                        bbCurrent = {
                            'tl': tl,
                            't': t,
                            'tr': tr,
                            'r': r,
                            'br': br,
                            'b': b,
                            'bl': bl,
                            'l': l

                        return bbCurrent;
 * Draws a circle with the supplied starting x,y, radius, fillStyle, and strokeStyle
 * @name circle
 * @function
 * @params.x {integer} the starting x coordinate
 * @params.y {integer} the starting y coordinate
 * @params.radius {radius} the radius of the circle
 * @params.fillStyle {Any} the fill style for the circle or false to suppress the fill
 * @params.strokeStyle {Any} the stroke style for the circle or false to suppress the stroke

                    circle = function( params ) {
                        //@todo expand params to set any style appliable to a rectangle
                        params = params || {};
                        var x = _valOrDefault(params.x, xCurrentPos),
                            y = _valOrDefault(params.y, yCurrentPos),
                            radius = params.radius || 10,
                            fillStyle = params.fillStyle || false,
                            strokeStyle = params.strokeStyle || false;
                        moveTo(x, y);
                            x: x,
                            y: y,
                            radius: radius
                        if (fillStyle) {
                            context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
                        if (strokeStyle) {
                            context.strokeStyle = strokeStyle;


                        return this;

 * Clears a rectangular area, making it fully transparent
 * @name clearRect
 * @function
 *  @params.x  {Integer} Starting x coordinate. Defaults to the current position.
 *  @params.y  {Integer} Starting y coordinate. Defaults to the current position.
 *  @params.width {Integer} Rectangle width. Defaults to 0.
 *  @params.height {Integer} Rectangle height. Defaults to 0.
                    clearRect = function(params) {
                        params = params || {};
                        var x = _valOrDefault(params.x, xCurrentPos),
                            y = _valOrDefault(params.y, yCurrentPos),
                            width = params.width || 0,
                            height = params.height || 0;
                        context.clearRect(x, y, width, height);

                        boundingBox({x:x, y:y, w:width, h:height});

                        return this;
 * @name clip
 * @function
                    clip = function() {
                        return this;
 * @name closePath
 * @function
                    closePath = function() {
                        return this;
 * @name createImageData
 * @function
                    createImageData = function(height, width) {
                        context.closePath(height, width);
                        return this;
 * @name createLinearGradient
 * @function
                    createLinearGradient = function(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
                        context.createLinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1);
                        return this;
 * @name createPattern
 * @function
                    createPattern = function(img, repetition) {
                        context.createPattern(img, repetition);
                        return this;
 * @name createRadialGradient
 * @function
                    createRadialGradient = function( x0 , y0 , r0 , x1 , y1 ,  r1  ){
                        context.createRadialGradient( x0 , y0 , r0 , x1 , y1 ,  r1 );
                        return this;
 * @name drawImage
 * @function
                    drawImage = function(img, x, y) {
                        if (img.nodeName == null) {
                            var newImg = new Image();
                            newImg.src = img;
                            img = newImg;
                        img.onload = function() {
                            context.drawImage(img, x, y);
                        x = _valOrDefault(x, xCurrentPos);
                        y = _valOrDefault(y, yCurrentPos);
                        return this;
 * @name fill
 * @function
                    fill = function() {
                        return this;
 * Draws a circle with the supplied starting x,y, radius and fillStyle and no stroke
 * @name fillCircle
 * @function
 * @params.x {integer} the starting x coordinate
 * @params.y {integer} the starting y coordinate
 * @params.radius {radius} the radius of the circle
 * @params.fillStyle {Any} the fill style for the circle. a falsey value will use the current context fillStyle
                    fillCircle = function(params){
                        params = params || {};
                        var x = _valOrDefault(params.x, xCurrentPos),
                            y = _valOrDefault(params.y, yCurrentPos),
                            radius = params.radius || 10,
                            fillStyle = params.fillStyle || context.fillStyle;

                            x: x,
                            y: y,
                            radius: radius,
                            fillStyle: fillStyle,
                            strokeStyle: false

                        return this;
 * @name fillRect
 * @function
                    fillRect = function(x, y, width, height) {
                        context.fillRect(x, y, width, height);

                        boundingBox({x:x, y:y, w:width, h:height});

