Edit in JSFiddle

function runExample(demoUrl) {
    var fbRef = new Firebase(demoUrl);
    var groupsRef = fbRef.child('groups');
    var messagesRef = fbRef.child('messages');
    var indexRef = fbRef.child('/users/chuck/groups');
    var userCache = new UsersCache(fbRef.child('users'));
    var groups = {};

       Monitor Mary's list of groups (an index)
       for add/remove events
    indexRef.on('child_added', addedGroup);
    indexRef.on('child_removed', removedGroup);

       When a group is added or removed, start listening
       on that group.
    function addedGroup(snapshot) {
       // Create a new Group object
       var group = new Group(snapshot, addMessageToDom);
       // Store the group for easy reference by it's key
       groups[group.key] = group;
       // Add it to the dom after initial data loads

    function removedGroup(snapshot) {
       // Removed deleted groups from the DOM
       // Tell the group it is no longer needed
     Group Class
    function Group(snapshot, messageHandler) {
       this.key = snapshot.key();
       this.messageHandler = messageHandler;
       // a promise resolved when initial data is fetched
       this.deferred = $.Deferred();
       // populated by this._update()
       this.name = null;
       this.members = {};
       // monitor the group meta data for updates
       groupsRef.child(this.key).on('value', this._update, this);
       // Listen for incoming messages and invoke the _newMessage function
       // when one arrives
           .on('child_added', this._newMessage, this);
    Group.prototype.remove = function() {
        // If a group is deleted from the user's profile, we don't need
        // to listen for changes anymore, so we turn off the child_added listener
           .off('child_added', this._newMessage, this);
           .off('value', this._update, this);
    Group.prototype._newMessage = function(snapshot) {
        console.log('new message');
       // Fetch the data out of the Firebase snapshot
       var messageData = snapshot.val();
       // Localize some variables for use in the callback
       var handler = this.messageHandler;
       var groupKey = this.key;
       // Fetch the user's profile from our local user cache
       userCache.getUser(messageData.user).then(function(user) {
          console.log('loaded user');
          // add the user's name to the message data and
          // send it to the message handler
          messageData.name = user.name;
          handler( groupKey, messageData );
    Group.prototype._update = function(snapshot) {
       var data = snapshot.val()||{};
       this.name = data.name;
       this.members = data.members;
       // the first time this method is called, resolve
       // the ready promise
    Group.prototype.ready = function() {
       return this.deferred.promise();
      Used to fetch data about specific users and cache it locally,
      since we assume the names appearing in chat will have a lot of
      duplication. Updates the user records whenever data changes.
    function UsersCache( refToUsersPath ) {
       this.ref = refToUsersPath;
       this.userPromises = {};
    UsersCache.prototype.getUser = function(userId) {
       if( !this.userPromises.hasOwnProperty(userId) ) {
          this.userPromises[userId] = this._monitor(userId);
       return this.userPromises[userId];
    UsersCache.prototype._monitor = function(userId) {
       var def = $.Deferred();
       this.ref.child(userId).on('value', function(snapshot) {
       return def.promise();

      Capture UI events and modify the index

    // catch button clicks and trigger add/remove
    watchForButtonClicks(addToIndex, dropFromIndex);

    function addToIndex(id) {
        // Create the index entry, there's nothing else to do here
        // because listeners just attach themselves to the data
        // so we don't need coupling or information about who cares
        // that we updated this index; they are already listening to
        // that path!

    function dropFromIndex(id) {
        // Remove the index entry. Like addToIndex, there's nobody
        // to notify, because they just attach themselves to the Firebase
        // path to get events

          DEMO FLUFF

          Most of the stuff from here on is used to make
          the UI shiny and print the results to the DOM.
          It's probably not interesting for learning 

    // updates the checkboxes for Chuck's Groups
    indexRef.on('child_added', addIndexEntry);
    indexRef.on('child_removed', removeIndexEntry);
    // this just prints the groups data to the screen
    indexRef.on('value', function(snap) {
       log( 'jsonGroups', snap.val() ); 
    // print out the users who are being cached
    setInterval(function() {
       log( 'jsonUsers', Object.keys(userCache.userPromises) );
    }, 250);
    function addGroupToDom(group) {
        console.log('add group', group.key, group.name);
            .attr('data-id', group.key)
            .append( $('<b></b>').text(group.name) )
        $('#index li[data-id="' + group.key + '"]').addClass('yes');
    function removeGroupFromDom(groupKey) {
       $('#messages li[data-id="' + groupKey + '"]').remove();
       $('#index li[data-id="' + groupKey + '"]').removeClass('yes');
    function addMessageToDom(groupKey, message) {
        console.log('add message to dom', groupKey, message);
            .prepend( $('<span>').text(message.name) )
            .appendTo('#messages li[data-id="' + groupKey + '"] ul');           

    function watchForButtonClicks(add, remove) {
        $('#index input[type="checkbox"]')
            .click(function () {
                var myId = $(this).attr('name');
                if( $(this).prop('checked') ) {
                } else {

    // updates the /users/chuck/groups data
    // and the checkboxes for Chuck's groups
    function addIndexEntry(snap) {
        $('ul#index input[name="' + snap.key() + '"]')
        	.prop('checked', true);
    function removeIndexEntry(snap) {
        $('ul#index input[name="' + snap.key() + '"]')
        	.prop('checked', false);
    function unwrapPromises(data) {
       var results = {};
       Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key) {
          data[key].then(function(val) {
              results[key] = val;
       return $.when(data).then(function() {
           return results;

    function log(id, data) {
        $('#'+id).text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));

// Dependencies used in this fiddle:
// code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.0.min.js
// cdn-gh.firebase.com/demo-utils-script/demo-utils.js
// This line creates a unique, private Firebase URL 
// you can hack in! Have fun!
$.loadDemo('web/struct/join-example', 'web/struct/join-example').then(runExample);