Edit in JSFiddle

    AUTHOR: JÉRÉMIE JACQUES (http://jeremiejacques.be)
    VERSION: 1.0
    LAST MODIFIED: Fri 29th May 2015
    DESCR: Little game realized with jQuery to learn oriented objects.
    SOURCES:    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8222447/how-do-i-get-the-value-of-each-key-pressed-and-use-it-in-a-variable-with-jquery
                    FR: https://github.com/atebits/Words
                    EN: https://github.com/bevacqua/correcthorse/blob/master/wordlist.json


        /* level - two possibility : 
                - beginner :
                    -> word point :  0-8
                    -> word length : 2-6 letters  -> just decomment lines 71->73 and comment lines 74->76
                - medium : 
                    -> word point : 9-16
                    -> word  length : 6-12 letters  -> just decomment lines 71->73 and comment lines 74->76
                - expert :
                    -> word point : 17+
                    -> word length : 12 and more letters  -> just decomment lines 71->73 and comment lines 74->76

             word point based on scrabble : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrabble_letter_distributions */

    var $baseURL = "http://tfa.jeremiejacques.be/lab/hangman-game/assets/ajax/words-en.json?accessType=DOWNLOAD";
    var $words = [];  // to push the words from the json file

    $englishPoint = {
        1 : ["e", "a", "i", "n", "o", "r", "s", "t", "u", "l"],
        2 : ["d", "m", "g"],
        3 : ["b", "c", "p"],
        4 : ["f", "h", "v"],
        5 : [],
        8 : ["j", "q"],
        10 : ["k", "w", "x", "y", "z"]
    $frenchPoints = {
        1 : ["e", "a", "i", "n", "o", "r", "s", "t", "u", "l"],
        2 : ["d", "g"],
        3 : ["b", "c", "m", "p"],
        4 : ["f", "h", "v", "w", "y"],
        5 : ["k"],
        8 : ["j", "x"],
        10 : ["q", "z"]

    $wordsPoints = $englishPoint; // if .lang don't change, english is selected

    $goodWords = [];

    $(".lang").change(function(){ // get the language for the word
        $lang = $(this).val();
        if($lang == "fr"){
            $baseURL = "http://tfa.jeremiejacques.be/lab/hangman-game/assets/ajax/words-fr.json?accessType=DOWNLOAD";
            $wordsPoints = $frenchPoints;
            $baseURL = "http://tfa.jeremiejacques.be/lab/hangman-game/assets/ajax/words-en.json?accessType=DOWNLOAD";
            $wordsPoints = $englishPoint;

        $level = $(this).attr("value");

        $.getJSON($baseURL, function(data){
            for (var i = 0; i < data.words.length; i++) { // each word in json
               /* get the point of each word */
                var $points = 0;
                for (var j = 0; j < data.words[i].length; j++) { // each letter for this word
                    $.each($wordsPoints, function(point, tabOfLetter){ // each element in the object $frenchPoint
                        if($.inArray(data.words[i][j], tabOfLetter) == true){  // if the letter is in the array 
                            $points = parseFloat($points + parseFloat(point)); 
                if($level == "beginner"){
                   /* if(data.words[i].length > 2 && data.words[i].length < 6){
                    }; */
                    if ($points <= 8){
                }else if($level == "medium"){
                   /* if(data.words[i].length > 6 && data.words[i].length < 12){
                    }; */
                    if ($points > 8 && $points <= 16){
                }else if($level == "expert"){
                    if(data.words[i].length > 12){
                    if ($points > 16){
            hanged = new Game({
                words : $words


    // THE GAME

    var Game = function(obj){
        var $self = $(this);

        $self.dom = {
            keyboardCharacter: $('#keyboard li input'), // characters on the virtual keyboard
            result: $('#result'), // to display the result win/lost
            restart: $('.restart'), // button to restart the game
            close: $('#close'), // button to stop the game
            gameTime: $('#gameTime span'), // to display the time that the game took
            parts: $('#parts span'), // to display all parts that the player have played
            partsWin: $('#partsWin span'), // to display all parts that the player have win
            clearStats : $('.clearStats')

