Edit in JSFiddle

$(function () {
    // Grab all the excerpt class
    $('.con').each(function () {
        // Run formatWord function and specify the length of words display to viewer
        $(this).html(formatWords($(this).html(), 30));
        // Hide the extra words
        // Apply click event to read more link
    }).click(function () {
        // Grab the hidden span and anchor
        var more_text = $(this).children('span.more_text');
        var more_link = $(this).children('a.more_link');
        // Toggle visibility using hasClass
        // I know you can use is(':visible') but it doesn't work in IE8 somehow...
        if (more_text.hasClass('hide')) {
            more_link.html(' » hide');        
        } else {
            more_link.html(' « more');            
        return false;

// Accept a paragraph and return a formatted paragraph with additional html tags
function formatWords(sentence, show) {
    // split all the words and store it in an array
    var words = sentence.split(' ');
    var new_sentence = '';
    // loop through each word
    for (i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
        // process words that will visible to viewer
        if (i <= show) {
            new_sentence += words[i] + ' ';
            // process the rest of the words
        } else {
            // add a span at start
            if (i == (show + 1)) new_sentence += '... <span class="more_text hide">';        
            new_sentence += words[i] + ' ';
            // close the span tag and add read more link in the very end
            if (words[i+1] == null) new_sentence += '</span><a href="#" class="more_link"> &raquo; more</a>';
    return new_sentence;
<div class="mid">
    <p class="con">
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Reiciendis vel dolorum rem. Inventore, minus aliquid tempore, a cumque temporibus error vitae ullam nemo aut molestias totam sint reprehenderit magni in, et saepe porro dolor consectetur officiis excepturi consequatur labore. Minima veniam ex corporis dolores est perferendis similique commodi accusantium error laudantium doloremque accusamus fugiat, neque eveniet recusandae, debitis quae praesentium ab dolore rem reiciendis unde. Culpa qui ab minus praesentium minima voluptatem eaque asperiores autem accusamus! Expedita beatae nostrum amet, provident similique aperiam perferendis unde consequatur. Quidem in, praesentium deleniti, veniam quis, vero debitis eius adipisci est ducimus ipsam. Offici
    CSS is not important as well :)
    The following is the basic styling I used in the demostration. 
    We do not have to worry about CSS for this tutorial!

.con { padding:10px; border:1px solid #ddd; }