Edit in JSFiddle

<!-- The container of the image -->
<p id="parallax1"></p>

<!-- The script that configure the container -->
    /* write_parallax(
        id of the container,
        url of the image,
        width of the original image in px,
        height of the original image in px);
    Get the height of the complete resized background image.
        element: the container of the image,
        w: the width of the original image,
        h: the height
        RETURN: the height of the complete resized background image
function get_background_height(element, w, h) {
    // If width or height are not specified
    if (w == null || h == null) {
        // Create an image in memory
        var image = new Image();
        // Get the background image url of the container
        var imageSrc = element.style.backgroundImage.replace(/url\((['"])?(.*?)\1\)/gi, '$2').split(',')[0];
        // Assign the image to the source
        image.src = imageSrc;
        // Get the width and height of the image
        // BE CAREFUL: on chrome and IE, image.height and image.width return 0 if this is called during the document loading !!!
        w = image.width;
        h = image.height;
    // Calculate the height proportionnaly to the width of the container
    return (h * element.getBoundingClientRect().width / w);

    Move the background image according to the container position and the window position
        p: the container
        pYOffset: the offset of the container relatively to the current window
        pHeight: the height of the container
        bgHeight: the height of the background image
function set_background_offset(p, pYOffset, pHeight, bgHeight) {
    // Calculate the offset of background image relatively to the container. It should be the same as the position of the container relatively to the window.
    var bgYOffset = pYOffset * (pHeight - bgHeight) / window.innerHeight;
    // Position the background image with the new offset
    p.style.backgroundPosition = "0px " + bgYOffset + "px";

    Run the parallax computing on the specified container
        p: the container
        w: the width of the original image
        h: the height of the original image
function do_parallax(p, w, h) {
    // Get the height of the complete resized background image.
    var bgHeight = get_background_height(p, w, h)
    // Update the offset of the background image

    Run the parallax computing for all the containers of the document
function do_all_parallax() {
    // For each element of the document with class name 'parallax'
    for (i = 0; i < document.getElementsByClassName('parallax').length; i++) {
        // Do the parallax for the current element. Note: we don't need to specify the height and width of the original image because it can be computed automatically. The only special case is at the loading of the page, for Chrome and IE.

    Write a parallax image in a container
        element_id: the id of the container
        img_path: the url of the image
        w: the width of the original image
        h: the height of the original image
function write_parallax(element_id, img_path, w, h) {
    // Get the container
    element = document.getElementById(element_id);
    // Add the 'parallax' class name to the container
    element.className += " parallax";
    // Set the background image
    element.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + img_path + "')";
    // Set the background width to fit all the container
    element.style.backgroundSize = "100%";
    // Set the background to do not repeat
    element.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
    // Do the parallax for the current element. Note: we need to specify the height and width of the original image because for Chrome and IE, it can't be computed automatically at the loading of the page. After that, it can be computed automatically.
    do_parallax(element, w, h);
    // Scroll and resize event will call an update of all the parallaxes (ignored if already set)
    window.addEventListener("scroll", do_all_parallax);
    window.addEventListener("resize", do_all_parallax);
.parallax {
    width: 100%;
    height: 0;
    padding-bottom: 30%;