        $self.init = function(){
            $self.word;// the word to have to find
            $self.error = 0; // count each faults to display the hanged
            $self.letterPosition = []; // records the position in the word of the letter entered if it matches one of the word
            $self.letterDifferent = []; // records the position of the letter entered if it doesn't correspond with the letter of the word in the same position
            $self.letterComplete = 0; // records the numbers of completed letter in the word
            $self.saveKeyPress = [0]; // records all key that the user press (only : [a-z\.])
            $self.result; // records if game is win / lost
            $self.parts = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("parts")); // records number of game that the player have played
            $self.partsWin = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("partsWin")); // records number of game that the player have win
            $self.words = obj.words; // get the array with words from the JSON file
            $(self.getWord = function(){
                $self.word = $self.words[getRandomNum($self.words)]; // get a random word in the array from the JSON file 
                                        //$("h2").html($self.word); // only for dev
            $(self.create = function(){
                for (var i = 0; i < $self.word.length; i++) {
                    $("<input/>").attr("maxlength", "1").attr("class", "wordLetter").prop('disabled', true).appendTo("#word");

            $self.timeGame = {
                sec: 0,
                min: 0
            $self.timer = setInterval(function(){
                    if($self.timeGame.sec < 10){ $(".time").html($self.timeGame.min + " : " + "0" + $self.timeGame.sec); };
                    if($self.timeGame.sec > 59){ $self.timeGame.min++; $self.timeGame.sec=0; };
                    if($self.timeGame.min < 10){ $(".time").html("0" + $self.timeGame.min + " : " + $self.timeGame.sec); };
                    if($self.timeGame.min < 10 && $self.timeGame.sec < 10){ $(".time").html("0" + $self.timeGame.min + " : " + "0" + $self.timeGame.sec); };
                    if($self.timeGame.min >= 10 && $self.timeGame.sec >= 10){ $(".time").html($self.timeGame.min + " : " + $self.timeGame.sec); };
            }, 1000);

            /* event for user keyboard -----  have to be in the init to allow keypress on game restart */ 
                var $character = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
                var $can = true;
                    for(var i = 0; i < $self.saveKeyPress.length; i++) {
                        if($character == $self.saveKeyPress[i]){ $can = false; }; // just to know if key was press before or not 
                    if($can){ // only if key wasn't press
                        $self.letterPosition = [];
                        $self.letterDifferent = [];
                        var $btnCharacter = $('input[value="' + $character + '"]');
                        $btnCharacter.prop('disabled', true);
                        $self.checkLetter($character, $btnCharacter);

        /* event for virtual keyboard */
            var $character = $(this).val(); // take the value of the character
            $(this).prop('disabled', true); // desactivate the character when click on
            $self.letterPosition = []; // remove everything in the array, each time we click on character
            $self.letterDifferent = []; // remove everything in the array, each time we click on character
            $self.checkLetter($character, $(this));

        $self.checkLetter = function($character, $btnCharacter){
            for(var i = 0; i < $self.word.length; i++){
                if($character == $self.word[i]){
            if($self.letterDifferent.length == $self.word.length){
                $(".hangedEl:nth-child("+ parseInt($self.error+1) +")").attr("class", "hangedEl draw"); //to display element of hanged
                if($self.error == 11){ // word not find after 11 trials , hanged is dead
                    $self.result = "lost";
            for(var i = 0; i < $self.letterPosition.length; i++){
                $(".wordLetter:nth-child("+ parseInt($self.letterPosition[i]+1) +")").val($character);
            $self.letterComplete = $self.letterComplete + $self.letterPosition.length; // save the number of letter complete in the word
            if($self.letterComplete == $self.word.length){ // if we find all letters
                $self.result = "win";

        $self.endGame = function(){
            /* stop everything in the game */
            $self.dom.keyboardCharacter.prop('disabled', true); // desactivate all key in the keyboard
            for(var i=0; i<$self.word.length; i++){
              //  $(".wordLetter:nth-child("+ parseInt(i+1) +")").val($self.word[i]); // to complete the word at the end -> Good idea ? Not sure...
            clearInterval($self.timer);  // stop the timer
            $(document).off("keypress"); // stop the keypress listenner
                $(".end").addClass("end--open"); // open the panel for end game
            }, 1000);

