Edit in JSFiddle

    baseUrl: "http://ibm-js.github.io/libraries/master",     

require(["deliteful-build/layer"], function () {
    ], function (){
        var label = document.getElementById("lb");
        var progressIndicator = document.getElementById("pi");
        var loadBtn = document.getElementById("loadBtn");
        loadBtn.disabled = false;
        //fake function which simulates a long task and updates the progress indicator
        //accordingly to the progression.
        var fakeloadFunction = function () {
            loadBtn.disabled = true;
            //initiate and display the progress indicator
            progressIndicator.value = 0;
            progressIndicator.active = true;
            label.innerHTML = "Loading...";
            var timerId = setInterval(function () {
                progressIndicator.value += Math.random() * 10 + 5;
                if (progressIndicator.value >= 100) {
                    //task complete, disable the progress indicator
                    progressIndicator.active = false;
                    label.innerHTML = "Task complete.";
                    loadBtn.disabled = false;
            }, 200);
        loadBtn.addEventListener("click", fakeloadFunction);
        document.body.style.display = "";
<input id="loadBtn" type="button" value="Click to start displaying progress"/>
<d-progress-indicator id="pi"></d-progress-indicator>
<label id="lb"></label>