                        return this;
 * @name fillStyle
 * @function
                    fillStyle = function(color) {
                        if (color !== undefined) {
                            context.fillStyle = color;
                            return this;
                        else {
                            return context.fillStyle;
 * @name fillText
 * @function
                    fillText = function(text, x, y, maxWidth) {
                        if (maxWidth === undefined ){
                             context.fillText(text, x, y);
                        } else {
                             context.fillText(text, x, y, maxWidth);


                        return this;
 * @name font
 * @function
                    font = function(declaration) {
                        if (declaration !== undefined) {
                            context.font = declaration;
                            return this;
                        else {
                            return context.font;
 * @name getImageData
 * @function
                    getImageData = function( x, y, width, height ){
                        return context.getImageData( x, y, width, height );
 * @name globalAlpha
 * @function
                    globalAlpha = function(num) {
                        if (num !== undefined) {
                            context.globalAlpha = num;
                            return this;
                        else {
                            return context.globalAlpha;
 * @name globalCompositeOperation
 * @function
                    globalCompositeOperation = function(op) {
                        if (op !== undefined) {
                            context.globalCompositeOperation = op;
                            return this;
                        else {
                            return context.globalCompositeOperation;
 * @name isPointInPath
 * @function
                    isPointInPath = function( x , y ){
                        //@todo does this make sense to update the x, y?
                        return context.isPointInPath( x , y );
 * @name line
 * @function
                    line = function(params) {
                        params = params || {};
                        var x = _valOrDefault(params.x, xCurrentPos),
                            y = _valOrDefault(params.y, yCurrentPos),
                            hypotenuse = params.distance || 0,
                            angle = params.angle % 360 || 0,
                            radians = math.radians(angle),
                            a = Math.sin(radians) * hypotenuse,
                            b = Math.cos(radians) * hypotenuse,
                            newX = x + b,
                            newY = y + a;

                        context.moveTo(x, y);
                        context.lineTo(newX, newY);

                        boundingBox({x1:x, y1:y, x2:newX, y2: newY});

                        return this;
 * @name lineCap
 * @function
                    lineCap = function(cap) {
                        if (cap !== undefined) {
                            context.lineCap = cap;
                            return this;
                        else {
                            return context.lineCap;
 * @name lineJoin
 * @function
                    lineJoin = function(join) {
                        if (join !== undefined) {
                            context.lineJoin = join;
                            return this;
                        else {
                            return context.lineJoin;
 * @name lineTo
 * @function
                    lineTo = function(x, y) {
                        context.lineTo(x, y);
                        boundingBox({x:x, y:y});


                        return this;
 * @name lineWidth
 * @function
                    lineWidth = function(width) {
                        if (width !== undefined) {
                            context.lineWidth = width;
                            return this;
                        else {
                            return context.lineWidth;
 * @name math
 * @function
                    math = {
                        cosec: function( num ) {
                            return 1 / Math.sin(num);
                        sec: function( num ) {
                            return 1 / Math.cos(num);
                        radians: function( degrees ) {
                            return degrees * (Math.PI / 180);
 * @name measureText
 * @function
                    measureText = function( string ){
                        return context.measureText( string );
 * @name miterLimit
 * @function
                    miterLimit = function(limit) {
                        if (limit !== undefined) {
                            context.miterLimit = limit;
                            return this;
                        else {
                            return context.miterLimit;
 * @name moveTo
 * @function
                    moveTo = function(x, y) {
                        context.moveTo(x, y);
                        return this;
 * @name putImageData
 * @function
                    putImageData = function( imageData, x, y, dirtyX, dirtyY, dirtyWidth, dirtyHeight ) {
                        context.putImageData( imageData, x, y, dirtyX, dirtyY, dirtyWidth, dirtyHeight );
                        return this;
 * @name quadraticCurveTo
 * @function
                    quadraticCurveTo = function(cp1x, cp1y, x, y) {
                        context.quadraticCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, x, y);
                        return this;
 * @name quadraticCurveToFixed
 * @function
                    quadraticCurveToFixed = function(cpx, cpy, x, y) {
                        /* for FF1.5 - from MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Canvas_tutorial/Drawing_shapes
                        For the equations below the following variable name prefixes are used:
                            qp0 is the quadratic curve starting point (you must keep this from your last point sent to moveTo(), lineTo(), or bezierCurveTo() ).
                            qp1 is the quadratic curve control point (this is the cpx,cpy you would have sent to quadraticCurveTo() ).
                            qp2 is the quadratic curve ending point (this is the x,y arguments you would have sent to quadraticCurveTo() ).
                        We will convert these points to compute the two needed cubic control points (the starting/ending points are the same for both
                        the quadratic and cubic curves.

