Edit in JSFiddle

var MyApp = angular.module('MyApp', []);

MyApp.directive('safePaste', [function() {
		 * Private Variables
        // Holds special characters to be replaced with safe versions
		var specialCharacters = ["–", "’"],
            normalCharacters = ["-", "'"]
		 * Private Methods
        // Replaces invalid characters with safe versions
        function replaceInvalidCharacters (string) {
            var regEx;
            // Loop the array of special and normal characters
            for (var x = 0; x < specialCharacters.length; x++) {
                // Create a regular expression to do global replace
                regEx = new RegExp(specialCharacters[x], 'g');
                // Do the replace
                string = string.replace(regEx, normalCharacters[x]);
            return string;
        // Does the magic
		function handlePaste (event) {
            // We got this
            // Get the plain text
            var plainText = event.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
            // Clean up the text
            var cleanText = replaceInvalidCharacters(plainText);
            // Tell the browser to insert the text
            document.execCommand('inserttext', false, cleanText);
            // Backup to the event.preventDefault()
            return false;
		 * Declaration
		var declaration = {};

		declaration.restrict = 'A';
		declaration.link = function(scope, element, attr) {
            // Attach the paste handler
			element.on('paste', handlePaste);
            // Register to remove the paste handler
			scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
				element.off('paste', handlePaste);
		return declaration;

<div ng-app="MyApp">
    <p>Paste some bad content below (from MS Word or something)</p>
    <div id="test" contenteditable="true" safe-paste></div>