Edit in JSFiddle

window.animateFromAuto = function() {
    var from = getComputedStyle( test1 ).width;

    // transitions need to be temporarily disabled in Webkit
    // otherwise the animation will start from "width: 0"
    test1.style[ transition ] = "none";

    test1.style.width = from;
    getComputedStyle( test1 ).width;

    // re-enable the transitions
    test1.style[ transition ] = "";
    getComputedStyle( test1 )[ transition ];

    // and set the style, finally
    test1.style.width = "350px";

window.animateToAuto = function() {
    var from, to;

    // let's say we don't know the current width
    from = getComputedStyle( test2 ).width;

    // temporarily disable the transitions
    // vendor prefix detection is worth it this time
    test2.style[ transition ] = "none";

    test2.style.width = "auto";
    var to = getComputedStyle( test2 ).width;

    // we're ready, let's reset the style of the element
    test2.style.width = from;
    getComputedStyle( test2 ).width;

    test2.style[ transition ] = "";
    getComputedStyle( test2 )[ transition ];

    // "hardcode" the width equivalent to "auto"
    test2.style.width = to;
    // the transitionendHandler will cleanup this value

function transitionendHandler( e ) {
    if ( e.target.id != "test2" || e.target.style.width == "350px" ) { return; }

    // webkit requires transition to be disabled again
    test2.style[ transition ] = "none";

    test2.style.width = "auto";

    // restore transitions
    getComputedStyle( test2 )[ transition ];
    test2.style[ transition ] = "";

window.reset = function() {
    test1.style.width = "";
    test2.style.width = "350px";

var test1 = document.getElementById("test1"),
    test2 = document.getElementById("test2"),
    transitionend = "transitionend",
    transition =
        "webkitTransition" in document.body.style ? (transitionend = "webkitTransitionEnd") && "webkitTransition" :
        "mozTransition" in document.body.style ? "mozTransition" :
        "transition" in document.body.style ? "transition" :

document.addEventListener( transitionend, transitionendHandler );