Edit in JSFiddle

var snippets = [{
    name: "name",
    body: "My name is %name%",
    timestamp: "March 03, 2015"
}, {
    name: "reply",
    body: "Dear %customer%, bug number %bug_number% has been fixed.",
    timestamp: "March 03, 2015"
    PlaceholderMode = false, beginLength = 0, endLength = 0;

/*assumes node can only be textarea element*/
function formatPlaceholders(node, from, to, notCheckSelection) {
    var value = node.value,
        highlightedText = value.substring(node.selectionStart, node.selectionEnd);

    // matches a placeholder
    var regex = /%[A-Za-z0-9_]+%/;

    // if the highlighted text is a placeholder; move to next placeholder
    if (regex.test(highlightedText) && notCheckSelection) {
        formatPlaceholders(node, node.selectionEnd, to, false);

    // index of placeholder
    var index = value.substring(from).search(regex);

    // make sure a placeholder is found
    if (index > -1) {
        // start highlighting this placeholder
        node.selectionStart = index + from;

        // first get whole placeholder length
        for (var i = index + from + 1; value[i] !== "%"; i++);
        // increase i by 2 (because condition of loop ignores both `%`)
        i += 2;
        // subtract one because loop has already started
        // at first `%`
        i -= 1;

        // now `i` is at end of placeholder
        node.selectionEnd = i;

        return true; // placeholder is found
    } else {
        return false; // no placeholder found

function formatSnippets(node) {
    /*assumes node is a textarea element*/
    var offset = node.selectionStart, // the caret position in the node
        snip, // holds current snippet
        length, // holds current snippet name’s length
        valueND = node.value; // holds value of node
    // loop through Snippets arrray
    for (var i = 0, len = snippets.length; i < len; i++) {
        snip = snippets[i];
        length = snip.name.length;

        // the key part
        // gets the text immediately behind the user’s cursor (caret)
        // checks if it corresponds with the current snippet name

        var textBehind = valueND.substring(offset - length, offset);
        if (textBehind === snip.name) { // performs snippet replacement    

            var snipBody = snip.body,
                // take value before snip name
                beginValue = valueND.substring(0, offset - length),
                // take value after snip name end
                endValue = valueND.substring(offset);
            // these are globals
            // length where snip body starts
            beginLength = beginValue.length;
            // length where snip body ends
            endLength = (beginValue + snipBody).length;

            //snipBody = formatMacros(snipBody); // covered in 3rd blog post

            // concatenate everything together!
            node.value = beginValue + snipBody + endValue;

            // set caret position (at end of snippet body)
            node.selectionEnd = node.selectionStart = endLength;

            if (/%[a-zA-Z0-9_]+%/.test(snip.body)) {
                // this is a global boolean used later
                // it has been declared in the top level context
                PlaceholderMode = true;
                formatPlaceholders(node, beginLength, endLength, true);

            // snippet replacement done; move out of loop
} // formatSnippets function ends

function handleKeyDown(event) {
    var keyCode = event.keyCode;

    // [Tab] key press
    if (keyCode === 9 && !event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey) {
        if (PlaceholderMode) {
            event.preventDefault(); // prevents the default event
            event.stopPropagation(); // prevents its propagation to parent elements

            formatPlaceholders(this, beginLength, endLength, true);
        // insert four spaces if the user wishes
        /* else if(Data.tabKey){ // this is beyond the scope of this post
    // [Shift] + [Space] = formatting snippets
    else if (event.shiftKey && keyCode === 32 && !event.ctrlKey) {
        event.preventDefault(); // do not insert space (default event)
        formatSnippets(this); // format snippets in `this` (node)

document.onkeydown = function (event) {
    var node = event.target;

    // run only if the node is a <textarea>
    if (node.tagName === "TEXTAREA") handleKeyDown.call(node, event);
Try typing "name or "reply", pressing Shift+Space, and you'll see the magical placeholders. Use [Tab] key to switch between multiple placeholders.