Edit in JSFiddle

    // Create an instance of Meny
            var meny = Meny.create({
                // The element that will be animated in from off screen
                menuElement: document.querySelector( '.meny' ),

                // The contents that gets pushed aside while Meny is active
                contentsElement: document.querySelector( '.contents' ),

                // [optional] The alignment of the menu (top/right/bottom/left)
                position: Meny.getQuery().p || 'left',

                // [optional] The height of the menu (when using top/bottom position)
                height: 200,

                // [optional] The width of the menu (when using left/right position)
                width: 260,

                // [optional] Distance from mouse (in pixels) when menu should open
                threshold: 40

            // API Methods:
            // meny.open();
            // meny.close();
            // meny.isOpen();
            // Events:
            // meny.addEventListener( 'open', function(){ console.log( 'open' ); } );
            // meny.addEventListener( 'close', function(){ console.log( 'close' ); } );

            // Embed an iframe if a URL is passed in
            if( Meny.getQuery().u && Meny.getQuery().u.match( /^http/gi ) ) {
                var contents = document.querySelector( '.contents' );
                contents.style.padding = '0px';
                contents.innerHTML = '<div class="cover"></div><iframe src="'+ Meny.getQuery().u +'" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0; position: absolute;"></iframe>';
<div class="meny">
            <h2>More Experiments</h2>
                <li><a href="http://lab.hakim.se/avgrund/">Avgrund</a></li>
                <li><a href="http://lab.hakim.se/radar/">Radar</a></li>
                <li><a href="http://lab.hakim.se/forkit-js/">forkit.js</a></li>
                <li><a href="http://lab.hakim.se/scroll-effects/">stroll.js</a></li>
                <li><a href="http://lab.hakim.se/zoom-js">zoom.js</a></li>
                <li><a href="http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js">reveal.js</a></li>
                <li><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sinuous/id543097218">Sinuous for iOS</a></li>
                <li><a href="http://hakim.se/experiments/css/domtree/">DOM Tree</a></li>
                <li><a href="http://hakim.se/experiments/css/holobox/">Holobox</a></li>
                <li><a href="http://hakim.se/experiments/html5/404/netmag.html">404</a></li>

        <div class="meny-arrow"></div>

        <div class="contents">
                    A three dimensional and space efficient menu.
                    Move your mouse towards the arrow &mdash; or swipe in from the arrow if you're on a touch device &mdash; to open.
                    Test it with any page by appending a URL, like so: <a href="http://lab.hakim.se/meny/?u=http://hakim.se">lab.hakim.se/meny/?u=http://hakim.se.</a> 
                    Meny can be positioned on any side of the screen: <br>
                     <a href="http://lab.hakim.se/meny/?p=top">top</a> 
                     - <a href="http://lab.hakim.se/meny/?p=right">right</a> 
                     - <a href="http://lab.hakim.se/meny/?p=bottom">bottom</a>
                     - <a href="http://lab.hakim.se/meny/?p=left">left</a> 
                    Instructions and download at <a href="http://github.com/hakimel/meny">github.com/hakimel/meny</a>.
                    The name, <em>Meny</em>, is swedish.
                    Created by <a href="http://twitter.com/hakimel">@hakimel</a> / <a href="http://hakim.se/">http://hakim.se</a>