Edit in JSFiddle

var nqw_questions = [
    "What's your favourite food?",
    "What would you do if your phone went missing?",
    "What's your favourite way to travel?",
    "What was your favourite monster?"];

var nqw_answers = [
        "Countess Hagula's Youth Juice",
        "Gummy Dummies",
        "Scooby Snacks"],
        "Phone the police",
        "Start looking for clues", ],
        "Sin Cara's convertible",
        "Loch Ness Monster Machine",
        "Mystery Machine",
        "Cherry 59 Starfire Special"], 
        "Miner Forty-Niner",
        "10,000 Volt Ghost",
        "Maid Mummy"], 

var nqw_scores = [

var nqw_qCount = 0;
var nqw_score = 0;

$('#nqw_start').click(function () {
    nqw_score = 0;

$('#nqw_options').on('click', 'a', function (event) {
    if(typeof $(this).data("score") !== 'undefined') {
        // Standard question options
        nqw_score += $(this).data("score");
        if (nqw_qCount < nqw_answers.length) {
        } else {
    } else {
        // Share buttons, etc
        if($(this).data("action")) {
            if($(this).data("action") == "restart") {

function showOutcome(s) {
    if(s >= 5) {
        nqw_outTitle = "Scooby Doo";
        nqw_outDesc = "one cool cat, or should that be dog?";
        nqw_outPic = "http://lorempixel.com/output/animals-q-c-300-200-8.jpg";
    } else if(s >= 3) {
        nqw_outTitle = "Shaggy";
        nqw_outDesc = "a laid back surfer dude!";
        nqw_outPic = "http://lorempixel.com/output/sports-q-c-300-200-2.jpg";
    } else {
        nqw_outTitle = "Fred";
        nqw_outDesc = "the slightly square leader of the crew.";
        nqw_outPic = "http://lorempixel.com/output/business-q-c-300-200-1.jpg";
    nqw_outMessage = "<p>You're " + nqw_outDesc + "</p>";
    nqw_shareMessage = "I took the cartoon personality test and I got " + nqw_outTitle + ". Try it at: http://example.com";
    nqw_shareOpts = "<ul id='nqw_share'>";
    nqw_shareOpts += "<li><a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http://example.com' target='_blank'><img src='http://www.heraldandtimeslabs.com/hosted/indyquiz/pics/facebook.jpg' /><div class='label'>Share on Facebook</div></a></li>";
    nqw_shareOpts += "<li><a href='https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=" + nqw_shareMessage +"' target='_blank'><img src='http://www.heraldandtimeslabs.com/hosted/indyquiz/pics/twitter.jpg' /><div class='label'>Share on Twitter</div></a></li>";
    nqw_shareOpts += "<li><a href='#' data-action='restart'><img src='http://www.heraldandtimeslabs.com/hosted/indyquiz/pics/restart.jpg' /><div class='label'>Take the test again</div></a></li>";
    nqw_shareOpts += "</ul>";
    $('#nqw_question').html("You're like " + nqw_outTitle 
        + "<br /><img src='" + nqw_outPic + "' />");
    $('#nqw_options').html(nqw_outMessage + nqw_shareOpts);

function showQuestion() {
    var nqw_list = "";
    for (i = 0; i < nqw_answers[nqw_qCount].length; i++) {
        nqw_list += "<li><a href='#' data-score='" + nqw_scores[nqw_qCount][i] + "'>" + nqw_answers[nqw_qCount][i] + "</a></li>";
    $('#nqw_options').html("<ul>" + nqw_list + "</ul>");
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Tauri' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<div id="nqw_survey">
     <h1>Scooby Doo personality test</h1>

    <p id="nqw_question">Answer just four short questions to find out which Scooby Doo character you're like.<br/>
        <img src="http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/but-not-simpler/files/2014/03/6661567671_f97c0b14ff_o.jpg" /></p>
    <div id="nqw_options">
        <ul id="nqw_start">
            <li><a href="#">Start the test</a></li>
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