Edit in JSFiddle

// Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Quantopian Inc.
// Quantopian grants you the right to reuse this code in any private or public
// context, in modified or unmodified form, as long as this copyright notice is
// left intact and the table generated by this code (or your modified version
// of it) is preceded or followed by a visible credit to "Jonathan Kamens of
// Quantopian Inc." which links to
// https://medium.com/@QuantopianCyber/head-to-head-evaluation-of-five-password-managers-8faa4851c767 .
// If you add any additional features and/or products to the comparison grid or
// correct any errors or omissions, you are encouraged to submit your
// improvements back to [email protected] so we can incorporate them into
// the original, published version of the grid for the benefit of other readers.

var rawData = [
    ["Feature",                                                          "Tags",                              ["1Password", "Dashlane", "Bitwarden", "LastPass", "Keeper",  "Zoho Vault"],  "CompareFunction"],
    ["Chrome support",                                                   ["Chrome"],                          ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Firefox support",                                                  ["Firefox"],                         ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Edge support",                                                     ["Edge", "Windows"],                 ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "no"],          null],
    ["Safari support",                                                   ["Safari", "MacOS"],                 ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Mac OS, Windows support",                                          ["OR", "MacOS", "Windows"],          ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Linux support",                                                    ["Linux"],                           ["poor",      "poor",     "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Mac OS command-line client",                                       ["MacOS", "CLI"],                    ["poor",      "no",       "yes",       "poor",     "yes",     "no"],          null],
    ["Windows command-line client",                                      ["Windows", "CLI"],                  ["poor",      "no",       "yes",       "poor",     "yes",     "no"],          null],
    ["Linux command-line client",                                        ["Linux", "CLI"],                    ["poor",      "no",       "yes",       "poor",     "yes",     "no"],          null],
    ["Android support, including auto-fill",                             ["Android"],                         ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "poor"],        null],
    ["Android auto-fill in Chrome",                                      ["Android"],                         ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "no"],          null],
    ["Auto-fill in Android work profile",                                ["Android", "Enterprise"],           ["yes",       "yes",      ["yes", "e"], "yes",     "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Android auto-fill shows full usernames",                           ["Android"],                         ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "no"],          null],
    ["iOS support, including auto-fill",                                 ["iOS"],                             ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Two-factor authentication",                                        [],                                  ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["YubiKey support in browser (Enterprise)",                          ["Enterprise", "YubiKey"],           ["no",        "no",       "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "no"],          null],
    ["YubiKey support in browser (Personal)",                            ["Personal", "YubiKey"],             ["no",        "no",       "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "no"],          null],
    ["YubiKey support in Android",                                       ["Android", "YubiKey"],              ["no",        "no",       "yes",       "yes",      "no",      "no"],          null],
    ["YubiKey support in iOS",                                           ["iOS", "YubiKey"],                  ["no",        "no",       "yes",       "yes",      "no",      "no"],          null],
    ["Saved password in Android, iOS",                                   ["OR", "Android", "iOS"],            ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Fingerprint login in Android, iOS",                                ["OR", "Android", "iOS"],            ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Synchronization across devices",                                   [],                                  ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Import from LastPass",                                             ["LastPassMigration"],               ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["LastPass import distinguishes work from personal items",           ["LastPassMigration", "Enterprise"], ["no",        "no",       "no",        "yes",      "no",      "no"],          null],
    ["Preserves LastPass folders in some way when importing",            ["LastPassMigration"],               ["yes",       "doubtful", "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Personal linked account support (or the equivalent)",              ["Enterprise"],                      ["yes",       "poor",     "yes",       "yes",      ["poor", "d"], "no"],          null],
    ["Save location (personal vs. work) specified at creation time",     ["Enterprise"],                      ["yes",       "no",       "yes",       "yes",      "no",      "no"],          null],
    ["Save location (folder / collection / space) editable in web app",  [],                                  ["yes",       "no",       "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Sensible password quality checks for master password",             [],                                  ["yes",       "no",       "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Password history on Linux",                                        ["Linux"],                           ["yes",       "no",       "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Password history on Windows, Mac OS",                              ["OR", "Windows", "MacOS"],          ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Secure notes",                                                     [],                                  ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "poor"],        null],
    ["Attachments on notes on Linux",                                    ["Linux"],                           ["no",        "no",       "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Attachments on notes on Windows, Mac OS",                          ["OR", "Windows", "MacOS"],          ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Shared folders with access control on Linux",                      ["Linux", "Enterprise"],             ["yes",       "no",       "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Shared folders with access control on Windows",                    ["Windows", "Enterprise"],           ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Shared folders with access control on Mac OS",                     ["MacOS", "Enterprise"],             ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Items can exist in multiple groups with distinct access control",  ["Enterprise"],                      ["no",        "no",       "yes",       "no",       "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Nested folders",                                                   [],                                  ["no",        "no",       "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "poor"],        null],
    ["Resists auto-filling invisible forms",                             [],                                  ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "no",       "yes",     "unknown"],     null],
    ["Browser plugin only fills selected form",                          [],                                  ["no",        "unknown",  "no",        "no",       "unknown", "yes"],         null],
    ["Browser plugin displays icon in form fields",                      [],                                  ["yes",       "yes",      "no",        "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Browser plugin prompts to save new sites on Linux",                ["Linux"],                           ["no",        "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Browser plugin prompts to save new sites on Windows, Mac OS",      ["OR", "Windows", "MacOS"],          ["unknown",   "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["2FA integrated into login entries in vault (Mac OS, Windows, iOS, Android)", ["OR", "MacOS", "Windows", "iOS", "Android"], ["yes", "no", "yes", "no",      "no",      "no"],          null],
    ["2FA integrated into login entries in vault (Linux)",               [],                                  ["no",        "no",       "yes",       "no",       "no",      "no"],          null],
    ["Auto-fill in browser disabled by default",                         [],                                  ["yes",       "no",       "yes",       "no",       "no",      "yes"],         null],
    ["Auto-fill in browser can be disabled by preference",               [],                                  ["yes",       "no",       "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Admins can reset passwords",                                       ["Enterprise"],                      ["yes",       "yes",      "no",        "yes",      "no",      "no"],          null],
    ["Admins can access other people's unshared credentials",            ["Enterprise"],                      ["yes",       "no",       "no",        "yes",      "yes",     "no"],          null],
    ["Admins can reset other people's 2fa",                              ["Enterprise"],                      ["yes",       "no",       "no",        "yes",      "no",      "yes"],         null],
    ["2fa can be enforced at the organization level",                    ["Enterprise"],                      ["no",        "no",       ["no", "c"], "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["2fa can be audited at the organization level",                     ["Enterprise"],                      ["yes",       "no",       "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "no"],          null],
    ["Exporting items on Linux",                                         ["Linux"],                           ["no",        "no",       "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Exporting items on Windows, Mac OS",                               ["OR", "Windows", "MacOS"],          ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["App export includes attachments",                                  [],                                  ["unknown",   "unknown",  "no",        "no",       "no",      "no"],          null],
    ["CLI export includes attachments",                                  [],                                  ["no",        "no",       ["poor", "a"], ["poor", "a"], ["yes", "b"], "no"],  null],
    ["Responsive to bug reports and feature requests",                   [],                                  ["no",        "unknown",  "yes",       "no",       "no",      "unknown"],     null],
    ["Open source",                                                      [],                                  ["no",        "no",       "yes",       "no",       "no",      "no"],          null],
    ["Option to self-host",                                              ["SelfHosting"],                     ["poor",      "no",       "yes",       "no",       "no",      "no"],          null],
    ["Users can delete own account (customer service not needed)",       ["Personal"],                        ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "yes",      "no",      "yes"],         null],
    ["Admins can delete business account (customer service not needed)", ["Enterprise"],                      ["yes",       "yes",      "yes",       "no",       "no",      "yes"],         null],
    ["Enterprise price per user per month",                              ["Enterprise"],                      [7.99,        4.00,       3.00,        6.00,       3.75,      3.60],          priceCompare],
    ["Personal price per user per month (no Attachments or YubiKey)",    ["Personal"],                        [2.99,        4.99,       0.00,        2.00,       2.50,      0],             priceCompare],
    ["Personal price per user per month (w/Attachments & YubiKey)",      ["Personal"],                        [2.99,        4.99,       0.84,        2.00,       2.50,      0],             priceCompare],
    ["Has a useful status page that can be subscribed to",               [],                                  ["yes",       "yes",      "no",        "yes",      "yes",     "yes"],         null],
    ["Number of outages in the past six months",                         [],                                  [1,           12,         0,           12,         0,         2],             priceCompare],

