Edit in JSFiddle

// Cache DOM elements
const inputElements = document.querySelectorAll('[mm-model]');
const boundElements = document.querySelectorAll('[mm-bind]');
// Initialize scope variable to hold the state of the model.
let scope = {};

function init() {
  // Loop through input elements
  for (let el of inputElements) {
    if (el.type === 'text') {
      // Get property name from each input with an attribute of 'mm-model'
      let propName = el.getAttribute('mm-model');

      // Update bound scope property on input change
      el.addEventListener('keyup', e => {
        scope[propName] = el.value;

      // Set property update logic

function setPropUpdateLogic(prop) {
  if (!scope.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
    let value;
    Object.defineProperty(scope, prop, {
      // Automatically update bound dom elements when a scope property is set to a new value
      set: (newValue) => {
        value = newValue;

        // Set input elements to new value
        for (let el of inputElements) {
          if (el.getAttribute('mm-model') === prop) {
            if (el.type) {
              el.value = newValue;
        // Set all other bound dom elements to new value
        for (let el of boundElements) {
          if (el.getAttribute('mm-bind') === prop) {
            if (!el.type) {
              el.innerHTML = newValue;
      get: () => {
        return value;
      enumerable: true


// Set initial scope values 
scope.firstname = 'John';
scope.lastname = 'Doe';

  <label for="name">First Name:</label>
  <input type="text" id="name" placeholder="Start typing..." mm-model="firstname">
  <h1 mm-bind="firstname"></h1>

  <label for="name">Last Name:</label>
  <input type="text" id="name" placeholder="Start typing..." mm-model="lastname">
  <h1 mm-bind="lastname"></h1>