                        The exact equations for the two cubic control points are:
                            cp0 = qp0 and cp3 = qp2
                            cp1 = qp0 + (qp1 - qp0) * ratio
                            cp2 = cp1 + (qp2 - qp0) * (1 - ratio)
                        where ratio = (sqrt(2) - 1) * 4 / 3 exactly (approx. 0.5522847498307933984022516322796)
                        if the quadratic is an approximation of an elliptic arc, and the cubic must approximate the same arc, or
                        ratio = 2.0 / 3.0 for keeping the same quadratic curve.

                        In the code below, we must compute both the x and y terms for each point separately.

                        cp1x = qp0x + (qp1x - qp0x) * ratio;
                        cp1y = qp0y + (qp1y - qp0y) * ratio;
                        cp2x = cp1x + (qp2x - qp0x) * (1 - ratio);
                        cp2y = cp1y + (qp2y - qp0y) * (1 - ratio);

                        We will now
                            a) replace the qp0x and qp0y variables with currentX and currentY (which *you* must store for each moveTo/lineTo/bezierCurveTo)
                            b) replace the qp1x and qp1y variables with cpx and cpy (which we would have passed to quadraticCurveTo)
                            c) replace the qp2x and qp2y variables with x and y.
                        which leaves us with:
                        var ratio = 2.0 / 3.0; // 0.5522847498307933984022516322796 if the Bezier is approximating an elliptic arc with best fitting
                        var cp1x = xCurrentPos + (cpx - xCurrentPos) * ratio;
                        var cp1y = yCurrentPos + (cpy - yCurrentPos) * ratio;
                        var cp2x = cp1x + (x - xCurrentPos) * (1 - ratio);
                        var cp2y = cp1y + (y - yCurrentPos) * (1 - ratio);

                        // and now call cubic Bezier curve to function
                        bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y);

                        return this;
 * @name rect
 * @function
                    rect = function(x, y, width, height) {
                        context.rect(x, y, width, height);

                        boundingBox({x:x, y:y, w:width, h:height});

                        return this;

                     * Function: rectangle
                     * Draws a rectangle in the canvas container
                     * Parameters:
                     *  params.x - (Integer) Starting x coordinate. Defaults to the current position.
                     *  params.y - (Integer) Starting y coordinate. Defaults to the current position.
                     *  params.width - (Integer) Rectangle width. Defaults to 0.
                     *  params.height - (Integer) Rectangle height. Defaults to 0.
                     *  params.fillStyle - (String) The valid fillStyle.
                     * Returns:
                     *  An object containing the current x and y positions.
                     * See Also:
                     *  <circle>
                     *  <clearRect>
 * @name rectangle
 * @function
                    rectangle = function(params) {
                        //@todo expand params to set any style appliable to a rectangle

                        params = params || {};
                        var x,y,width,height;
                        if( params.x1 !== undefined &&
                            params.y1 !== undefined &&
                            params.x2 !== undefined &&
                            params.y2 !== undefined){

                            x = _valOrDefault(params.x1, xCurrentPos);
                            y = _valOrDefault(params.y1, yCurrentPos);
                            width = Math.abs(x - params.x2);
                            height = Math.abs(y - params.y2);
                        else if(params.x !== undefined &&
                                params.y !== undefined &&
                                params.width !== undefined &&
                                params.height !== undefined){

                            x = _valOrDefault(params.x, xCurrentPos);
                            y = _valOrDefault(params.y, yCurrentPos);
                            width = _valOrDefault(params.width, 0);
                            height = _valOrDefault(params.height, 0);
                        else {
                            return this;

                        var fillStyle = params.fillStyle || false,
                            lineWidth = params.lineWidth || false;

