Edit in JSFiddle

var name = $.post('/echo/json/', {json:JSON.stringify({'name':"Matt Baker"})});
var lastUpdate = $.post('/echo/json/', {json:JSON.stringify({'lastUpdate':"Hello World"})});

$.when(name, lastUpdate)
    .done(function (nameResponse, lastUpdateResponse) {
        var name = nameResponse[0].name;
        var lastUpdate = lastUpdateResponse[0].lastUpdate;
        $("#render-me").html(name+"'s last update was: "+lastUpdate);
    .fail(function () {
        $("#error").html("an error occured").show();
//Why the arrays in the done handler?
//The new done callbacks receive all the data passed to the done callback of each deferred that's being "combined" with $.when. In this case, we get two arrays - one with all the data that would have been sent to "done" callback of the name request, and one for the data returned to the lastUpdate request.
<div id="render-me"></div>
<div id="error" style="display:none;"></div>