Edit in JSFiddle

 * Table Filter (for jQuery)
 * version: 0.1.0 (Oct. 18, 2012)
 * Licensed under the MIT:
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
 * Copyright 2012 Efe Amadasun [ [email protected] ]
 * <input type="text" class="f_txt"/>
 * <table class="f_tbl">...</table>
 * $(function(){ 
 *       $(".f_txt").table_filter({'table':'.f_tbl'});
 * });
 * filter_inverse (boolean) - default: False
 * True - filters out rows that match the filter text
 * False - filters out rows that do not match the filter text
 * enable_space (boolean) - default: False
 * True - it uses space in filter text as delimiters. e.g. if filter text = "good boy", it 
 *        will search rows for "good" and "boy" seperately
 * False - it will not use space as a delimiter. e.g. "good boy" will be treated as one word.


    $.fn.table_filter = function (options) {

        //set default plugin values
        var settings = $.extend({
            'filter_inverse': false,
            'enable_space': false,
            'table': ''

        }, options);

        //return element, to maintain chainability
        return this.each(function () {
            var $this = $(this);

            $this.bind("keyup", function () { 

                //set filter text, and filterable table rows
                var txt = $this.val().toLowerCase();
                var obj = $(settings.table).find("tr:not(:has('th'))");

                $.each(obj, function () {
                    //default visibilty for rows is set based on filter_inverse value
                    var show_tr = (settings.filter_inverse) ? true : false;
                    var inner_obj = $(this).find("td");

                    $.each(inner_obj, function () {
                        var td_txt = $.trim($(this).text()).toLowerCase();
                        //if space is enabled as a delimiter, split the TD text value 
                        //and check the individual values against the filter text.

                            var td_array = txt.split(" ");
                            $.each(td_array, function (i) {
                                var td_value = td_array[i];

                                if(td_txt.indexOf(td_value) != -1){
                                    show_tr = (settings.filter_inverse) ? false : true;


                            if(td_txt.indexOf(txt) != -1){
                                show_tr = (settings.filter_inverse) ? false : true;





                //display all rows if filter text is empty
                if($.trim(txt) == ""){





table td{border:1px solid #ccc;}
input{width:93.5%;margin-bottom:5px;padding:5px 10px;}
table td,
table th{padding:10px 15px;}
table th{background:#eee;}

<input type="text" class="f_txt" placeholder="キーワードを入力">

<table class="f_tbl">





