Edit in JSFiddle

                var defaults = {
                        bgPos : '30px'
                    canvas = document.createElement('canvas'), // Canvas used to check text widths.
                    context = canvas.getContext('2d'),
                    iCaretPos, caret, totalWidth, cssRules, font, totalTextWidth, currentTextWidth,
                    locationPercentage, textWidthRatio, settings, selectors = [],
                    // find in which direction the user has selected the text, left or right
                    getSelectionDirection = {
                        direction : null,
                        lastOffset : null,
                        set : function(e){
                            if( e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 36 )
                                getSelectionDirection.direction = 'left';
                            else if( e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 35 )
                                getSelectionDirection.direction = 'right';
                            if( e.type == 'mousedown' )
                                getSelectionDirection.lastOffset = e.clientX;
                            else if( e.type == 'mouseup' ){
                                getSelectionDirection.direction = e.clientX < getSelectionDirection.lastOffset ? 'left' : 'right';
                function getCaretPosition(oField, direction){    
                    // if IE
                    if( document.selection ){
                        var oSel = document.selection.createRange();
                        oSel.moveStart('character', -oField.value.length);
                        iCaretPos = oSel.text.length;
                    else if( oField.selectionStart || oField.selectionStart == '0' )
                        iCaretPos = direction == 'left' ? oField.selectionStart : oField.selectionEnd;

                    return iCaretPos || 0;
                // because CUT and PASTE events are fired in jQuery before the value has changed
                function cutPasteDelay(e){
                    var that = this;
                        initIndicator.apply(that, e);
                function initIndicator(e){
                    caret = getCaretPosition(this, getSelectionDirection.direction);
                    totalWidth = $(this).width();    // width of the input field
                    cssRules = window.getComputedStyle(this);
                    font = {
                        size : parseInt(cssRules.getPropertyValue("font-size")),
                        family : cssRules.getPropertyValue('font-family')
                    totalTextWidth = checkTextWidth(this.value, font);
                    currentTextWidth = checkTextWidth(this.value.substring(0,caret), font); // from the beginning index until current caret position
                    locationPercentage = Math.floor((currentTextWidth / totalTextWidth) * 100);
                    textWidthRatio = (totalWidth / totalTextWidth);
                // update the visual style of the element
                function setStyles(el){
                    // check the input's value overflows
                    if( textWidthRatio > 1 )
                        textWidthRatio = 0;
                        'background-size' : textWidthRatio*100 + '%',
                        'background-position' : locationPercentage + '% ' + settings.bgPos
                // check a given text lengh, acording to it's size and font family
                function checkTextWidth(text, font){
                    context.font = font.size + "px " + font.family;

                    if( context.fillText )
                        return context.measureText(text).width;
                    else if( context.mozDrawText )
                        return context.mozMeasureText(text);
                function destroy(selector){
                        .off('mousedown mouseup keydown', selector, getSelectionDirection.set)
                        .off('keydown keyup focus select mouseup cut paste', selector, initIndicator)
                        .off('cut paste', selector, cutPasteDelay);
                    // remove the selector from the list of selectors
                    var index = selectors.indexOf(selector);
                    selectors.splice(index, 1);
                    // remove the visual indicator
                    return $(selector).css('background-position', '');
                $.fn.inputIndicator = function(options){
                    var pluginSelector = this.selector;
                    if( options == 'destroy' )
                        return destroy(pluginSelector);

                    // merge settings
                    settings = $.extend( {}, defaults, options );
                    // check if the same selector was delegated already, not to create duplicate events on the Document
                    if( selectors.indexOf(pluginSelector) != -1 )
                        return this;

                    selectors.push( pluginSelector );
                    // make sure to initialize any input element that is inserted to the DOM after the plugin has first ran.
                    $(document).bind('DOMNodeInserted', function(e){
                        if( $(e.target).is(pluginSelector) )
                    // init the whole thing and bind the events
                        .on('mousedown mouseup keydown', this.selector, getSelectionDirection.set)
                        .on('keydown keyup focus select mouseup cut paste', this.selector, initIndicator)
                        .on('cut paste', this.selector, cutPasteDelay);
                    this.trigger('mouseup'); // make the indicator show the first time (without any user interaction)
                    return this;

    padding:5px; margin: 20px; width:300px; font-size:20px; 
     border:1px solid #CCC;  
    background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, #1a60a6 100%, transparent 0%);
    background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(0deg, #1a60a6 100%, transparent 0%);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position:0 100px;
/* for ugly chrome */
textarea:focus, input:focus{
    outline: none;

/* for centering only */
     input{ display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle; }
     html, body{ height:100%; text-align: center; }
     body:before{content:''; display:inline-block; height:100%; vertical-align:middle; margin-right:-0.25em; }
<input type='text' value='2012年現在、国際連合の統計によると、東京は世界最大のメガシティと評価されており、世界最大の人口を有する都市圏を形成している。都市単位の経済規模(GDP)ではニューヨークをしのぎ、世界最大である。' />