            /* display the game result */
            if($self.result == "win"){
                $self.dom.result.text("Congratulations you found the word : " + $self.word);
                    localStorage.setItem("partsWin", parseFloat($self.partsWin + 1)); $self.partsWin++ ;
                }else{localStorage.setItem("partsWin",1); $self.partsWin=1;};
                $self.dom.result.text("You lost, the word was : " + $self.word);
                localStorage.setItem("parts", parseFloat($self.parts + 1)); $self.parts++;
            }else{localStorage.setItem("parts",1); $self.parts=1;};
            $self.dom.gameTime.text($self.timeGame.min + " min " + $self.timeGame.sec + " sec");
            $("#restart").focus(); // focus on restart allows to restart on press enter

         /* event listenner on button (restart/close) */
            $(".btnRestart, .btnInfoParts").fadeOut(); 

        $self.reset = function(){
            $(".letter").prop('disabled', false).removeClass("error");
            $(".hangedEl").attr("class", "hangedEl");
    }; //end of Game

    // get a random num to take a random word in the JSON file
    function getRandomNum($words){
        var rndNum = Math.random(); // between 0 - 1
        rndNum = parseInt(rndNum * $words.length); // from 0 - to array words.length = quantity of words
        return rndNum;

});//end of $(document).ready
<div class="start">

    <h1>Hangman Game !</h1>
    <p>Little game that I realized only jQuery oriented objects.</p>
    <p>Choose a game mode below to begin :</p>

    <select class="lang">
        <option value="en">English</option>
        <option value="fr">French</option>

    <button value="beginner" name="level" class="level" id="beginner">Beginner</button>
    <button value="medium" name="level" class="level" id="medium">Intermediate</button>
    <button value="expert" name="level" class="level" id="expert">Expert</button>

<h1>Hangman Game !</h1>
<div class="time">00 : 00</div>
<button class="restart btnRestart">Restart the game</button>
<button class="btnInfoParts">Information on the part</button>
<svg id="hanged" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 500 500" style="enable-background:new 0 0 500 500;" xml:space="preserve">
	<line   class="hangedEl" x1="37" y1="456" x2="458" y2="456"/>
	<line   class="hangedEl" x1="88.5" y1="456" x2="88.5" y2="51.5"/>
    <line   class="hangedEl" x1="85.3" y1="51.5" x2="272.7" y2="51.5" />
	<line   class="hangedEl" x1="88.5" y1="155.5" x2="192.5" y2="51.5"/>
	<line   class="hangedEl" x1="269.7" y1="51.5" x2="269.7" y2="103.5"/>
	<circle class="hangedEl" cx="269.7" cy="131.7" r="29.5"/>
	<line   class="hangedEl" x1="269.7" y1="161.2" x2="269.7" y2="309"/>
	<line   class="hangedEl" x1="269.7" y1="309" x2="206.3" y2="402.3"/>
	<line   class="hangedEl" x1="269.7" y1="309" x2="332.3" y2="401.7"/>
	<line   class="hangedEl" x1="269.7" y1="215.7" x2="369" y2="215.7"/>
	<line   class="hangedEl" x1="170.3" y1="215.7" x2="269.7" y2="215.7"/> 

<form action="" method="" accept-charset="utf-8" id="game">
    <div id="word"></div>

<form action="" method="" accept-charset="utf-8">
    <ul id="keyboard">
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="a" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="b" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="c" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="d" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="e" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="f" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="g" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="h" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="i" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="j" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="k" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="l" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="m" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="n" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="o" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="p" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="q" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="r" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="s" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="t" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="u" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="v" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="w" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="x" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="y" class="letter"></li>
        <li><input type="button" name="" value="z" class="letter"></li>

<div id="test"></div>

<div class="end">
    <div id="result">Congratulations you found the word : xxx</div>
    <div id="gameTime">You have completed this part : <strong><span>0</span></strong></div>
    <div id="parts">You play <strong><span>0</span> time</strong></div>
    <div id="partsWin">You won <strong><span>0</span> parts</strong></div>

    <button id="restart" class="restart">Restart a part</button>
    <button class="clearStats">Clear Stats</button>
    <button id="close">Close</button>
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#keyboard {
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  margin-top: 50px;
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