                        if (lineWidth) {
                            context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
                        if (fillStyle) {
                            context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
                            fillRect(x, y, width, height);
                        } else {
                            strokeRect(x, y, width, height);

                        boundingBox({x:x, y:y, w:width, h:height});
                        return this;
 * Resets the canvas container, erasing the currently displayed drawings.
 * @name reset
 * @function
 * @returns An object containing the current x and y positions.
                    reset = function() {
                        container.width = container.width;
                        return this;
 * @name restore
 * @function
                    restore = function() {
                        return this;
 * @name rotate
 * @function
                    rotate = function( angle ) {
                        context.rotate( angle );
                        return this;
 * @name roundedRectangle
 * @function
                    roundedRectangle = function(x, y, width, height, radius) {
                        // from MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Canvas_tutorial/Drawing_shapes
                        moveTo(x, y + radius);
                        lineTo(x, y + height - radius);
                        quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x + radius, y + height);
                        lineTo(x + width - radius, y + height);
                        quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width, y + height - radius);
                        lineTo(x + width, y + radius);
                        quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width - radius, y);
                        lineTo(x + radius, y);
                        quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x, y + radius);

                        boundingBox({x:x, y:y, w:width, h:height});
                        return this;
 * @name save
 * @function
                    save = function() {
                        return this;
 * @name scale
 * @function
                    scale = function( x , y ) {
                        context.scale( x , y);
                        return this;
 * @name setTransform
 * @function
                    setTransform = function( matrix11 , matrix12 , matrix21 , matrix22 , x , y ){
                        context.setTransform(  matrix11 , matrix12 , matrix21 , matrix22 , x , y );
                        return this;
 * @name shadowBlur
 * @function
                    shadowBlur = function(num) {
                        if (num !== undefined) {
                            context.shadowBlur = num;
                            return this;
                        else {
                            return context.shadowBlur;
 * @name shadowColor
 * @function
                    shadowColor = function(color) {
                        if (color !== undefined) {
                            context.shadowColor = color;
                            return this;
                        else {
                            return context.shadowColor;
 * @name shadowOffsetX
 * @function
                    shadowOffsetX = function(num) {
                        if (num !== undefined) {
                            context.shadowOffsetX = num;
                            return this;
                        else {
                            return context.shadowOffsetX;
 * @name shadowOffsetY
 * @function
                    shadowOffsetY = function(num) {
                        if (num !== undefined) {
                            context.shadowOffsetY = num;
                            return this;
                        else {
                            return context.shadowOffsetY;
 * Gets/Sets shadowOffsetX and shadowOffsetY in one call.
 * Passing one parameter sets both shadowOffsetX and shadowOffsetY to the same value
 * Passing no parameters returns an object containing the x and y offsets
 * shadowOffset().x === shadowOffsetX() && shadowOffset().y === shadowOffsetY()
 * @name shadowOffset
 * @function
 * @param {integer} x shadowOffsetX
 * @param {integer} y shadowOffsetY
                    shadowOffset = function(x, y) {
                        if (x !== undefined) {
                            context.shadowOffsetX = x;

                            if (y !== undefined) {
                                context.shadowOffsetY = y;
                            } else {
                                context.shadowOffsetY = x;
                            return this;
                        } else {
                            return {
                                x: context.shadowOffsetX,
                                y: context.shadowOffsetY
 * Draws a circle with the supplied starting x,y, radius and strokeStyle and no fill
 * @name strokeCircle
 * @function
 * @params.x {integer} the starting x coordinate
 * @params.y {integer} the starting y coordinate
 * @params.radius {radius} the radius of the circle
 * @params.strokeStyle {Any} the stroke style for the circle. a falsey value will use the current context strokeStyle
                    strokeCircle = function(params){
                        params = params || {};
                        var x = _valOrDefault(params.x, xCurrentPos),
                            y = _valOrDefault(params.y, yCurrentPos),
                            radius = params.radius || 10,
                            strokeStyle = params.strokeStyle || context.strokeStyle;

                            x: x,
                            y: y,
                            radius: radius,
                            fillStyle: false,
                            strokeStyle: strokeStyle

