Edit in JSFiddle

<div id="pills">
  <svg version="1.1" width="540" height="420">
    <svg-pill v-for="stat in stats" :stat="stat" :index="$index" :width="500"></svg-pill>
<script type="text/x-template" id="pill-template">
    <rect x="0" :y="offsetY" rx="20" ry="20" :width="width" height="30" style="fill:#dfdfef" />
    <rect x="0" :y="pillY" rx="20" ry="20" :width="pillWidth" :height="pillHeight" style="fill:darkorange" />
    <foreignObject x="0" :y="inputY" width="500" :height="pillHeight" requiredExtensions="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

      <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
          <input type="range" v-model="stat.value" min="0" max="100" style="width:{{inputWidth}}px" />
            Vue.component('SvgPill', {
              props: {
                stat: Object,
                index: Number,
                width: Number
              template: '#pill-template',
              replace: true,
              computed: {
                offsetY: function() {
                  // The vertical position of the slider control. Based on the array index,
                  // so the first slider will be at y=0 and the rest stacked at fixed
                  // intervals below.
                  return this.index * 70
                pillY: function() {
                  // The vertical position of the coloured value pill. This is the same as
                  // the background pill vertical position until the size of the pill is
                  // reduced to the point where it becomes a circle (the width is then equal
                  // to the height). At this width and smaller we need to add an offset to make
                  // sure the pill stays centered rather than drifting to the top left of
                  // the background pill.
                  var y = this.offsetY;
                  var width = this.pillWidth;
                  var offset = width < 30 ? (30 - width) / 2.0 : 0;
                  return y + offset
                pillWidth: function() {
                  // The values are taken to be in the range 0..100, but the width of the
                  // svg element may be larger than this (in pixels), so here we scale the
                  // width of the coloured pill relative to the svg width.
                  return this.stat.value * (this.width / 100)
                pillHeight: function() {
                  // The height is fixed at 30px until the size of the pill is reduced to the
                  // point where it becomes a circle (height==width). After this the height is
                  // set to be equal to the width, ie. the pill becomes a smaller and smaller circle.
                  var width = this.pillWidth;
                  return width < 30 ? width : 30
                inputY: function() {
                  // The vertical position of the HTML range input.
                  return this.offsetY + 30
                inputWidth: function() {
                  // The width of the HTML range input.
                  return this.width - 20

            vue = new Vue({
              el: '#pills',
              data: {
                stats: [{
                  value: 10
                }, {
                  value: 30
                }, {
                  value: 65

External resources loaded into this fiddle: