Edit in JSFiddle

// Ensure MORDENDK namespace

// Remap jQuery to $
(function( $ ){

    MORDENDK.Handlers = {
        init: function() {
            $( '#page > div[class^="col"]' ).alignHeight();
    // Parsing it directly is the same as on $( document ).ready()
    $( MORDENDK.Handlers.init );

})( this.jQuery );

 * jQuery Align Height Plugin v. 0.1 I guess
 * I't takes a collection of elements and align their height on a per row basis, for visually aligning flexible grids
 * Visit http://morden.dk/2011/handy-jquery-plugin-for-aligning-height for examples and further explanation
 * Usage: $( 'selector' ).alignHeight( sizes );
 * Example: $('#page > div[class^="col"]').alignHeight();

/* Map jQuery in a immediately invoked function to create closure and avoid comflicts */
;(function( $ ) {
    $.fn.alignHeight = function( options ) {

        // Caching collection of elements
        var $el = $( this );

        // Return elements for chaining immediately if there are not enough elements
        if ( $el.size() < 2 ) { return $el; }

        // Merge any options and get calculate rows as per opts.sizes 
        var opts = $.extend( {}, $.fn.alignHeight.defaults, options ),
            rows = $.fn.alignHeight.getRows( $el, opts.sizes );

        // Align the height of elements for each row in collection of rows 
        $.fn.alignHeight.setHeightsToRowMax( rows );

        // Return elements for chaining
        return $el;

    $.fn.alignHeight.defaults = {
        // Sizes used as default
        sizes: {
            'col' : 100, 
            'col_25' : 25, 
            'col_33' : 33.33, 
            'col_50' : 50, 
            'col_75' : 75, 
            'col_100' : 100 

    $.fn.alignHeight.getRows = function( $el, sizes ) {

        // Create new array for the calculated rows
        var rows = [];
         * Push each row from the array of elements by calculating width by class names from sizes{}
         * var total is the accumulated width, it is reset every time it gets above 100 ( hence a full row )
         * var cols is a shifting starting point used when slicing the elements array and pushing them to rows[]
        for ( var i = 0, total = 0, cols = 0, l = $el.size(); i < l; i++ ) {
             * Calculate the width of the current element by getting it's assigned value from sizes and add it to total
             * TODO: Find a better way than to use the first assigned className as lookup
            total += parseInt( 
                        .eq( i )
                        .attr( 'class' )
                        .split( ' ' )[ 0 ]
            , 10 );
            // If we exceed 100 we have a full row
            if( Math.ceil( total ) > 100 ){
                // So add these to the array of rows
                rows.push( $el.slice( cols, i ));
                // Then reset and go back one
                total = 0; cols = i; i--;
            // Then push any remaining elements as the last row
            } else if( i + 1 >= l ){

                rows.push( $el.slice( cols, i + 1 ) );

        return rows;
    $.fn.alignHeight.setHeightsToRowMax = function( rows ) {

        // Set every elements height to maxHeight for each row in rows[]
        for ( var i = 0, l = rows.length; i < l; i++ ) {
            var $row = $( rows[ i ] );
            if( $row.length > 1 ){
                $row.height( $.fn.alignHeight.findMaxHeight( $row ) );


    $.fn.alignHeight.findMaxHeight = function( $el ) {

        //Set maxHeight to the height of the first element
        var maxHeight = $el.height(),

        //Loop through the rest to see if one is higher
        for ( var i = 1, l = $el.size(); i < l; i++ ) {
            curHeight = $el.eq( i ).height();
            maxHeight = ( curHeight > maxHeight ) ? curHeight : maxHeight;

        return maxHeight;

}( this.jQuery ) );