var notes = {
    a: "CLI allows individual attachments to be exported. The user would have to write a script to iterate through and export all of them.",
    b: "Attachments can be exported in Keepass format.",
    c: "On the product roadmap, not yet implemented as of 2019-01-02.",
    d: "You can share individual items or \"vaults\" (folders with distinct access control) between accounts, but there is no way to share the entire contents of one account with another. Alternatively, if you're a paying customer, the apps will remember multiple Keeper accounts and let you switch between them, which is better than nothing but not nearly as useful as being able to see your personal and work credentials at the same time.",
    e: "In work profile apps Bitwarden might not pop up a dialog automatically inviting you to auto-fill, but it'll display a notification you can tap to do it.",

dataTags = [];
for (var i = 1; i < rawData.length; i++) {
    var tags = rawData[i][1];
    for (var j = 0; j < tags.length; j++)
        if (! dataTags.includes(tags[j])) dataTags.push(tags[j]);

function yesNoCompare(n1, v1, n2, v2) {
    if (v1 == v2) return "tie";
    if (v1 == "yes") return n1;
    if (v2 == "yes") return n2;
    if (v1 == "no") return n2;
    if (v2 == "no") return n1;
    return "tie";

function priceCompare(n1, v1, n2, v2) {
    if (v1 == v2) return "tie";
    return v1 < v2 ? n1 : n2;

function getValue(v) {
    if (Array.isArray(v))
        return v[0];
    return v;