                        return this;
 * @name strokeStyle
 * @function
                    strokeStyle = function(color) {
                        if (color !== undefined) {
                            context.strokeStyle = color;
                            return this;
                        else {
                            return context.strokeStyle;
 * @name strokeRect
 * @function
                    strokeRect = function(x, y, width, height) {
                        context.strokeRect(x, y, width, height);
                        return this;
 * @name strokeText
 * @function
                    strokeText = function(text, x, y, maxWidth) {
                        context.strokeText(text, x, y, maxWidth);
                        return this;
 * @name stroke
 * @function
                    stroke = function() {
                        return this;
 * @name textAlign
 * @function
                    textAlign = function(align) {
                        if (align !== undefined) {
                            context.textAlign = align;
                            return this;
                        else {
                            return context.textAlign;
 * @name textBaseline
 * @function
                    textBaseline = function(baseline) {
                        if (baseline !== undefined) {
                            context.textBaseline = baseline;
                            return this;
                        else {
                            return context.textBaseline;
 * @name transform
 * @function
                    transform = function( matrix11 , matrix12 , matrix21 , matrix22 , x , y ){
                        context.transform( matrix11 , matrix12 , matrix21 , matrix22 , x , y );
                        return this;
 * @name translate
 * @function
                    translate = function(x, y){
                        context.translate( x , y );
                        return this;
                return {
                    "arc": arc,
                    "arcTo": arcTo,
                    "beginPath": beginPath,
                    "bezierCurveTo": bezierCurveTo,
                    "boundingBox": boundingBox,
                    "circle": circle,
                    "clearRect": clearRect,
                    "clip": clip,
                    "closePath": closePath,
                    "context": context,
                    "container": container,
                    "createImageData" : createImageData,
                    "createLinearGradient" : createLinearGradient ,
                    "createPattern" : createPattern,
                    "createRadialGradient" : createRadialGradient,
                    "drawImage": drawImage,
                    "fill": fill,
                    "fillCircle": fillCircle,
                    "fillRect": fillRect,
                    "fillStyle": fillStyle,
                    "fillText": fillText,
                    "font": font,
                    "currentPos": currentPos,
                    "getImageData" : getImageData,
                    "globalAlpha": globalAlpha,
                    "globalCompositeOperation": globalCompositeOperation,
                    "isPointInPath" : isPointInPath,
                    "line": line,
                    "lineCap": lineCap,
                    "lineJoin": lineJoin,
                    "lineTo": lineTo,
                    "lineWidth": lineWidth,
                    "miterLimit": miterLimit,
                    "measureText" : measureText,
                    "moveTo": moveTo,
                    "putImageData" : putImageData,
                    "quadraticCurveTo": quadraticCurveTo,
                    "quadraticCurveToFixed": quadraticCurveToFixed,
                    "rect": rect,
                    "rectangle": rectangle,
                    "reset": reset,
                    "restore": restore,
                    "rotate" : rotate,
                    "roundedRectangle": roundedRectangle,
                    "roundedRect": roundedRectangle,
                    "save": save,
                    "scale" : scale,
                    "setTransform" : setTransform,
                    "shadowBlur": shadowBlur,
                    "shadowColor": shadowColor,
                    "shadowOffset": shadowOffset,
                    "shadowOffsetX": shadowOffsetX,
                    "shadowOffsetY": shadowOffsetY,
                    "stroke": stroke,
                    "strokeCircle": strokeCircle,
                    "strokeStyle": strokeStyle,
                    "strokeText": strokeText,
                    "strokeRect": strokeRect,
                    "textAlign": textAlign,
                    "textBaseline": textBaseline,
                    "transform" : transform,
                    "translate" : translate

        Canvas.prototype._init.prototype = Canvas.prototype;

        return Canvas;
    window['Canvas'] = Canvas;
                                                                                                                    var ctx = new Canvas("ctx"); 
for (var i = 0; i<1000; i++){
  var color = 'rgb(0,' + Math.floor(255 - i/7) + ',' + Math.floor(255 - i/100) + ')';  
  ctx.beginPath().line({x:.4*i,y:.4*i,angle: i, distance:i * .40 }).strokeStyle(color).stroke();
<canvas id="ctx" width="500" height="500"></canvas>