Edit in JSFiddle


     * Type of integration to use.
     * Currently only the iframe is supported.
     *  iframe: Embedded iframe (default)
     *  overlay: Opens a full-page overlay
     *  modal: Opens a small modal at the specified position
     * @type {undefined|'iframe'|'overlay'|'modal'}
    type: 'iframe',

     * MUST BE SET IF type == 'iframe'
     * Query selector for the iframe container, or HTML Element being the iframe container.
     * @type {undefined|string|HTMLElement}
    container: '#risibank-container',

     * MUST BE SET IF type == 'modal'
     * Position where to show the modal
     * @type {undefined|{ x: number, y: number }}
    openPosition: undefined,
     * Theme to use for the embed
     * @type {undefined|'light'|'dark'|'light-old'}
    theme: 'light',
     * Media size in the embed. Default is md.
     * @type {'sm'|'md'|'lg'}
    mediaSize: 'sm',
     * Bottom navigation navbar size. Default is md.
     * @type {'sm'|'md'|'lg'}
    navbarSize: 'sm',
     * Default tab to show. If chosing a non-existent tab, will show the most popular.
     * @type {'search' | 'fav' | 'hot' | 'top' | 'new' | 'rand'}
    defaultTab: 'top',
     * Whether to show NSFW content. Default is to show it.
     * @type {Boolean}
    showNSFW: false,
     * Whether to allow username selection in the embed.
     * If set to yes
     *  - Users will be able to select an username within the embed.
     * 	- The selected username will be automatically storred by this object using the LocalStorage API.
     * 	- The public collections of the selected user will be shown in the embed.
     * If set to no, it will not be possible to select an user within the embed.
     * @type {Boolean|undefined}
    allowUsernameSelection: true,
     * Whether to show a copy button below all medias
     * When clicked, this copy button will call the given onCopyMedia
     * @type {Boolean|undefined}
    showCopyButton: false,

     * Callback when the copy button is shown (only used if showCopyButton is set to true)
    onCopyMedia: ({ id, type, media }) => { console.log(media, 'copy'); },

     * Selection callback. When a media is selected, this callback is called.
     * @required
     * @type {({id: Number, type: String, media: Object}) => any}
     * @param {Number} id Id of the integration (automatically generated, you probably do not need it)
     * @param {String} type Event type. You probably do not need this either.
     * @param {Object} media Media object.
     * Default callbacks are provided in the RisiBank object:
     *  RisiBank.addSourceImageToTextArea(querySelector)    -> adds the selected source image (e.g. noelshack) to the textarea
     *  RisiBank.addRisiBankImageToTextArea(querySelector)  -> adds the selected risibank image to the textarea
     * You can also create your own callbacks, e.g.
     *  onSelect: ({ id, type, media }) => { console.log(media, 'selected'); }
    onSelectMedia: RisiBank.Actions.addRisiBankImageLink('#the-textarea'),
<script src="https://risibank.fr/downloads/web-api/risibank.js"></script>

<div class="container">

    <!-- PlaceHolder for the integration -->
    <div id="risibank-container"></div>

    <!-- TextArea holding images -->
    <textarea id="the-textarea"></textarea>
.container {
    width: 600px;
    text-align: center;

#risibank-container {
    width: 100%;
    height: 245px;

textarea {
    width: 100%;
    height: 80px;