function formatValue(v) {
    v = getValue(v);
    if (v + 0 == v) return v;
    if (v == "yes") return v;
    if (v == "no") return "<span style='color: red'>" + v + "</span>";
    return "<span style='color: orange'>" + v + "</span>";

function formatNotes(v, current, mappings) {
    if (! Array.isArray(v))
        return "";
    var foundNotes = [];
    for (var i = 1; i < v.length; i++) {
        if (! mappings[v[i]]) {
            mappings[v[i]] = current[0];
        foundNotes.push("<sup>" + mappings[v[i]] + "</sup>");
    return foundNotes.join(",");

function formatTable() {
    var compare1, compare2;
    var currentNote = [1];
    var noteMappings = {};

    try {
        compare1 = document.getElementById('compare1').value;
        compare2 = document.getElementById('compare2').value;
    catch {
        // First time page is loaded.
    var products = rawData[0][2];
    var comparing, index1, index2, score1, score2;
    if (compare1 && compare2) {
        comparing = true;
        score1 = score2 = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
            if (products[i] == compare1) index1 = i;
            if (products[i] == compare2) index2 = i;

    var featureList = "<p>Features you care about:";
    var wantFeatures = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < dataTags.length; i++) {
        var feature = dataTags[i];
        if (feature == "OR") continue;
        var id = "feature" + feature;
        var checked;
        try {
            checked = document.getElementById(id).checked;
        catch {
            checked = true;
        if (checked) wantFeatures.push(feature);
        featureList += " <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>" +
            "<input type='checkbox' id='" + id + "'";
        if (checked) featureList += " checked";
        featureList += " onchange='changeTable()'><label for='" + id + "'>" +
            feature + "</label></span>\n";
    featureList += "</p>";

    t = "<table border>\n";

    var header = "<tr><th>" + rawData[0][0] + "</th>";
    for (var i = 0; i < products.length; i++)
        header += "<th>" + products[i] + "</th>";
    if (comparing) header += "<th>" + compare1 + " vs. " + compare2 + "</th>\n";
    header += "</tr>\n";
    for (var i = 1; i < rawData.length; i++) {
        if (i % 20 == 1)
            t += header;
        var tags = rawData[i][1];
        if (tags.length) {
            var found;
            if (tags[0] == "OR") {
                tags = tags.slice(1);
                found = false;
                for (var j = 0; j < wantFeatures.length; j++)
                    if (tags.includes(wantFeatures[j])) {
                        found = true;
            else {
                found = true;
                for (var j = 0; j < tags.length; j++)
                    if (! wantFeatures.includes(tags[j])) {
                        found = false;
            if (! found) continue;
        t += "<tr><td>" + rawData[i][0] + "</td>";
        var values = rawData[i][2];
        for (var j = 0; j < values.length; j++)
            t += "<td>" + formatValue(values[j]) +
            formatNotes(values[j], currentNote, noteMappings) + "</td>";
        if (comparing) {
            var cmp;
            if (! (cmp = rawData[i][3]))
                cmp = yesNoCompare
            winner = cmp(compare1, getValue(values[index1]),
                         compare2, getValue(values[index2]));
            if (winner == compare1) score1++;
            else if (winner == compare2) score2++;
            t += "<td>" + winner + "</td>";
        t += "</tr>\n";

    if (comparing) {
        t += "<tr><th align=left colspan='" + (products.length + 1) +
        t += "<th align=left>" + compare1 + " - " + score1 + "<br/>" +
            compare2 + " - " + score2 + "</th></tr>\n";

    t += "</table>\n";
    t += "<form>\n";
    t += featureList;
    t += "<p>Compare ";
    t += "<select id='compare1' onchange='changeTable()'>\n";
    t += "<option value=''>(select)</option>\n";
    for (var i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
        if (products[i] == compare2) continue;
        t += "<option value='" + products[i] + "'";
        if (products[i] == compare1) t += " selected";
        t += ">" + products[i] + "</option>\n";
    t += "</select>\n";
    t += " to ";
    t += "<select id='compare2' onchange='changeTable()'>\n";
    t += "<option value=''>(select)</option>\n";
    for (var i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
        if (products[i] == compare1) continue;
        t += "<option value='" + products[i] + "'";
        if (products[i] == compare2) t += " selected";
        t += ">" + products[i] + "</option>\n";
    t += "</select>\n";
    t += "</p>\n";
    t += "</form>\n";
    if (currentNote[0] > 1) {
        t += "<hr/>\n";
        reverseMappings = [];
        for (var key = 'a'; noteMappings[key];
             key = String.fromCharCode(key.charCodeAt(0) + 1))
            reverseMappings[noteMappings[key]] = key;
        for (var i = 1; i < currentNote[0]; i++)
            t += "<p><sup>" + i + "</sup>" + notes[reverseMappings[i]] +
    return t;

function drawTable() {
    document.body.innerHTML = formatTable();

function changeTable() {
    document.body.innerHTML = formatTable();

function onLoad() {

<body onload="onLoad()">
